Home > 2015/02 - Tacoma, WA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: Which Card Best Represents Valentine’s Day?

QQ: Which Card Best Represents Valentine’s Day?

February 14th, 2015

Happy Valentine’s Day! February 14th is Valentine’s Day here in Tacoma – a day commonly associated with hearts and love (but sometimes associated with heartbreak and despair). I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which Yu-Gi-Oh! card most reminds them of Valentine’s Day. Check out their responses!

Injection Fairy Lily.” –Jordan Harding


Ring of Destruction.” –Travis Dion


Snatch Steal.” –Jim Ike


Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon. Hey, it has the word “heart” in it.” –Guy who gave a fake name


Nekroz of Brionac. It’s expensive (like Valentine’s Day).” –Denny Yu


Change of Heart.” –Sarah Lewis


Injection Fairy Lily.” –Nicco Eblum-Tabanda


Harpie Lady. It’s Mai Valentine’s monster.” –Steven DeLara


Happy Lover.” –Erik Dean


Injection Fairy Lily.” –Destin Kaspi


Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World.” –Christopher Masterbrook


Change of Heart.” –Melissa Grannis


Change of Heart.” –Jeff Grannis


Success Probability 0%.” –Eddie Lawrence


Happy Lover.” –Casey Dean


Snatch Steal.” –Adam Woodruff