. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Top 8 Feature Match: Denny Yu vs. Ned Salkovitch
Home > 2015/05 - 150th YCS - Columbus, OH, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Top 8 Feature Match: Denny Yu vs. Ned Salkovitch

Top 8 Feature Match: Denny Yu vs. Ned Salkovitch

May 24th, 2015

YCS Las Vegas winner Denny Yu has made it all the way to the Top 8 and is really looking for another win to add to his résumé. Ned Salkovitch on the other hand has not been lucky enough to take down a whole YCS, but that won’t stop him from trying his best today to do it. This Quarter finals match pits two friends against one another in a Nekroz mirror match, both trying to do their best to take it all.

Salkovitch won the roll and chose for Yu to start.

Duel One:

Yu opened with a hand of Nekroz of Unicore, Nekroz of Trishula, Book of Eclipse, Nekroz of Valkyrus, and Nekroz Kaleidoscope. He slammed down the Nekroz Kaleidoscope and Ritual Summoned both Nekroz of Valkyrus and Nekroz of Unicore by sending Shooting Quasar Dragon to the Graveyard. He then used the effect of Nekroz of Valkyrus, tributing itself and Nekroz of Unicore, to draw Nekroz of Unicore and Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz. He banished Nekroz of Unicore and Nekroz Kaleidoscope next to add Nekroz Cycle before using the effect of Nekroz of Unicore to add back Valkyrus from his Graveyard.

Salkovitch Normal Summoned Senju of the Thousand Hands and used its effect to add Nekroz of Valkyrus. He then activated Reinforcement of the Army to add Nekroz of Clausolas, then used Nekroz of Clausolas to add Nekroz Kaleidoscope. He activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope, sending Red Nova Dragon to the Graveyard, to Special Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus and Nekroz of Unicore. He went to Battle Phase but when he declared an attack with Senju of the Thousand Hands, Yu blocked it with Nekroz of Valkyrus. In Main Phase 2, Salkovitch overlayed his two Level fours for Lavalval Chain, sending Djinn Releaser of Rituals to the Graveyard before tributing away Nekroz of Valkyrus and Lavalval Chain to draw two cards. He activated Nekroz of Brionac to add Nekroz of Gungnir before he banished Nekroz Kaleidoscope and Nekroz of Brionac to add Nekroz Cycle. He then activated Nekroz Mirror, banishing Djinn Releaser of Rituals and Nekroz of Unicore, to Ritual Summon Nekroz of Gungnir before ending.

Yu drew Nekroz Mirror for turn and contemplated his options. He started with Book of Eclipse, Setting the Nekroz of Gungnir and stopping the Djinn Releaser of Rituals lingering effect, but when he used Nekroz Cycle, tributing Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz to Ritual Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus, Salkovitch Chained Maxx “C”. He then activated Nekroz Mirror, banishing the Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, to Ritual Summon the Nekroz of Trishula from his hand! He banished Salkovitch’s in hand Raigeki, on Field Nekroz of Gungnir, and in Graveyard Nekroz Mirror. He declared attacks to put Salkvotich to 2400 Life Points before moving to Main Phase 2 and tributing both of his Monsters for the effect of Nekroz of Valkyrus, drawing Preparation of Rites and another copy of Valkyrus. He ended his turn after considering his lines of play.

Salkovitch drew and sighed. “More Manjus and Senjus?” Yu asked; “Think so.” Replied Salkovitch before he Normal Summoned Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands and used its effect to add Nekroz of Unicore to his hand. He used Nekroz of Clausolas to find Nekroz Kaleidoscope, and then slammed it down to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore by sending Herald of the Arch Light to his Graveyard. The Herald of the Arch Light activated letting him add Nekroz of Valkyrus. He activated Nekroz Cycle, tributing Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, and Special Summoning Nekroz of Valkyrus from his Graveyard before using Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz to add Nekroz of Brionac to his hand. He moved to Battle Phase and declared an attack with all his Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands which prompted Denny to look through both Salkovitch’s Banished as well as his Graveyard. He ultimately chose to use Nekroz of Valkyrus, banishing a different Nekroz of Valkyrus, to stop the attacks. In Main Phase 2, Salkovitch overlayed the two Level fours for Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk, and used its effect to banish two of Yu’s ritual spells before tributing it and Nekroz of Valkyrus to draw two cards. He then banished Nekroz Cycle and Nekroz of Clausolas to add another copy of Cycle before ending.


Yu drew Maxx “C” for turn and with Preparation of Rites and Nekroz of Brionac already in his hand, shuffled it around thinking about his options. “Brio, Valk, Cycle.” Denny thought out loud listing the cards that Salkovitch had previously searched. He activated Nekroz of Brionac to add Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, then activated Preparation of Rites to add Nekroz of Clausolas which he then used to serach Nekroz Cycle; he activated the Cycle but Salkovitch responded with Maxx “C”! Yu pressed on, adding Nekroz of Brionac to his hand via the Shurit before attacking, but Salkovitch blocked that with a Nekroz of Valkyrus of his own. When Yu moved to Main Phase 2 to try to tribute away the Valkyrus, Salkovitch had Effect Veiler to keep it in play and Set up for Nekroz of Trishula! Yu was forced to pass with Maxx “C” and Nekroz of Brionac still in hand.

