. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » DD WCQ – CA: Round 4 Feature Match: Yojan Arellano vs. Juan Coronel Contreras
Home > 2014 Central American WCQ, Championships, Dragon Duel > DD WCQ – CA: Round 4 Feature Match: Yojan Arellano vs. Juan Coronel Contreras

DD WCQ – CA: Round 4 Feature Match: Yojan Arellano vs. Juan Coronel Contreras

July 5th, 2014

In our Round 3 Dragon Duel Feature Match, we saw 11-year-old Daniel Coronel Contreras defeat 2013 World Championship competitor Marco Ruiz to advance undefeated in the tournament. Now, Daniel’s older brother Juan is sitting at the Feature Match table, Dueling for his chance to advance with a 3-1 record and a shot at a Top 4 finish.

But Juan Coronel Contreras’s opponent, 12-year-old Yojan Arellano from Zapopan, Mexico, won’t make that easy for him. Yojan Arellano is piloting an innovative Battlin’ Boxer Deck that quickly Xyz Summons Battlin’ Boxer Lead Yoke to overwhelm his opponents. Will Arellano’s innovative strategy allow him to overcome Coronel Contreras’s tried and true Geargia Deck? It’s time to Duel!

Duel One

Coronel Contreras started off Duel 1 by Summoning Geargiagear. He Tributed it to Special Summon Geargiarmor from his Deck and then activated its effect to flip it face-down. He Set 4 cards to his back row before passing his turn.

Juan Coronel Contreras

Arellano opened up with D.D. Crow, 3 copies of Battlin’ Boxer Headgeared, and a Battlin’ Boxer Switchitter. He Summoned Headgeared and activated its effect to send Battlin’ Boxer Glassjaw from his Deck to his Graveyard.

Coronel Contreras Flip Summoned Geargiarmor and activated its effect to add Geargiaccelerator from his Deck to his hand. Next, he used his Geargiarmor’s effect to flip it face-down and then he Set another card to his back row.

Arellano drew another Battlin’ Boxer Switchitter next turn. He Summoned it and activated its effect to Special Summon Glassjaw from his Graveyard. Next, he discarded D.D. Crow to banish Geargiarsenal from Coronel Contreras’s Graveyard. He combined Switchitter with Headgeared to try to Xyz Summon Battlin’ Boxer Lead Yoke; but Coronel Contreras flipped Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate Lead Yoke’s Summon! Glassjaw attacked Geargiarmor next, flipping it face-up. Coronel Contreras added Geargiaccelerator from his Deck to his Graveyard with the effect of his Geargiarmor and then Geargiaccelerator was destroyed by battle.

Coronel Contreras activated Upstart Goblin to draw a card and give Arellano 1000 Life Points. Next, he Summoned Geargiaccelerator. He Special Summoned another Geargiaccelerator from his hand in Defense Position next, and then combined both Geargiaccelerators to Xyz Summon Gear Gigant X! He detached an Xyz Material from Gear Gigant X to add Geargiarmor from his Graveyard to his hand and then attacked Glassjaw with Gear Gigant X. Glassjaw destroyed itself with its own effect, and Arellano added Switchitter from his Graveyard to his hand with Glassjaw’s effect. Then Gear Gigant X attacked directly, dropping Arellano down to 6700 Life Points. Coronel Contreras Set another card to his back row before ending his turn.

Arellano drew Fiendish Chain and Set it next turn. He Summoned Switchitter next, and used Switchitter’s effect to Special Summon Glassjaw from his Graveyard. He combined Switchitter with Glassjaw to Xyz Summon Battlin’ Boxer Lead Yoke and then ended his turn.

Coronel Contreras activated the effect of Gear Gigant X by detaching an Xyz Material from it. Arellano tried to negate its effect with Fiendish Chain; but Coronel Contreras flipped Wiretap to negate Fiendish Chain and shuffle it back into Arellano’s Deck! Coronel Contreras added Geargiaccelerator from his Deck to his hand with the effect of Gear Gigant X. Next, he Summoned Geargiarmor. He Special Summoned Geargiaccelerator next. He combined Geargiaccelerator with Geargiarmor to Xyz Summon Number 101: Silent Honor ARK. He detached both Xyz Materials from Number 101: Silent Honor ARK to absorb Lead Yoke as an Xyz Material. Finally, Gear Gigant X and Number 101: Silent Honor ARK attacked Arellano directly.

Arellano activated Kaiser Colosseum and Summoned Switchitter. He tried to activate its effect, but Coronel Contreras flipped Fiendish Chain to negate its effect.

On Coronel Contreras’s next turn, he attacked with Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and Gear Gigant X to wipe out Switchitter, along with the rest of Arellano’s Life Points.

Double Xyz

Coronel Contreras overcomes 2 copies of Battlin’ Boxer Lead Yokes to win the first Duel! Yojan Arellano will be going first in Duel 2!

