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Home > 2015/05 - 150th YCS - Columbus, OH, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: How Many YCS Have You Attended?

QQ: How Many YCS Have You Attended?

May 23rd, 2015

A part of what makes the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series so awesome is that it visits so many places and Duelists who want to travel get an excuse to go around the world to play their favorite game. At every YCS there are a plethora of different types of players, from first timers to veterans, and we went around asking how many YCS they have attended thus far?

“0, this is the first!” – Nick Seginak

“2!” – Austin Hurth

“Allllll the YCS (in the USA), probably like 50+.” – Jonathan Moore

“At least 10.” – Pasquale Crociata

“30-40.” – Aaron Furman

“This is the first one.” – Andrew Garfolo

“4.” – Bobby Kenny

“Way too many, lost track.” – Jeff Jones

“15.” – Chase Fulmer

“None before this.” – Maxwell James

“Close to 40-50.” – Joseph Giorlando

“About 6?” – Ricky Lee

“4!” – Hin Ting Lee

“This is the second YCS I have attended.” – Harvey Law

“6!” – Manuel Velez

“60-70, but that’s just an estimate!” – Billy Brake


With everything ranging from their first YCS to whopping double digit numbers that they have lost track of, every kind of Duelist is welcome to come to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series and have a great time!