Salkovitch drew to five cards and gave another heavy sigh while he considered what to do. He started by activating Nekroz of Unicore and using it to add back Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, then activated Nekroz Cycle which prompted Yu to Chain Maxx “C”. The Cycle resolved, Special Summoning Nekroz of Valkyrus from the Graveyard, and letting Yu draw Reinforcement of the Army from the Maxx “C”. Salkovitch moved lightning fast as he added Nekroz of Trishula from his Deck to his hand via Shurit and then slammed down Nekroz Mirror to Summon it! Yu drew Senju of the Thousand Hands off of another draw from Maxx “C”, but lost his own Field Nekroz of Valkyrus as well as Nekroz Cycle from his Graveyard and Reinforcement of the Army from his hand. He activated Nekroz of Brionac next, adding Zefrasaber, Swordmaster of the Nekroz and Normal Summoned it before declaring attacks with all of his Monsters to put Yu down to 900 Life Points. He activated the effect of Nekroz of Valkyrus in Main Phase 2, tributing just the Zefrasaber to draw a single card.

Yu drew another copy of Senju of the Thousand Hands and Normal Summoned it, but Salkvotich had another Effect Veiler to stop the effect! Yu searched Nekroz of Valkyrus off of Nekroz of Brionac before ending.

Salkovitch drew and used the effect of Nekroz of Valkyrus, tributing just Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, to draw a card. He tried to attack but Yu stopped it with his own Nekroz of Valkyrus and Salkovitch passed.

Yu drew the third copy of Senju of the Thousand Hands and Normal Summoned it to add Nekroz of Unicore to his hand. He then overlayed the two Senjus for Evilswarm Exciton Knight, blew away Salkovitch’s Field, and then activated the effect of Nekroz of Unicore to add back Nekroz of Valkyrus before ending his turn.


Salkovitch drew, slammed down Dark Hole to remove the opposing Evilswarm Exciton Knight, and then Normal Summoned Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands in an attempt to attack for game but lost out to Yu’s Nekroz of Valkyrus.

Yu drew Maxx “C” for turn before Summoning his last Senju of the Thousand Hands, using its effect to add Nekroz of Clausolas before crashing his Senju into Salkovitch’s Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands and ending.

Salkovitch Set a second card to his back row before ending.

Yu drew Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands! He added Nekroz Mirror, then used it banishing Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, to Special Summon Nekroz of Clausolas and attack for game!

Between games, Yu asked Salkovitch if he’d like to side out both Djinn Releaser of Rituals and Vanity’s Emptiness but Salkovitch declined.

Salkovitch chose to go second.

Duel Two:

Yu opened with a hand Senju of the Thousand Hands, Nekroz of Brionac, Nekroz of Trishula, Shared Ride, and Nekroz Mirror. He Normal Summoned Senju of the Thousand Hands and used its effect to add Nekroz of Clausolas to his hand, then used Nekroz of Clausolas to add Nekroz Kaleidoscope. He used Nekroz of Brionac next to add Nekroz of Unicore, and with both pieces of the combo, activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope sending Herald of the Arch Light to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore. He added Nekroz Cycle off of Herald of the Arch Light, then overlayed for Lavalval Chain sending Djinn Releaser of Rituals to his Graveyard. He activated the Nekroz Cycle, banishing Djinn Releaser of Rituals, to Special Summon Nekroz of Clausolas from his Graveyard. He Set Shared Ride before ending.

Salkovitch drew and activated Reinforcement of the Army which prompted Yu to Flip his Shared Ride, drawing Nekroz of Valkyrus while Salkovitch added Bull Blader. He opted not to use Nekroz of Valkyrus, letting the Nekroz of Clausolas be destroyed by the effect of Bull Blader. Salkovitch then activated a Nekroz Cycle of his own, tributing Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore, then added Nekroz of Clausolas while Yu drew Preparation of Rites. He overlayed both of his Monsters for for Diamond Dire Wolf, destroying itself and the opposing Lavalval Chain, before ending.

Yu drew Vanity’s Emptiness for turn. He banished Nekroz of Brionac and Nekroz Kaleidoscope from his Graveyard to add another Nekroz Kaleidoscope, then activated Preparation of Rites to add Nekroz of Unicore to his hand before adding back Nekroz Cycle from his Graveyard. He then activated the Nekroz Kaleidoscope, Special Summoning the Nekroz of Unicore, to add Nekroz of Brionac which he then discarded to search Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz. He activated Nekroz Cycle, tributing the Shurit, to Special Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus from his hand, letting him search Nekroz of Clausolas off of the Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz. He then activated Nekroz Mirror, banishing Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, to Special Summon Nekroz of Trishula! He declared an attack with all of his Monsters putting Salkovitch down to 100 Life Points. He used Nekroz of Valkyrus in Main Phase 2 and drew Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands to Special Summon Gagaga Cowboy and win the Duel!


After an intense Set of games, Denny Yu manages to navigate his way through both with a combination of luck and skill to take the victory over Ned Salkovitch and move onto the Top 4!