. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » WCQ – CA: Round 6 Feature Match Radolfo Rosete vs. Emmanuel Padilla
Home > 2014 Central American WCQ, Championships > WCQ – CA: Round 6 Feature Match Radolfo Rosete vs. Emmanuel Padilla

WCQ – CA: Round 6 Feature Match Radolfo Rosete vs. Emmanuel Padilla

July 6th, 2014

Radolfo Rosete from Mexico City and Emmanuel Padilla from Guadalajara are both currently undefeated with relatively unconventional strategies. Rosete is using an Evol Deck, featuring the new Evo-Singularity Trap Card from Primal Origin, which helps Special Summon a powered-up Xyz Monster with the flip of a card. Emmanuel Padilla is using an Infernity Deck, which discards or Sets all of the cards in his hand in order to take advantage of powerful Infernity card effects. Which one of these strategies will advance with a 6-0 record? It’s time to Duel!

Rodolfo Rosete opened up Duel 1 with Evoltile Najasho, Soul Charge, Evolsaur Diplo, Evo-Diversity, and 2 copies of Divine Wrath. He activated Evo-Diversity to add Evoltile Westlo from his Deck to his hand and then Set Westlo. He Set 2 copies of Divine Wrath before ending his turn.

Radolfo Rosete

Padilla Summoned Summoner Monk and used its effect to switch it to Defense Position. He discarded Foolish Burial to try to activate his Monk’s effect; but Rosete activated Divine Wrath and discarded Diplo to negate its effect and destroy Summoner Monk!

Rosete Flip Summoned Westlo next turn, and used its effect to Special Summon Evolsaur Diplo from his Deck. He activated Diplo’s effect to try to destroy Padilla’s face-down Mystical Space Typhoon; but Padilla Chained it to destroy Rosete’s face-down Divine Wrath. Westlo and Diplo attacked directly, dropping Rosete down to 5700 Life Points. Rosete Set Solemn Warning and Soul Charge before ending his turn.

Padilla activated Reinforcement of the Army to add Dark Grepher from his Deck to his hand and then tried to Summon it; but Rosete flipped Solemn Warning and gave up 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon.

Rosete drew Evo-Diversity next turn! He activated it to add Evolsaur Cerato from his Deck to his hand and then Summoned Cerato to the field. Next, he attacked directly with Westlo, Diplo, and Cerato to drop Padilla down to 1500 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Rosete combined Cerato with Diplo to Xyz Summon Evolsaur Laggia in Attack Position!

Padilla Set a card to each zone and passed.

Rosete attacked and destroyed Padilla’s face-down Stygian Street Patrol with Laggia and then attacked directly with Westlo, dropping Padilla down to 800 Life Points.

Padilla tried to Summon Infernity Necromancer, but Rosete negated its Summon by detaching 2 Xyz Materials from Laggia. Next, Padilla banished Stygian Street Patrol from his Graveyard to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his hand! With no other cards in his hand, he activated his Archfiend’s effect to add Infernity Launcher from his Deck to his hand. He activated the Launcher and then sent it to the Graveyard to Special Summon Infernity Necromancer from his Graveyard. Next, he activated Transmodify, trading in his Necromancer for an Infernity Archfiend from his Deck. He activated the effect of his new Archfiend to add Infernity Break to his hand and then Set Infernity Break. Finally, he combined both of his Infernity Archfiends to Xyz Summon Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight. He attacked Laggia with his Knight to destroy Laggia.

Rosete drew Pot of Duality next turn. He activated it to reveal Evo-Diversity, Evo-Force, and Evolsaur Cerato from the top of his Deck, and added Evo-Force to his hand before shuffling the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Set Najasho and switched Westlo into Defense Position before ending his turn, and Padilla banished Infernity Launcher from his Graveyard to activate Infernity Break and destroy the face-down Najasho.

Padilla Set a card to his back row and then attacked Westlo with his Knight to destroy it.

Rosete Set Evoltile Najasho and then activated Evo-Force! He Tributed Najasho to Special Summon Evolsaur Vulcano from his Deck. He Special Summoned Diplo from his Graveyard with Vulcano’s effect and then Special Summoned another Vulcano from his Deck with Najasho’s effect. Next, he activated Vulcano’s effect to Special Summon another Diplo from his Graveyard. He combined Vulcano with Diplo to Xyz Summon Evolzar Laggia and then combined his other Vulcano with his other Diplo to Xyz Summon Gagaga Cowboy in Defense Position. He detached an Xyz Material from his Cowboy to deal 800 points of damage to Padilla, wiping out his last 800 Life Points!

Laggia Cowboy

Radolfo Rosete wins a close first Duel with Gagaga Cowboy after dropping Padilla down to 800 Life Points! Emmanuel Padilla will be going first in Duel 2!

