. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 3 Feature Match: Iesha Robinson versus David Tichacek
Home > 2015/05 - 150th YCS - Columbus, OH, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 3 Feature Match: Iesha Robinson versus David Tichacek

Round 3 Feature Match: Iesha Robinson versus David Tichacek

May 23rd, 2015

Both of these duelists are currently undefeated heading into Round 3 of the 150th YCS here in Columbus. Iesha Robinson is a YCS First Timer from Michigan and is piloting her Madolche Deck. Robinson’s success hinges on how early she can get to her Madolche Anjelly and Madolche Hootcake, often leveraging into massive combo strings. Her opponent is David Tichacek Missouri piloting Shaddolls with the new Star Seraph cards out of World Superstars. Tichacek run the die roll and opted to go first.

Tichacek started things out with one backrow card and ended his turn.




Robinson started with two Madolche Mewfeuille, Raigeki, Madolche Magileine, Mirror Force, and Solemn Warning. She Normal Summoned Madolche Magileine and added a Madolche Anjelly to her hand. Magileine struck for 1400 direct damage, dropping Tichacek to 6600. She Set Solemn Warning and Mirror Force before ending her turn.


Tichacek Normal Summoned Mathematician but was met with Solemn Warning. He Set another backrow and ended his turn.


Robinson drew Spell Striker. She Normal Summoned Madolche Mewfeuille and Special Summoned Madolche Anjelly from her hand. Next, she tributed her Anjelly to Special Summon a Madolche Hootcake from her Deck in Attack Position. Hootcake banished the Anjelly to Special Summon Madolche Messengelato, which then added a copy of Madolche Ticket to her hand. Robinson then activated Madolche Ticket. Then she Xyz Summoned Leviair the Sea Dragon and detached a Hootcake to Special Summon the banished Anjelly. She then Xyz Summoned Madolche Queen Tiaramisu with Anjelly and Magileine. She detached the Anjelly to shuffle back Tichacek’s two backrow and then she Special Summoned Madolche Messengelato using Madolche Ticket’s effect. Then, she attacked directly with all four of her monsters to take the first game!




Tichacek chose to go first in Game 2. He kicks things off with a Mathematician to send a Shaddoll Squamata to the Graveyard, which then sent a Shaddoll Falco to the grave, too. Shaddoll Falco Special Summoned itself in face-down Defense Position using its effect. He Set a Spell or Trap and ended his turn.




Robinson opened with Madolche Mewfeuille, Madolche Anjelly, Bottomless Trap Hole, Reinforcement of the Army, Breakthrough Skill, and Madolchepalooza. First, she activated Reinforcement of the Army to add a T.G. Striker from her Deck to her hand. She Special Summoned T.G. Striker from her hand and then Normal Summoned Madolche Mewfeuille. Mewfeuille activated and Special Summoned Madolche Anjelly from her hand, and Tichacek responded with El Shaddoll Fusion. He Fusion Summoned El Shaddoll Shekhinaga using his Shaddoll Falco and Mathematician, and then Shaddoll Falco Set itself face-down with its effect. Anjelly attempted to use its effect but Tichacek discarded El Shaddoll Fusion for Shekhinaga to negate and destroy it. Robinson then Synchro Summoned Naturia Beast using T.G. Striker and Madolche Mewfeuille. Naturia Beast ran over Shaddoll Falco and Robinson Set all of her Traps before ending her turn.




Tichacek activated Shaddoll Fusion to Fusion Summon El Shaddoll Construct using Effect Veiler and Shaddoll Squamata from his Deck. Robinson used Bottomless Trap Hole on the El Shaddoll Construct and Tichacek sent Shaddoll Dragon and Shaddoll Falco to his Graveyard. Dragon destroyed Robinson’s face-down Madolchepalooza and Shaddoll Falco Special Summoned itself face-down. Next, Tichacek banished Shaddoll Squamata and Effect Veiler to Special Summoned Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning from his hand! Tichacek used Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning to target Naturia Beast but it was met with Breakthrough Skill. Shekhinaga attacked over Naturia Beast and Tichacek ended his turn.


Robinson drew Madolche Magileine. She Normal Summoned it and was hit by an Effect Veiler. After seeing she had no further plays she conceded to go to Game 3!




