. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Sunday’s Dragon Duel Final Round: Dawson McGaha versus Nathanael Patton
Home > 2015/01 - Charleston, SC, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Sunday’s Dragon Duel Final Round: Dawson McGaha versus Nathanael Patton

Sunday’s Dragon Duel Final Round: Dawson McGaha versus Nathanael Patton

February 2nd, 2015

We saw 9-year-old Dawson McGaha Duel in yesterday’s Dragon Duel Feature Match, and take on a narrow 2-1 loss. Now he’s back, Dueling against 12-year-old Nathanael Patton. Patton is currently undefeated in the tournament, but McGaha took an early loss. Will McGaha be able to defeat the undefeated? It’s time to Duel!

Duel One


McGaha Set a card to his back row and then Set a monster.




Patton activated Swords of Revealing Light to flip McGaha face-down Madolche Baaple face-up. He activated Banner of Courage and then Normal Summoned Enraged Battle Ox. He attacked Baaple with his Ox, but McGaha flipped Forbidden Lance to weaken the Ox. Patton lost 900 Life Points and Baaple survived the battle. Patton Set a card to his back row before passing.


McGaha Summoned Sunlight Unicorn and then passed his turn.


Patton equipped Sunlight Unicorn with Cursed Armaments to lower its ATK. He Summoned Rigorous Reaver next. He attacked Madolche Baaple with his Ox, destroying it and dealing 100 points of damage to McGaha.


McGaha Tributed his Unicorn to Set Stegocyber. Cursed Armaments went to the Graveyard. McGaha Set a card to his back row before passing.


Patton activated Psychokinesis and paid 1000 Life Points to destroy McGaha’s face-down Stegocyber. He attacked directly with Enraged Battle Ox, and McGaha paid 1000 Life Points to Special Summon Stegocyber from his Graveyard in Attack Position. Next, Patton activated Enemy Controller to switch Stegocyber into Attack Position and destroyed it in battle with Rigorous Reaver.


McGaha Summoned Ancient Gear Knight and passed his turn, causing Patton’s Swords of Revealing Light to expire.


Patton Set a card to his back row and then attacked Ancient Gear Knight with Enraged Battle Ox to destroy it. Rigorous Reaver attacked directly next, dropping McGaha down to 4400 Life Points.


McGaha drew Magicians Unite and then activated Psychic Overload. He shuffled the 3 monsters from his Graveyard back into his Deck to draw 2 cards. He Summoned Black Brachios and activated its effect to switch Enraged Battle Ox into Defense Position. Next, he attacked the Ox with his Black Brachios; but Patton flipped Mirror Wall to halve the ATK of Black Brachios, causing McGaha to lose 100 Life Points.


Patton chose not to pay the 2000 Life Points to keep Mirror Wall in his Standby Phase. He Summoned Cyber Phoenix, switched his Ox into Attack Position, and then attacked Black Brachios with his Ox to destroy it. Next, he attacked directly with Rigorous Reaver and Cyber Phoenix to drop McGaha down to 1000 Life Points.


McGaha drew Mask of Weakness and Set it. He Summoned Sunlight Unicorn and then ended his turn.


Patton attacked Sunlight Unicorn with Enraged Battle Ox and McGaha flipped Mask of Weakness to weaken the Ox and destroy it in battle. Rigorous Reaver attacked Sunlight Unicorn, destroying both monsters in battle. Finally, Cyber Phoenix attacked directly, wiping out the rest of McGaha’s Life Points!


Cyber Phoenix


Nathanael Patton wins the first Duel!


Duel Two


Patton activated Banner of Courage and Set 2 cards to his back row. He Summoned Cyber Phoenix and then ended his turn.




McGaha activated Night Beam to destroy Patton’s face-down Damage Gate and then Summoned Koa’ki Meiru Drago. He activated Closed Forest next. He Set Swords of Concealing Light and then entered his End Phase, revealing Baaple from his hand to keep his Koa’ki Meiru on his field.


Patton Summoned Airorca and passed his turn.