Duel Two

Arellano opened up Duel 2 with Bottomless Trap Hole, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Foolish Burial, Reinforcement of the Army, Kaiser Colosseum, and Battlin’ Boxer Switchitter. He Set Bottomless Trap Hole and then activated Reinforcement of the Army to add Battlin’ Boxer Headgeared from his Deck to his hand. He activated Foolish Burial next, sending Battlin’ Boxer Sparrer from his Deck to his Graveyard. He Summoned Headgeared next, activating its effect to send Battlin’ Boxer Glassjaw from his Deck to his Graveyard. Next, he used Glassjaw’s effect to add Sparrer from his Graveyard to his hand. He Special Summoned Sparrer and then activated Kaiser Colosseum. He combined Sparrer with Headgeared to Special Summon Battlin’ Boxer Lead Yoke in Attack Position and then ended his turn.

Yojan Arellano

Coronel Contreras Summoned Geargiarmor and then activated Creature Swap! He handed over Geargiarmor and took control of Lead Yoke! Lead Yoke attacked and destroyed Geargiarmor, and Arellano dropped down to 6900 Life Points. Coronel Contreras Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Arellano drew Mystical Space Typhoon and activated it to destroy Coronel Contreras’s face-down Wiretap. Next, he Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and ended his turn.

Coronel Contreras attacked and destroyed Rai-Oh with Lead Yoke. Next, he Set a card to his back row and passed.

Arellano Summoned Switchitter and activated its effect to Special Summon Glassjaw from his Graveyard. He combined both monsters to try to Xyz Summon Battlin’ Boxer Lead Yoke; but Coronel Contreras flipped Black Horn of Heaven to negate its Summon.

Coronel Contreras Set another card to his back row and attacked directly with Lead Yoke.

Arellano Summoned Glassjaw and activated Swords of Revealing Light!

Coronel Contreras activated Dark Hole to clear the field, and Arellano added Switchitter to his hand with Glassjaw’s effect. Coronel Contreras couldn’t attack due to the effect of Swords of Revealing Light.

Arellano Summoned Switchitter and activated its effect to Special Summon Glassjaw from his Graveyard. Coronel Contreras flipped Book of Moon to put Glassjaw face-down before Arellano could Xyz Summon.

Coronel Contreras Summoned Geargiaccelerator and passed, still unable to attack.

Arellano Summoned Headgeared and Coronel Contreras flipped Needle Ceiling to destroy all face-up monsters! Lead Yoke protected itself with an Xyz Material, and when Arellano tried to return Lead Yoke to his Extra Deck with Compulsory Evacuation Device, Coronel Contreras flipped Wiretap to negate Compulsory Evacuation Device and shuffle it back into Arellano’s Deck.

Coronel Contreras Set a card to his back row and ended his turn, causing the effect of Swords of Revealing Light to expire.

Arellano Summoned Switchitter and activated its effect to Special Summon Glassjaw from his Graveyard. He combined Glassjaw with Switchitter to Xyz Summon Heroic Champion – Excalibur and then detached both Xyz Materials to double his Excalibur’s ATK. He attacked Lead Yoke to destroy it and then Flip Summoned Glassjaw in Main Phase 2.

Coronel Contreras activated Geargiagear. He Special Summoned Geargiano Mk-II and Geargiano from his Deck as Level 4 monsters and then combined them to Xyz Summon Number 101: Silent Honor ARK. Arellano tried to banish Number 101: Silent Honor ARK with Bottomless Trap Hole; but Coronel Contreras Chained Wiretap to negate it! He detached both Xyz Materials from Number 101: Silent Honor ARK to attach Heroic Champion – Excalibur to it as an Xyz Material. Then, Number 101: Silent Honor ARK attacked Glassjaw. Glassjaw’s effect activated to cause it to destroy itself and return Switchitter from the Graveyard to Arellano’s hand, and then Number 101: Silent Honor ARK attacked directly. Coronel Contreras Set a monster before passing his turn.

Arellano drew DNA Surgery and Set it. He Summoned Switchitter next, and used its effect to Special Summon Glassjaw from his Graveyard. He combined both monsters to Xyz Summon Battlin’ Boxer Lead Yoke and then attacked Number 101: Silent Honor ARK, forcing it to give up an Xyz Material to protect itself.

Coronel Contreras Flip Summoned Geargiarmor to add Geargiano Mk-II to his hand with its effect and then activated Mind Control to take control of Battlin’ Boxer Lead Yoke. Next, he Summoned Geargiano Mk-II and used its effect to Special Summon Geargiano from his Graveyard. He combined Geargiano Mk-II with Geargiano to Xyz Summon Soul of Silvermountain, and used its effect to pin down Arellano’s face-down DNA Surgery. Direct attacks from Coronel Contreras’s 4 monsters wiped out the rest of Arellano’s Life Points!

End of Match

Yojan Arellano showcases some cool moves with his Battlin’ Boxer Deck, but is ultimately defeated by Juan Coronel Contreras’s Geargia Deck. Juan Coronel Contreras advances in the Dragon Duels with a 3-1 record, likely to make it to the Top 4 with his younger brother!