Top 32 Decks and Pairings!
Check out who’s playing in the Top 32!
Table 1: Aaron Furman (Nekroz) vs. Antonio Maldonado (Qliphorts)
Table 2: Jovad Cruz (Shaddoll) vs. Ryne Hanson (Tellarknights)
Table 3: Donald Wilinski (Burning Abyss) vs. Dirk Wagner (Nekroz)
Table 4: Donnell Washington (Nekroz) vs. Rafael Mendoza (Nekroz)
Table 5: Jesse Choate (Tellarknights) vs. Barrett Keys (Nekroz)
Table 6: Christopher Krause (Burning Abyss) vs. Denny Yu (Nekroz)
Table 7: Christian Georges (Nekroz) vs. Jordan Bermudez (Shaddoll)
Table 8: Patrick Hoban (Nekroz) vs. Chester Henson (Burning Abyss)
Table 9: Patrick James (Nekroz) vs. Diego Haltom (Tellarknights)
Table 10: Steven De Lara (Nekroz) vs. Harison Parinpanayagam (Tellarknights)
Table 11: Michael Steinman (Nekroz) vs. Kevin Malone (Tellarknights)
Table 12: Joseph Chou (Nekroz) vs. Tairone Stutson (Qliphorts)
Table 13: Elvis Vu (Nekroz) vs. Hin Lee (Shaddoll)
Table 14: Cameron Neal (Nekroz) vs. Louis Kelley (Tellarknights)
Table 15: Robert Kenny (Ritual Beasts) vs. Sehabi Kheireddine (Nekroz)
Table 16: Richard Wallace (Nekroz) vs. Jayesh Madani (Nekroz)
17 Nekroz Decks
6 Tellarknight Decks
3 Shaddoll Decks
3 Burning Abyss Decks
2 Qliphort Decks
1 Ritual Beast Deck
That’s a total of 6 different Decks in the Top 32!