. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » WCQ – CA: Top 32 Feature Match: Mauricio Olmos vs. Cristian Hernandez
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WCQ – CA: Top 32 Feature Match: Mauricio Olmos vs. Cristian Hernandez

July 6th, 2014

Welcome to the Top 32! A wide variety of Decks made it to Day 2, but Mauricio Olmos’s is one of the most interesting among them. Olmos’s Deck combines two completely diverse strategies that generally operate separately – he’s using a Deck that integrates the Madolche strategy with the Artifact engine to completely throw his opponents off guard. Like Olmos’s Deck, Hernandez’s Deck also combines several different strategies. Guadalajara’s Cristian Hernandez is using an Artifacts/Traptrix/Hands Deck that takes advantage of a variety of different card effects. Only one of these Duelists will advance to the Top 16. It’s time to Duel!

Duel One

Hernandez activated Pot of Duality, revealing Torrential Tribute and 2 copies of Ice Hand from the top of his Deck. He added an Ice Hand to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he Set a monster and Set 3 cards to his back row.

Cristian Hernandez

Olmos opened up with Dimensional Prison, Artifact Ignition, Divine Wrath, Madolche Ticket, Black Horn of Heaven, and Torrential Tribute. He Set 3 cards to his back row and then passed his turn.

Hernandez Normal Summoned Ice Hand and then Flip Summoned Ice Hand. He attacked with his first Ice Hand, and lost his monster to Dimensional Prison; he attacked with his second Ice Hand, and Olmos lost 1400 Life Points.

Olmos drew Solemn Warning next turn and Set it.

Hernandez attacked directly with Ice Hand, dropping Olmos down to 5200 Life Points. Hernandez Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Olmos drew Madolche Anjelly! He activated Madolche Ticket and then Summoned Anjelly. He Tributed Anjelly to activate its effect and Special Summoned Madolche Hootcake from his Deck in Defense Position. Next, he activated the effect of Hootcake; but Hernandez flipped Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate its effect and destroy the Hootcake. Hootcake shuffled into Olmos’s Deck, and Olmos used his Madolche Ticket to add Madolche Anjelly from his Deck to his hand. Olmos Set Divine Wrath and then ended his turn.

Hernandez attacked directly with Ice Hand, dropping Olmos down to 3800 Life Points. He Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Olmos Summoned Madolche Anjelly next turn, and Hernandez flipped Breakthrough Skill to negate its effect!

Hernandez Summoned Traptrix Dionaea and then activated Mind Control to take control of Anjelly. Olmos discarded Maxx “C” after he took control of it. Next, Hernandez combined Anjelly with Dionaea to Xyz Summon Number 101: Silent Honor ARK, and Olmos drew Artifact Beagalltach off of the effect of Maxx “C”. Olmos flipped Torrential Tribute next, destroying Ice Hand and taking an Xyz Material from Number 101: Silent Honor ARK. Hernandez tried to activate the effect of Ice Hand, but Olmos negated it with Divine Wrath. Hernandez attacked directly with Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and then ended his turn.

Olmos drew Madolche Anjelly and Summoned it, but Hernandez flipped Torrential Tribute to destroy it, and gave up another Xyz Material from Number 101: Silent Honor ARK to protect his Number monster. Olmos shuffled Anjelly back into his Deck and added an Anjelly to his hand with Ticket. He Set Artifact Beagalltach before passing his turn.

Hernandez attacked with Number 101: Silent Honor ARK, but Olmos flipped Artifact Ignition. He destroyed his face-down Beagalltach and Set Artifact Moralltach from his Deck, and then used his Beagalltach’s effect to Special Summon it in Defense Position. He tried to destroy one of his own back rows with Beagalltach’s effect, but Olmos negated its effect with Breakthrough Skill. Hernandez Set a card to his back row before passing.

Olmos Summoned Madolche Anjelly and Tributed it to Special Summon Madolche Hootcake from his Deck. He activated Hootcake’s effect to banish Anjelly from his Graveyard and Special Summon Madolche Messengelato from his Deck in Defense Position. He activated Madolche Messengelato’s effect to add Madolche Chateau from his Deck to his hand and then Set a card to his back row.

