WCQ – CA: QQ: What’s Your Favorite Change on the New Forbidden & Limited List?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! The Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME world is abuzz about the impending changes to the Forbidden & Limited List, set to take effect in just over a week. I surveyed a couple of Duelists this weekend to see which changes to the Forbidden & Limited List are their favorites. Check out their responses!
Ivan Alvares says his favorite change is the return of Goyo Guardian! He has an X-Saber Deck that Summons Goyo Guardian very quickly, and is thrilled to be able to Summon it. He’s surprised the Artifacts/Traptrix/Hands Deck was untouched, but is happy that he can now build a Deck around that trio of cards.
Enrique Valdez says he loves the limitation of Geargiagear. He believes that the Geargia Deck was previously too aggressive, and that Geargia Decks will keep getting more cards to make them better. He also likes that Reinforcement of the Army is now Semi-Limited, because it gives more opportunities to lots of Decks like Infernities and Amazonesses. He’s also excited about the return of Goyo Guardian, because it will have a direct impact on the game, even if it’s not very useful.
Tannus Abouzaid says he likes that Dimensional Prison and Mirror Force will be Unlimited, because more Decks will be able to use lots of Traps. He also likes that having Reinforcement of the Army semi-Limited will increase the playability of the new Warriors in Duelist Alliance.
Alfredo Cordova loves that Geargiagear will be Limited, and that they’re bringing back many cards that will boost the game. He’s excited that Magician of Faith, Mirror Force, and Dimensional Prison got a boost with the new List, since Duelists can now run more copies of each of them.
Fabian Pineda Franco says that the return of Goyo Guardian got his attention on the new Forbidden & Limited List. He says that he’s happy to see Konami give more life to Synchro Monsters, and thinks that Shooting Quasar Dragon will become more powerful with Goyo Guardian soon-to-be Limited and Formula Synchron soon-to-be Semi-Limited. He’s also glad about the Limitation on Geargiagear, because he says Geargia Decks are too fast. Franco also believes that Reinforcement of the Army will be one of the strongest cards in the upcoming format, because he says it provides a boost to upcoming card releases, as well as HERO Decks and Six Samurai Decks.
What’s your favorite change on the new Forbidden & Limited List?