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Home > 2014/11 - Anaheim, CA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 6 Feature Match: Kenneth Ramirez versus Israel Estrada

Round 6 Feature Match: Kenneth Ramirez versus Israel Estrada

November 23rd, 2014

For Round 6, we’re featuring two of the Decks that got powered up by The New Challengers. It’s Kenneth Ramirez’s Satellarknights, up against the Burning Abyss piloted by Israel Estrada. Burning Abyss is definitely one of the most popular strategies this weekend, while Satellarknights are much less common. Will the popular Deck win, or can the underdog take it?

Duel 1

Ramirez started with a hand of Thunder King Rai-Oh, Reinforcement of the Army, Artifact Sanctum, and 2 Satellarknight Deneb. He played Reinforcement of the Army to get Satellarknight Vega, then played Vega to Special Summon Deneb. He searched for Satellarknight Altair, then Xyz Summoned Abyss Dweller. He Set Artifact Sanctum.

Estrada Special Summoned Cir from his hand, then Tributed it for Vanity’s Fiend! It destroyed Abyss Dweller in battle, then Estrada Set two cards to his back row.

Ramirez drew Stellarnova Alpha. He played Deneb, searching for Satellarknight Unukalhai, and Set Stellarnova Alpha.

Estrada attacked with Vanity’s Fiend, destroying Deneb, then Set a third back row card.

Ramirez drew Wiretap. He Normal Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh, and Estrada used Solemn Warning to destroy it. Ramirez Set Wiretap.

Estrada attacked directly with Vanity’s Fiend, putting Ramirez down to 4000 Life Points. Estrada Set a card to his back row.

Ramirez drew Artifact Ignition. He played Unukalhai, sending Deneb to the Graveyard, then Set Ignition.

Vanity’s Fiend destroyed Unukalhai.

Ramirez drew Artifact Sanctum. He Set it, completely pinned down by Vanity’s Fiend.

Estrada flipped Trap Stun, and Ramirez had no choice, but to take Vanity’s Fiend’s attack to end the Duel!

Estrada simply plays out Vanity’s Fiend and rides it to victory! If he can do that again, he’ll have taken an easy victory!

Duel 2

Ramirez started with Mystical Space Typhoon, Stellarnova Alpha, Artifact Sanctum, Artifact Beagalltach, and Satellarknight Deneb. He played Deneb, getting Satellarknight Altair. He Set everything but Altair.

Estrada Special Summoned Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his hand, and Normal Summoned Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. Ramirez flipped Artifact Sanctum, bringing Artifact Moralltach to the field. Moralltach’s effect destroyed Rubic, and Estrada Set three cards to his back row.

Ramirez drew Raigeki, and Estrada flipped Mind Crush to try hitting Satellarknight Altair. Ramirez used Stellarnova Alpha with his Deneb to negate Mind Crush, and he drew Dimensional Prison. He played the Altair next, reviving Deneb and searching for another Altair. He Xyz Summoned Abyss Dweller and Set Dimensional Prison. In the End Phase, Estrada used Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, discarding The Traveler and the Burning Abyss to get rid of Abyss Dweller.

Estrada Normal Summoned Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, then flipped Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss! He sent Graff and Scarm to the Graveyard, destroying Mystical Space Typhoon, Dimensional Prison, and Artifact Beagalltach. Beagalltach came back in Defense Position. Estrada used Graff to bring out Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss in Defense Position. In the End Phase, Scarm’s effect gave him Tour Guide From the Underworld.

Ramirez drew Wiretap. He played Altair to revive Deneb, which gave him his third Altair in his hand. He Xyz Summoned Abyss Dweller again, used its effect, then played Raigeki to destroy Cir! He stacked Moralltach and Beagalltach for Constellar Pleiades. He couldn’t attack due to Altair’s effect.

Estrada only had two cards – the one he just drew, and the Tour Guide he got last turn. He played Tour Guide, bringing out Graff, and Xyz Summoned Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction! Ramirez decided to use Pleiades on it. He’d intended to use Abyss Dweller in response, keeping the Graff Xyz Material from activating – but he forgot he had to use Dweller before the monsters activate. Once Acid Golem was gone, it was too late, and Graff activated, bringing out Scarm. Estrada Special Summoned Cir from his hand, and went for Acid Golem again! It attacked Pleiades, destroying it in battle!

Ramirez drew Mystical Space Typhoon. He played Altair, brought back Deneb, and searched for Satellarknight Unukalhai. Next, he Xyz Summoned Number 101: Silent Honor ARK! Silent Honor ARK sucked up Acid Golem, leaving Estrada with absolutely no cards.

Estrada passed.

Ramirez drew Artifact Sanctum. He played Unukalhai, sending Deneb to the Graveyard, and moved to his Battle Phase. Unukalhai, Abyss Dweller, and Silent Honor ARK attacked directly. Ramirez Set Artifact Sanctum to finish. When Estrada saw his next draw, he conceded!

Duel 3

Estrada began with two back row cards.

Ramirez had a hand of Artifact Moralltach, Satellarknight Unukalhai, 2 Satellarknight Altair, Artifact Ignition, and Call of the Haunted. He played Unukalhai, sending Deneb to the Graveyard. It attacked directly, then Ramirez Set Call, Ignition, and Moralltach.

Estrada Normal Summoned Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and activated Creature Swap! He took Unukalhai and handed over Graff. He moved to the Battle Phase, and Ramirez flipped Artifact Ignition! He destroyed his Moralltach, then Set a new Moralltach. The first one was Special Summoned – Graff destroyed itself with its Continuous Effect, and its effect Special Summoned Scarm to Estrada’s side, which was also destroyed by its Continuous Effect. Finally, Moralltach’s effect resolved, destroying Unukalhai. Estrada played Back to Square One, discarding Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning, to return Moralltach to the top of the Deck. In the End Phase, Scarm gave Estrada a Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Ramirez used Call of the Haunted to bring back Unukalhai, sending Deneb to the Graveyard.

Ramirez drew Maxx “C”. He Normal Summoned Satellarknight Altair, rought back Deneb, and added Satellarknight Vega to his hand. Altair and Unukalhai attacked directly. In Main Phase 2, Ramirez used all three of his monsters for Stellarknight Triverr in Defense Position! It returned everything to the hand. Ramirez Set his Call of the Haunted again, along with Moralltach. He used Triverr’s effect to rob Estrada of Tour Guide From the Underworld.

Estrada Normal Summoned Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and used Creature Swap again! He stole Triverr, and used its effect to knock away Ramirez’s Maxx “C”.  In the End Phase, Ramirez used Call of the Haunted to get back Altair, which also got Deneb, which searched for another Altair. The Scarm he’d gotten via Creature Swap destroyed itself, and Estrada used Scarm to get Tour Guide.

Ramirez drew Mystical Space Typhoon. He played Vega, Special Summoned Altair, and Special Summoned Unukalhai. He combined them for Stellarknight Delteros, and it destroyed Triverr! Triverr’s effect revived a  Unukalhai from the Graveyard – with a field of ‘tellarknights, Ramirez wiped out the last of Estrada’s Life Points!

Kenneth Ramirez is the victor, with Satellarknights! Even after their battle, the Duelists insisted on getting a picture together – they were just glad to have a Feature Match, and to be playing Yu-Gi-Oh!