. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: What’s Your Favorite Reprinted Card in The Secret Forces?
Home > 2015/02 - Tacoma, WA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What’s Your Favorite Reprinted Card in The Secret Forces?

QQ: What’s Your Favorite Reprinted Card in The Secret Forces?

February 15th, 2015

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The Secret Forces is packed with powerful new cards; but it also contains lots of popular foil reprints! I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which reprinted cards from The Secret Forces are their favorites. Check out their responses!

Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Bryan Bejas


Cardcar D.” –Travis Dion


Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Jim Ike


Royal Decree.” –Michael Larsen


Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Denny Yu


Gishki Noellia.” –Steven DeLara


Abyss Dweller.” –Joey Chon


Vanity’s Emptiness and Abyss Dweller.” –Frans Sutantodirata


Preparation of Rites.” –Erik Dean


Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Christopher Masterbrook


Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Colton Straughen


Royal Decree.” –Sarah Lewis


Ritual Weapon.” –Destin Kaspi


Abyss Dweller.” –Casey Dean


Vanity’s Emptiness.” –Adam Woodruff


Abyss Dweller.” –Dustin Saunders


Cardcar D.” –Jonathon Gomez


Preparation of Rites.” –Eddie Lawrence