QQ: What’s Your Favorite First Pick in Battle Pack 3: Monster League Draft?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! The Top 16 Duelists in the tournament this weekend will be drafting Battle Pack 3: Monster League to determine who will become the ultimate winner of YCS Tacoma. That’s why draft strategy is a crucial component of success at this weekend’s YCS tournament. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which card they value above all others when cracking open their first batch of packs of Battle Pack 3: Monster League in draft. Check out their responses!
“Daigusto Emeral.” –Travis Dion
“Noble Arms – Arfeudutyr.” –Denny Yu
“Jerry Beans Man.” –Steven DeLara
“Raging Mad Plants.” –Joey Chon
“Mark of the Rose or Daigusto Emeral.” –Frans Sutantodinata
“Call of the Atlanteans.” –Erik Dean
“Koa’ki Meiru War Arms.” –Christopher Masterbrook
“Evilswarm O’Lantern.” –Colton Straughen
“Breaker the Magical Warrior.” –Urich Fulton
“Daigusto Emeral.” –Melissa Grannis
“Daigusto Emeral.” –Jeff Grannis
“Mist Valley Falcon.” –Destin Kaspi
“Swords of Concealing Light.” –Casey Dean
“Burst Breath.” –Adam Woodruff
“Silent Psychic Wizard.” –Bryan Bejas
“Typhoon.” –Jonathan Gomez
“Jerry Beans Man!!!” –Elvis Vu
“Miracle Fertilizer.” –Eddie Lawrence
“Forbidden Dress.” –Jordan Harding