QQ: How Do You Think Volcanic Decks Will Do This Weekend?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! The Dueling world was stunned at YCS Charleston two weeks ago, when a Volcanic Deck was the only Deck to remain undefeated at the end of the Swiss Rounds. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to gauge how they think Volcanic Decks will do this weekend. Check out their responses!
“They’ll do AMAZING!!” –Adam Woodruff
“Horribly.” –Travis Dion
“So so.” –Jim Ike
“Not that great. Nekroz are way too strong.” –Denny Yu
“They’ll go undefeated and win.” –Nicco Eblum-Tabanda
“Undefeated back-to-back.” –Steven DeLara
“They’ll do pretty well unless people randomly Main Deck Starlight Road.” –Frans Sutantodirata
“They will at least get to Top 32.” –Erik Dean
“They’ll do well.” –Urich Fulton
“They will have an okay showing, but a bad Nekroz matchup might keep them down.” –Casey Dean
“Terri-bad.” –Dustin Saunders
“They won’t make it to Top 32.” –Jeremiah Nadeau
“They’ll be hot.” –Jordan Harding