Duel Two

Padilla started off Duel 2 by activating Reinforcement of the Army to add Dark Grepher from his Deck to his hand. He Summoned it and then discarded Archfiend Heiress from his hand to activate its effect and send Stygian Street Patrol from his Deck to his Graveyard. Next, he Set 3 cards to his back row and banished Stygian Street Patrol from his Graveyard to activate its effect. Rosete Chained Maxx “C”! Padilla Special Summoned Infernity Archfiend from his hand, causing Rosete to draw a card off of Maxx “C”. Padilla added Infernity Barrier from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his Archfiend and then Set the Barrier before ending his turn.

Emmanuel Padilla

Rosete opened up with Enemy Controller, Evo-Singularity, Evoltile Westlo, Evolsaur Vulcano, and 2 copies of Evoltile Najasho. He Set Najasho and then activated Enemy Controller! He Tributed Najasho to try to take control of Infernity Archfiend. Padilla flipped Infernity Barrier to negate Enemy Controller, and Rosete Special Summoned Evolsaur Cerato from his Deck with Najasho’s effect. Next, Rosete attacked Dark Grepher with Cerato; but Padilla flipped Infernity Break! Padilla banished Infernity Barrier from his Graveyard to destroy Cerato. Rosete Set Evo-Singularity before ending his turn, andPadilla flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Evo-Singularity in the End Phase.

Padilla drew Summoner Monk and Summoned it, switching it to Defense Position with its effect. Next, he combined Dark Grepher with Summoner Monk to Xyz Summon Lavalval Chain in Attack Position. He detached Dark Grepher as an Xyz Material to activate his Lavalval Chain’s effect and send Infernity Archfiend to the top of his Deck. Finally, he attacked directly with Infernity Archfiend and Lavalval Chain to drop Rosete down to 4400 Life Points.

Rosete drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn. He Set it along with Evoltile Westlo and then ended his turn.

Padilla – unsurprisingly – drew Infernity Archfiend next turn and Special Summoned it. He activated its effect to add Infernity Launcher from his Deck to his hand and then activated the Launcher; but Rosete immediately Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it. Next, Padilla combined his 2 Archfiends to Xyz Summon Number 66: Master Key Beetle, and used its effect to protect his face-down back row. Then, he detached an Xyz Material from his Lavalval Chain to put Infernity Archfiend on top of his Deck again. Number 66 attacked Rosete’s face-down Westlo, and Rosete activated its effect to Special Summon Evolsaur Cerato from his Deck. Westlo was destroyed in battle. In Main Phase 2, Padilla switched his Lavalval Chain to Defense Position.

Rosete drew another Evoltile Westlo next turn. He attacked Lavalval Chain with his Cerato to destroy it, and then activated his Cerato’s effect to add Evoltile Westlo from his Deck to his hand. Finally, he Set Westlo before ending his turn.

Padilla once again drew Infernity Archfiend and Special Summoned it. He activated its effect to add Infernity Necromancer from his Deck to his hand and then Summoned Necromancer to the field. He switched it into Defense Position with its effect and then activated its effect to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard in Attack Position. Next, he used his Archfiend’s effect to add Infernity Break from his Deck to his hand. He detached an Xyz Material from Master Key Beetle to protect his newly Set Infernity Break and then attacked Westlo with Infernity Archfiend. Rosete Special Summoned Vulcano from his Deck in Defense Position with Westlo’s effect, and used Vulcano’s effect to Special Summon Cerato from his Graveyard in Attack Position. Padilla attacked the newly Summoned Cerato with Number 66, destroying it, and then attacked Vulcano with Archfiend to destroy the Vulcano. In Main Phase 2, Padilla combined his 2 Archfiends to Xyz Summon Number 50: Blackship of Corn, and detached an Xyz Material from it to send Evolsaur Cerato to the Graveyard and deal 1000 points of damage to Rosete.

Rosete Set another Westlo next turn and then passed his turn. In his End Phase, Padilla flipped Infernity Break, destroying the face-down Westlo.

Padilla drew Archfiend Palabyrinth next turn. He activated it, and Rosete immediately conceded, realizing he was defeated.

Palabyrinth and Friends

Radolfo Rosete will be going first in the final Duel of the Match!

Duel Three

Rosete opened up Duel 3 with Mystical Space Typhoon, Evolsaur Diplo, Evo-Diversity, Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos, and 2 copies of Maxx “C”. He activated Evo-Diversity to add Evoltile Westlo from his Deck to his hand and then Set the Westlo. He Set Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn.

