QQ: How Will You Beat Nekroz Decks?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! Following yesterday’s release of The Secret Forces, Nekroz Decks are expected to make a big splash this weekend here in Tacoma. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance to see how they’re planning to beat the new Nekroz Ritual Monsters with their Decks. Check out their responses!
“Mind Crush.” –Bryan Bejas
“Protect Masked HERO Dark Law and get rid of Spells.” –Travis Dion
“I’ll beat them with some luck and practice.” –Denny Yu
“Puppet Plant and Breakthrough Skill.” –Nicco Eblum-Tabanda
“I’m not.” –Steven DeLara
“Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell, Masked HERO Dark Law, and Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Frans Sutantodirata
“Vanity’s Emptiness, Vanity’s Fiend, and keeping an empty hand and/or field so they can’t use the effect of Nekroz of Trishula.” –Christopher Masterbrook
“Masked HERO Dark Law.” –Urich Fulton
“Heart of the cards and hope.” –Sarah Lewis
“Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Melissa Grannis
“Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Jeff Grannis
“Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Michael Larsen
“Debunk.” –Destin Kaspi
“Mistake and Effect Veiler.” –Casey Dean
“Masked HERO Dark Law.” –Dustin Saunders
“Mask of Restrict.” –Jeremiah Nadeau
“Trusting in the heart of the cards.” –Jordan Harding