McGaha Summoned Machine King Prototype. Drago attacked Cyber Phoenix, and Patton flipped Forbidden Lance to weaken the Drago and destroy it in battle. Next, Patton activated Windstorm of Etaqua to switch the Prototype into Defense Position. McGaha flipped Swords of Concealing Light in Main Phase 2, turning Patton’s monster’s face-down.


Patton Set a card to his back row and passed his turn.


McGaha drew Psychic Overload and Set it. He Summoned Royal Firestorm Guards and switched his Prototype into Attack Position. Prototype attacked Patton’s face-down Cyber Phoenix to destroy it, allowing Patton to draw a card. Next, Royal Firestorm Guards attacked and destroyed Airorca.


Patton Summoned Blizzard Dragon and attacked Machine King Prototype to destroy it. Patton activated Blizzard Dragon’s effect to freeze Royal Firestorm Guards and then Set a card to his back row.


McGaha Summoned Black Brachios next turn and activated its effect to switch Blizzard Dragon into Defense Position. He attacked, but Patton activated Enemy Controller to switch the Brachios into Defense Position.


Patton switched his Dragon into Attack Position and then attacked Royal Firestorm Guards to destroy it. He used Blizzard Dragon’s to target Brachios.


McGaha Summoned Koa’ki Meiru War Arms and activated its effect to equip it with the Machine King Prototype in his Graveyard, increasing his monster’s ATK. He attacked Blizzard Dragon with his War Arms, and then Patton activated Raging Mad Plant, causing both monsters to face destruction; but Patton gave up his Koa’ki Meiru’s equipment to protect it.


Patton Summoned Koa’ki Meiru Wall and attacked War Arms. McGaha flipped Psychic Overload to shuffle the 3 monsters in his Graveyard back into his Deck and draw 2 cards. Koa’ki Meiru Wall destroyed War Arms in battle and dropped McGaha down to 7000 Life Points. Patton destroyed his Wall in his End Phase by failing to reveal a monster from his hand.


McGaha Summoned Telekinetic Shocker and then switched his Brachios into Attack Position. He activated Dragon’s Gunfire to deal 800 points of damage to Patton and then attacked directly with his monsters; but Patton activated Miniaturize to weaken Black Brachios. McGaha activated Magician’s Unite to increase the ATK of his Shocker, and attacked directly for 3100 points of damage.


Patton Summoned Black Veloci and then attacked Telekinetic Shocker to destroy it and deal 200 points of damage to McGaha.


McGaha switched his Brachios to Defense Position and then Set a monster.


Patton Summoned Bazoo the Soul Eater and then attacked Brachios to destroy it. Black Veloci attacked and destroyed Defender, the Magical Knight.


McGaha Set a monster and Set Forbidden Lance to his back row.


Patton Set a card to his back row and then banished 3 monsters from his Graveyard to increase the ATK of his Bazoo. He attacked McGaha’s face-down Baaple with Black Veloci to destroy it and send it back to McGaha’s Deck, and then attacked directly with Bazoo, dropping McGaha down to 3700 Life Points.


McGaha drew Koa’ki Meiru Drago. He Summoned it to the field and then activated Forbidden Lance to weaken Bazoo. Drago attacked and destroyed Bazoo, dropping Patton down to 3500 Life Points. McGaha’s Drago was destroyed in the End Phase due to its own effect.


Patton Set a card to his back row and then activated Quantum Cat. He attacked directly with Black Veloci, dropping McGaha down to 1700 Life Points.


McGaha Set a card to his back row and passed.


Patton attacked with Black Veloci, but McGaha flipped Mask of Weakness to survive another turn!


McGaha drew Tree Otter next turn. He Set it face-down and then ended his turn.


Patton Set a card to his back row and then activated Super Rush Recklessly. He destroyed his own Quantum Cat to shuffle Tree Otter back into McGaha’s Deck. Then, a direct attack from Black Veloci wiped McGaha out!


Black Veloci


Nathanael Patton defeats Dawson McGaha to finish out Sunday’s Dragon Duel tournament undefeated, and moves on to the YCS Charleston Dragon Duel Championship!