Hernandez Set a card to each zone and passed. In his End Phase, Olmos flipped Double Cyclone! He destroyed Hernandez’s newly Set Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare along with his own Artifact Moralltach. He activated his Moralltach’s effect to Special Summon it and destroy Number 101: Silent Honor ARK.

Olmos combined Artifact Beagalltach with Artifact Moralltach to Xyz Summon Constellar Pleiades. Next, he activated his Hootcake’s effect to banish an Anjelly from his Graveyard and Special Summon Messengelato from his Deck in Defense Position. He added Madolchepalooza from his Deck to his hand with his Messengelato’s effect. He combined both Messengelatos to Xyz Summon Madolche Queen Tiaramisu, and Hernandez flipped Void Trap Hole to destroy it. Olmos activated Madolche Chateau next, shuffling all of the Madolches in his Graveyard back into his Deck. Next, he used the effect of Madolche Ticket to add Madolche Anjelly to his hand. He Summoned Madolche Mewfeuille next, and activated its effect to Special Summon Madolche Anjelly from his hand. He combined Mewfeuille with Hootcake to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon and then Special Summoned Anjelly from his Banished Zone. He combined both copies of Anjelly to Xyz Summon Madolche Queen Tiaramisu and then detached an Xyz Material from it to return 2 Madolches in his Graveyard back into his Deck and return Hernandez’s monster and back row to Hernandez’s Deck. Next, he detached an Xyz Material from Pleiades to return Hernandez’s last back row to his hand, and direct attacks from Pleiades, Leviair, and Madolche Queen Tiaramisu wiped out all of Hernandez’s Life Points!

Pleiades, Leviair, Tiaramisu

Mauricio Olmos takes a come-from-behind victory after pulling off the effects of his Artifacts in a long first Duel! Christian Hernandez will be going first in Duel 2!

Duel Two

Hernandez started off Duel 2 by setting a monster and Setting 3 cards to his back row.

Olmos Set 3 cards to his back row and passed his turn.

Mauricio Olmos (1)

Hernandez Summoned Traptrix Myrmeleo, but lost out on its effect to Effect Veiler. He attacked with Myrmeleo, but Olmos flipped Artifact Sanctum to Special Summon Moralltachfrom his Deck and destroy Myrmeleo.

Olmos Summoned Madolche Anjelly next turn. Hernandez tried to negate its effect with Breakthrough Skill, but Olmos Chained Wiretap to negate Breakthrough Skill and shuffle it into Hernandez’s Deck. Next, Olmos Tributed Anjelly to Special Summon Madolche Hootcake from his Deck in Defense Position, and activated Hootcake’s effect by banishing Anjelly from his Graveyard. He Special Summoned Madolche Messengelato in Defense Position and used his Messengelato’s effect to add Madolche Chateau to his hand. He activated Mind Control to take control of Hernandez’s face-down Fire Hand, and then Flip Summoned it. Next, he activated Madolche Chateau and shuffled all of the Madolches from his Graveyard back into his Deck. He combined Messengelato with Fire Hand to Xyz Summon Number 101: Silent Honor ARK next, and then attacked directly with Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and Moralltach. Hernandez dropped down to 3800 Life Points.

Hernandez flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Madolche Chateau and then activated Dark Hole! Number 101: Silent Honor ARK gave up an Xyz Material to protect itself, and all other monsters were destroyed. Hootcake shuffled back into Olmos’s Deck. Next, Hernandez Summoned Ice Hand. He attacked Number 101: Silent Honor ARK with Ice Hand, and used Ice Hand’s effect to destroy Olmos’s face-down Moralltach and Special Summon Fire Hand from his Deck. Moralltach was Special Summoned to the field, and then destroyed Fire Hand with its effect. Hernandez used his Fire Hand’s effect, but Olmos discarded Skull Meister from his hand to negate it.

Olmos attacked with Moralltach, but his monster was flipped face-down by Hernandez’s Book of Moon. Next, Number 101: Silent Honor ARK attacked directly.


Hernandez drew a card and conceded on his next turn, unable to defeat Olmos’s monsters.

Mexico City’s Mauricio Olmos is moving on to the Top 16 with his Madolche Artifacts Deck!