. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Dragon Duel Play-Off Feature Match: Garrett Price versus Ankit Sujith
Home > 2015/02 - Tacoma, WA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Dragon Duel Play-Off Feature Match: Garrett Price versus Ankit Sujith

Dragon Duel Play-Off Feature Match: Garrett Price versus Ankit Sujith

February 16th, 2015

Ankit Sujith is our Saturday Dragon Duel Champion, now trying to battle it out with his Chaos Dragon Deck to take the title of YCS Tacoma Dragon Duel Champion! His opponent is no slouch though, Garrett Price is our Sunday Dragon Duel Champion and is Dueling with his Tellarknights and wants the win just as badly. Both of them are from the local area, so they are trying to keep the title at home.

Sujith won the roll and chose to go first.

Duel One:

Sujith Normal Summoned Maiden with Eyes of Blue, then Set a back row before ending.

Price had a hand of Bottomless Trap Hole, Maxx “C”, Pot of Duality, Snatch Steal, Satellarknight Unukalhai, and drew Satellarknight Vega for turn. He Normal Summoned Satellarknight Vega, then used its effect to Special Summon Satellarknight Unukalhai, sending Satellarknight Deneb to the Graveyard. He thought for a moment, reviewing his Extra Deck for potential options, then overlayed them both to Xyz Summon Number 101: Silent Honor ARK. He declared an attack on Maiden with Eyes of Blue, which prompted Sujith to use its effect, negating the attack and Special Summoning Blue-Eyes White Dragon in ATK Mode. Price used Number 101: Silent Honor ARK’s effect in Main Phase 2, taking the Blue-Eyes White Dragon as an Xyz Material! He then Set Bottomless Trap Hole before ending his turn.

Sujith drew, Set two more to his back row before ending.


Price Satellarknight Deneb and Normal Summoned it, adding Satellarknight Altair to his hand. He then activated Snatch Steal, taking control of the Maiden with Eyes of Blue, letting Sujith Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his Deck, but when it came out he had Bottomless Trap Hole at the ready to banish it! He declared an attack with Number 101: Silent Honor ARK, but Sujith had Magic Cylinder to block the attack and deal 2100 points to Price instead. When he attacked with Satellarknight Deneb, Sujith used Mirror Force to blow away the Deneb. Price used Pot of Duality in Main Phase 2, adding Stellarnova Alpha to his hand, then Set it before ending.

Sujith drew, activated Charge of the Light Brigade, sending three cards from his Deck to the Graveyard to add Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress to his hand. He used its effect, destroying the Set back row, then ended his turn sending three more cards to his Graveyard.

Price drew Stellarnova Alpha, Sujith gained 1000 Life Points from Snatch Steal, then Price Normal Summoned Satellarknight Altair, using its effect to Special Summon Satellarknight Deneb, adding Satellarknight Altair to his hand. He Set Stellarnova Alpha before ending.

Sujith drew, banished a LIGHT and DARK and Special Summoned Chaos Sorcerer. He used its effect to banish the opposing Number 101: Silent Honor ARK before ending. During his End Phase, Price used Call of the Haunted to Special Summon his Satellarknight Deneb, using its effect to add Satellarknight Vega to his hand.

Price drew Compulsory Evacuation Device for turn, then overlayed all of his Satellarknights for Stellarknight Triverr, using its effect to return everything to the hand before sending Sujith’s Maiden with Eyes of Blue from his hand to the Graveyard. He Normal Summoned Satellarknight Vega next, Special Summoning ‘stkatltair from his hand, then Special Summoning Satellarknight Deneb from his Graveyard, ultimately adding another Satellarknight Altair to his hand. He swung with everyone, putting Sujith down to 5000 Life Points. In Main Phase 2 he overlayed all of his other Satellarknights for Stellarknight Triverr, returning the other Stellarknight Triverr to his Extra Deck and taking Chos Sorcerer from Sujith’s hand. He Set both of his Traps before ending.

Sujith drew and activated Dark Hole, destroying the Stellarknight Triverr but allowing Price to bring back his Satellarknight Altair, which then Special Summoned his Satellarknight Vega, which then Special Summoned his Satellarknight Deneb, adding a Satellarknight Unukalhai to his hand. Sujith Set a Monster and a Trap before ending, but Price used Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Satellarknight Altair to the Field.


Price drew Stellarnova Alpha and Normal Summoned Satellarknight Unukalhai, using its effect to send Satellarknight Deneb to his Graveyard, then he overlayed Satellarknight Altair with Satellarknight Vega to Xyz Summon Daigusto Emeral, using its effect to shuffle back three of his Monsters and draw Mystical Space Typhoon, which he immediately used destroying Sujith’s Set back row. He then overlayed the rest of his Satellarknights for Stellarknight Delteros, using its effect to destroy Sujith’s Set Honest, then declared direct attacks with Stellarknight Delteros and Daigusto Emeral before Setting his traps and ending.

Sujith drew and slammed down Silver’s Cry, but Price negated it with Stellarnova Alpha, and realizing he had no other plays Sujith conceded!

After an intense game, Sujith tries to make a comeback but Price was able to shut him down with key Trap cards! Can Sujith manage to win the back two or will Price keep showing off his stuff?

Sujith chose to go first in the second Duel.

Duel Two:

Sujith drew, Normal Summoned The White Stone of Legend, banishing it away to Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. He then Set two to his back row before ending.

Price opened with a hand containing two copies of Reinforcement of the Army, Pot of Duality, Dimensional Prison, and Stellarnova Alpha before drawing Honest! He activated Reinforcement of the Army, adding Satellarknight Deneb to his hand before he Normal Summoned it and used its effect to add Satellarknight Altair to his hand. He followed it up with Pot of Duality, adding Satellarknight Vega to his hand. He then Set both of his traps before ending his turn.

Sujith drew for turn, contemplated making a play, but ultimately chose to end.

Price drew Satellarknight Deneb but chose to Normal Summon Satellarknight Vega, using its effect to Special Summon Satellarknight Deneb. He tried to activate its effect but Sujith responded with Fiendish Chain, negating the Deneb. Price pushed through by overlaying them for Stellarknight Delteros, then using its effect to destroy Sujith’s Set Silver’s Cry. He then declared an attack into Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, using Honest to make sure his Stellarknight Delteros would win the battle!

Sujith drew, used Lightning Vortex to destroy Price’s Stellarknight Delteros but that caused Price to be able to Special Summon his Satellarknight Altair, use its effect to Special Summon his Satellarknight Vega, then use its effect to Special Summon his Satellarknight Deneb to add Satellarknight Altair to his hand. He ended not being able to clear away the Field.

Price drew Satellarknight Altair, then overlayed all three of his Satellarknight mosnters for Stellarknight Delteros, using its effect to destroy Sujith’s Fiendish Chain. He then Normal Summoned Satellarknight Vega, used its effect to Special Summon Satellarknight Altair, then used its effect to Special Summon Satellarknight Deneb adding Satellarknight Unukalhai to his hand. After direct attacks with all of his Tellarknights, Price won the Duel!


After an impressive showing of mastery in two close Duels, Garrett Price manages to defeat Anki Sujith to become our YCS Tacoma Dragon Duel Champion!