Top 16 Decks
Here is a quick analysis of what Decks helped their Duelist make it to the Top 16 Draft and the breakdown of Deck Types!
Jose Anthony Bren Osores from Miami, USA – Playing Nekroz
Barrett Arthur Keys from Los Angeles, USA – Playing Nekroz
Andres Antonio Suaza Nino from Bogotá, Colombia – Playing Shaddoll
Galileo Mauricio De Obaldia Soza from La Correrra, Panamá – Playing Nekroz
Jose Lagunes Maitret from Veracruz, Mexico – Playing Nekroz
Erick Esteban Bernal Ospina from Bogotá, Colombia – Playing Nekroz
Arnold Nadaban Zanabria from Arequipe, Peru – Playing Shaddoll
Carlos Andres Herrera Buendia from Cartagena, Colombia – Playing Volcanic
Daniel Silva Cardona from Cali, Colombia – Playing Qliphort
Jose Sepulveda Soler from Bogotá, Colombia – Playing Nekroz
Tahmid Alvi Zaman from New York, USA – Playing Nekroz
Wilfredo Inquil Moyna from Lima, Peru – Playing Nekroz
Miguel Emilio Vargas Moncayo from Guayaquil, Ecuador – Playing Nekroz
Ankit L. Shah from New York, USA – Playing Nekroz
Sebastian Millan Chaux from Medellin, Colombia – Playing Tellarknight
David Gonzales Parra from Pereira, Colombia – Playing Burning Abyss
Deck Breakdown:
10 Nekroz Decks
2 Shaddoll Decks
1 Tellarknight Decks
1 Burning Abyss Decks
1 Qliphort Decks
1 Volcanic Deck