Home > 2015/02 - Tacoma, WA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What is Your Favorite New Deck Type from The Secret Forces?

QQ: What is Your Favorite New Deck Type from The Secret Forces?

February 15th, 2015

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The Secret Forces contains Yosenju, Nekroz, and Ritual Beast cards that make new Decks in each of these 3 themes viable. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which of these 3 new themes they like the best. Check out their responses!

“Nekroz.” –Eddie Lawrence


“Yosenju.” –Jordan Harding


“Nekroz.” –Jim Ike


“Ritual Beasts.” –Nicco Eblum-Tabanda


“Ritual Beasts.” –Steven DeLara


“Yosenju.” –Joey Chon


“Nekroz.” –Erik Dean


“Nekroz.” –Christopher Masterbrook


“Yosenju.” –Colton Straughen


“Yosenju.” –Sarah Lewis


“Ritual Beasts.” –Elvis Vu


“Nekroz.” –Melissa Grannis


“Nekroz.” –Jeff Grannis


“Ritual Beasts.” –Casey Dean


“Ritual Beasts.” –Adam Woodruff