Padilla activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Rosete’s face-down Mystical Space Typhoon and then Summoned Dark Grepher. He discarded Infernity Necromancer from his hand to send Infernity Archfiend from his Deck to his Graveyard and then Set 2 cards to his back row. He activated Infernity Launcher next, and sent it to the Graveyard to activate its effect. Rosete Chained Maxx “C”, and Padilla Special Summoned Infernity Archfiend and Infernity Necromancer, allowing Rosete to draw another Evolsaur Diplo from his Deck from the effect of Maxx “C”. With no cards left in his hand, Padilla activated his Archfiend’s effect to add Infernity Barrier from his Deck to his hand. He Set the Barrier before ending his turn.

Rosete drew Pot of Duality next turn. He discarded Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos and Evolsaur Diplo from his hand to activate Blaster’s effect and destroy Padilla’s face-down Infernity Barrier. Next, he Flip Summoned Evoltile Westlo and activated its effect to Special Summon Evolsaur Vulcano from his Deck. He activated Vulcano’s effect to Special Summon Evolsaur Diplo from his Graveyard and then combined his Vulcano with his Diplo to Xyz Summon Number 101: Silent Honor ARK. Padilla flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to try to banish it; so Rosete detached an Xyz Material to protect his Number monster. Padilla attacked and destroyed Infernity Necromancer with Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and then Set Westlo before ending his turn.

Padilla Set a card to his back row and then combined Dark Grepher with Infernity Archfiend to Xyz Summon Lavalval Chain. He detached Archfiend from it to activate its effect and send another Infernity Archfiend to the top of his Deck. Next, he attacked Westlo with his Lavalval Chain to destroy it and deal 1100 points of damage to Rosete. Time was called during this turn, and the Duel advanced with end of time procedures in effect. In 5 turns, the Duelists with the highest number of Life Points would be the winner.

Rosete drew Pot of Duality. He banished Westlo and Diplo from his Graveyard to Special Summon Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos from his Graveyard and then Flip Summoned Diplo. Blaster attacked and destroyed Lavalval Chain, and then direct attacks from Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and Evolsaur Diplo dropped Padilla down to 3300 Life Points. Rosete Set Pot of Duality and Evoltile Najasho before ending his turn.

Padilla drew Infernity Archfiend and activated its effect to Special Summon it. Rosete Chained Maxx “C”! Rosete drew a card when Padilla Special Summoned the Archfiend, and then Padilla activated his Archfiend’s effect to add Infernity Necromancer from his Deck to his hand. He Summoned the Infernity Necromancer and switched it to Defense Position, and then activated its effect to Special Summon another Archfiend from his Graveyard, allowing Rosete to draw another card from Maxx “C”. Padilla added Infernity Break from his Deck to his hand with his Archfiend’s effect and Set it. Padilla attacked Diplo with an Archfiend to destroy the Diplo, and then ended his turn. Blaster returned to Rosete’s hand in the End Phase.

Rosete drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn. He activated it to target Padilla’s face-down Forbidden Lance, and Padilla Chained the Forbidden Lance to weaken Number 101: Silent Honor ARK by 800 ATK. Next, Rosete activated Pot of Duality, revealing Evo-Diversity, Evolsaur Cerato, and Evo-Singularity from the top of his Deck. He added Evo-Singularity to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Set Evolsaur Vulcano, Evo-Singularity, and Divine Wrath before ending his turn.

Padilla drew and Summoned Summoner Monk next turn, and activated its effect to switch it into Defense Position. Next, he activated Infernity Break, banishing Infernity Barrier from his Graveyard to destroy Rosete’s face-down Vulcano. He combined Summoner Monk with Infernity Archfiend next, in order to Xyz Summon Number 50: Blackship of Corn! He detached an Xyz Material from Number 50: Blackship of Corn to try to send Number 101: Silent Honor ARK to the Graveyard; but Rosete flipped Divine Wrath and discarded Blaster to negate the effect of Number 50: Blackship of Corn and destroy it! Next, Padilla activated the effect of Infernity Necromancer to Special Summon Infernity Archfiend from his Graveyard. He activated his Archfiend’s effect to add Infernity Break from his Deck to his hand. He combined both Infernity Archfiends to Xyz Summon Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and then detached both Xyz Materials from Number 101 to absorb Rosete’s Number 101: Silent Honor ARK as an Xyz Material. Rosete tried to activate Evo-Singularity in the End Phase, but Padilla flipped Trap Stun to negate it!

Rosete drew Evo-Force next turn. He was completely outmatched by Padilla’s cards, with only an Evo-Force in his possession; but with 6700 Life Points, which was 3400 Life Points more than Padilla had, Rosete was able to end his turn and win the Duel, ahead at the close of end-of-time procedure.

Radolfo Rosete remains undefeated with his Evol Deck!