. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 7 Feature Match: Adam Salas Versus Jose Lagunes
Home > 2014/11 - Anaheim, CA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 7 Feature Match: Adam Salas Versus Jose Lagunes

Round 7 Feature Match: Adam Salas Versus Jose Lagunes

November 23rd, 2014

We’re headed into Round 7, and we have two more undefeated Duelists at the Feature Match table! Adam Salas is packing Shadolls today, the new cards from The New Challengers like El Shaddoll Fusion. He’s facing WCQ winner and World Championship competitor Jose Lagunes! Lagunes is using Burning Abyss, also featuring NECH cards like Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss. This should be a great Match featuring two of the biggest Decks of this weekend.

Duel 1

Salas Set two back row cards.

Lagunes had Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Karma Cut, Mystical Space Typhoon, Soul Charge, and Solemn Warning. He Special Summoned Rubic from his hand, then Normal Summoned Calcab. He Xyz Summoned Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss. He detached Calcab, sending Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss and 2 Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to the Graveyard. Salas Chained Sinister Shadow Games, sending Shaddoll Hedgehog to the Graveyard so he could add Shaddoll Falco to his hand. Lagunes targeted Scarm with Cir, and targeted the back row card with Calcab. Salas Chained it: El Shaddoll Fusion! He fused Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning and Shaddoll Dragon into El Shaddoll Construct! Its effect put Shaddoll Beast in the Graveyard. Lagunes Set Mystical Space Typhoon, Warning, and Karma Cut. In the End Phase, Scarm’s effect gave him Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss.

Salas Normal Summoned Shaddoll Falco, and Lagunes used Karma Cut, discarding Graff and targeting El Shaddoll Construct. Salas Chained El Shaddoll Fusion from his hand, and Lagunes flipped Solemn Warning! Graff’s effect Special Summoned Cir, and Salas knew where things were going – he conceded right there!

Jose Lagunes takes a decisive first game, with victory in the opening turns of the Duel! He’s still got to win one more though – Salas could definitely take two in a row to bring it back.

Duel 2

Salas went first again, with Mathematician sending Shaddoll Squamata to the Graveyard. That sent Shaddoll Beast, and Salas Set three back row cards.

Lagunes’s hand consisted of Mystical Space Typhoon, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Karma Cut, The Monarchs Stormforth, Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and Puppet Plant. He Set Graff, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Compulsory Evacuation Device.

Salas played another Mathematician, sending Shaddoll Falco. It came back face-down.

Lagunes drew Upstart Goblin, and it gave him another copy of The Monarchs Stormforth. In the End Phase, Salas flipped Sinister Shadow Games, and Lagunes used Compulsory Evacuation Device to put the face-down Shaddoll Falco back to Salas’s hand. Salas sent Shaddoll Dragon to the Graveyard, which destroyed his own Set Artifact Moralltach. He Special Summoned Moralltach.

Salas Normal Summoned Falco, and tuned it to Moralltach for Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn, but lost it to Lagunes’s Karma Cut! Salas banished Moralltach and Falco to play Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning! He used its effect to banish Graff, and the Mathematicians attacked directly.

Lagunes drew Majesty’s Fiend! He played Puppet Plant on Black Luster Soldier, Salas Chained Book of Moon, and Lagunes Chained Mystical Space Typhoon on the other face-down card – it was Artifact Moralltach, and it Special Summoned itself. Lagunes played The Monarchs Stormforth next, Tributing Black Luster Soldier for Majesty’s Fiend! It destroyed Moralltach in battle.

Salas Set a back row card.

Lagunes drew Raiza the Storm Monarch. Majesty’s Fiend destroyed a Mathematician.

Salas played Shaddoll Fusion to throw down El Shaddoll Shekhinaga, and it destroyed Majesty’s Fiend!

Lagunes drew another Raiza and passed.

Salas Set another card to his back row. Shekhinaga attacked directly.

Lagunes drew Mystical Space Typhoon, and conceded!

Salas has evened the score! “I just wanna do 10,000 damage,” he said of the final Duel – that would certainly help, because this is the last Duel of the Match!

Duel 3

Lagunes started off the final Duel with a hand of Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, The Monarchs Stormforth, Majesty’s Fiend, Puppet Plant, and Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. He Set Wind Blast.

Salas used Foolish Burial to send Shaddoll Hedgehog to the Graveyard, adding Shaddoll Squamata to his hand. He played Squamata and attacked directly, then used El Shaddoll Fusion in the Battle Phase, fusing Squamata with Artifact Moralltach for El Shaddoll Construct! Construct and Squamata sent Shaddoll Beast and Shaddoll Falco to the Graveyard, so he drew a card and brought back Falco face-down. Construct attacked directly, and Salas Set four cards to his back row.

Lagunes drew Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. He played The Monarchs Stormforth, Tributing El Shaddoll Construct for Majesty’s Fiend! It attacked, destroying Shaddoll Falco. In the End Phase, Salas used Artifact Sanctum to bring out Artifact Moralltach, then used Shadoll Core. He flipped El Shaddoll Fusion, fusing Core with Artifact Moralltach, bringing out another El Shaddoll Construct! Core returned El Shaddoll Fusion to Salas’s hand.

Salas attacked with Construct, and Lagunes had to use Phoenix Wing Wind Blast on it, discarding Rubic.  Salas Set a second and third back row card.

Lagunes drew Breakthrough Skill and Set it. Majesty’s Fiend attacked directly.

Salas played Shaddoll Dragon and attacked, using Forbidden Lance to win the battle! Then he flipped Sinister Shadow Games, sending Shaddoll Falco to the Graveyard, and it returned to the field.

Lagunes drew Tour Guide From the Underworld. He perused his Extra Deck, and played Tour Guide. Salas Chained El Shaddoll Fusion, fusing Dragon and Falco into El Shaddoll Winda. Tour Guide’s effect finished resolving, bringing out Graff, while Salas brought back Falco. Lagunes flipped up Breakthrough Skill to negate Winda, and he Xyz Summoned Dante! Dante detached Graff to send Tour Guide, Majesty’s Fiend, and Rubic to the Graveyard. Graff’s effect Special Summoned Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. Lagunes Special Summoned Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his hand, and stacked Scarm and Graff for another Dante. He detached Scarm, sending Foolish Burial, Allure of Darkness, and Vanity’s Emptiness to the Graveyard. One Dante destroyed El Shaddoll Winda, the other finished off Falco. Winda’s effect got back El Shaddoll Fusion.

Salas Set two back row cards.

Lagunes drew Raiza the Storm Monarch. He used both of his Dante effects, with Cir reviving Graff. Salas knew this was the end, and picked up his cards!

Jose Lagunes is the winner, with Burning Abyss!