Robinson chose to go second. Tichacek started his turn by Normal Summoning Mathematician. He sent Shaddoll Squamata to the Graveyard to send Shaddoll Beast, and then let him draw a card from his Deck. Next, he Set two Spell or Trap Cards and passed.


Robinson opened with T.G. Striker, Forbidden Lance, Madolche Hootcake, Madolche Magileine, and two Fiendish Chain. She Special Summoned T.G. Striker from her hand, and then Normal Summoned Madolche Magileine. Tichacek responded with Maxx “C”, and Robinson added a Madolche Anjelly to her hand from her Deck. She Set her two Fiendish Chains and Forbidden Lance before ending her turn. In the End Phase Tichacek use two Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy a Fiendish Chain and the Forbidden Lance.


Tichacek Normal Summoned Star Seraph Scepter and activated its effect to add a Star Seraph Sovereignty from his Deck to his hand. He switched Mathematician to Defense Position and attacked with Star Seraph Scepter but Robinson used Fiendish Chain to stop the attack. In Main Phase 2 Tichacek used Raigeki to destroy the T.G. Striker and Madolche Magileine. He then ended his turn.




Robinson drew a Raigeki of her own! She used it to wipe the board and then thought for a moment before Normal Summoning Madolche Anjelly. She tributed it to Special Summon a Madolche Hootcake from her Deck when then banished the Anjelly to Special Summon a Madolche Mewfeuille from her Deck in Defense Position. She then Xyz Summoned M-X-Saber Invoker and used its effect to Special Summon a Madolche Messengelato from her Deck in Defense Position. She then attacked directly with M-X-Saber Invoker for 1600 damage, dropping Tichacek to 6400 Life Points.


Tichacek Set a monster and passed.


Robinson drew Effect Veiler. She Normal Summoned Madolche Hootcake and then used Invoker to Special Summon a Madolche Messengelato from her Deck, which added a Madolche Ticket from her Deck to her hand. She activated the Madolche Ticket, and then used Hootcake banishing T.G. Striker to Special Summon a second Madolche Messengelato from her Deck, which searched out a Madolche Chateau. She Xyz Summoned Madolche Queen Tiaramisu using her two Messengelatos and used its effect to shuffle back a Hootcake and Mewfeuille to return Tichacek’s only monster back to his Deck. Madolche Ticket Special Summoned Madolche Mewfeuille from her Deck. She accidentally declared her Battle Phase before activating Madolche Chateau, though, and attacks from all her monsters dropped Tichacek to 600 Life Points. Robinson realized her mistake but pressed forward, activating Madolche Chateau. Then she Xyz Summoned Leviair the Sea Dragon and used its effect to Special Summon her banished Madolche Anjelly.




Tichacek Normal Summoned Star Seraph Scepter, Robinson chained Effect Veiler, and Tichacek Special Summoned Star Seraph Sovereignty from his hand, which allowed him to draw a card. He contemplated his options for a while, eventually using El Shaddoll Fusion to Fusion Summon El Shaddoll Construct using an in hand Shaddoll Squamata and the Sovereignty. He sent a Shaddoll Dragon and Shaddoll Falco to his Graveyard. The Shaddoll Dragon destroyed the Madolche Ticket and the Shaddoll Falco Set itself face-down. El Shaddoll Construct attacked and destroyed Madolche Anjelly with Star Seraph Scepter, which was then shuffled back into the Deck because she once again seemed to forget about her Madolche Chateau. El Shaddoll Construct attacked Tiaramisu with El Shaddoll Construct. This was the first turn in time, Tichacek was at 600 to Robinson’s 7700.


Robinson drew Madolche Anjelly! She Normal Summoned it and tributed it to Special Summon Madolche Hootcake, which then banished a Messengelato to Special Summon a Madolche Mewfeuille from her Deck in Defense Position. She used Leviair the Sea Dragon to Special Summon Madolche Messengelato in Attack Position. She Xyz Summoned Number 17: Leviathan Dragon in Attack Position, used its effect, and attacked Star Seraph Scepter for game! A series of misplays results in some awkward situations but Robinson manages to pull out still undefeated.

