Dragon Duel Finals Feature Match: Juan Carlos Coronel (Nekroz) Versus Daniel Isai Coronel (Burning Abyss)
This was it! One month ago, Juan Carlos Coronel and Daniel Isai Coronel sat across from each other at a tournament table much like this one, as they Dueled for the title of National Dragon Duel Champion of Mexico! Juan Carlos emerged victorious in that Match to take the title, but now his little brother was back and gunning for the Central American Dragon Duel Champion title. Juan Carlos is playing Nekroz. Daniel is playing Burning Abyss. Two brothers, once again facing off for a Championship. We’ve never seen anything like this before! Juan Carlos chose to play second in the first Duel.
Daniel Set three cards to his Spell and Trap Card Zone to start things off.
Juan Carlos had Mystical Space Typhoon; Nekroz of Unicore; Nekroz Kaleidoscope; Nekroz of Valkyrus; Preparation of Rites; and Nekroz Kaleidoscope. He activated a Kaleidoscope and chained Mystical Space Typhoon, targeting his brother’s Raigeki Break. Daniel chained it, discarding his Absolute King Back Jack to destroy the Kaleidoscope. Juan Carlos Ritual Summoned Nekroz of Unicore with Herald of the Arc Light; Daniel looked at and rearranged the top three cards of his Deck with Back Jack; and Juan Carlos added another Unicore to his hand with Herald’s ability.
Juan Carlos attacked with Unicore, and Daniel discarded Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to banish Unicore with Karma Cut. It seemed Daniel had opened with a really rough hand. Juan Carlos followed up with Preparation of Rites, searching Nekroz of Brionac and taking back his Nekroz Kaleidoscope.
Daniel drew to one card in hand with one card Set and Summoned his topdecked Mathematician! He sent another Absolute King Back Jack to his Graveyard from his Deck, again arranging his next three cards. He attacked with Mathematician for 1500 Battle Damage.
Juan Carlos activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope again, bringing out another Unicore with another Herald of the Arc Light. Herald got him Nekroz Mirror and he discarded Brionac to search his Deck for Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz. Nekroz Mirror let him Tribute Shurit to Ritual Summon another Unicore, and he searched Nekroz of Brionac off Shurit’s effect. He overlaid the Unicores for Abyss Dweller and detached to activate its effect: Daniel responded, chaining Phoenix Wing Wind Blast to discard another Back Jack and use its effect before Dweller’s ability kicked in. Juan Carlos attacked over Mathematician with Abyss Dweller, preventing its draw effect.
Daniel drew to one card in hand with two cards Set and passed.
Juan Carlos drew Senju of the Thousand Hands, Summoned it, and grabbed Nekroz of Trishula from his Deck. He pitched Brionac to search Nekroz of Clausolas, then Ritual Summoned Trishula and Clausolas with Nekroz Kaleidoscope, yarding Shooting Quasar Dragon! Daniel activated his Phoenix Wing Wind Blast to spin away Nekroz of Trishula, stopping its effect by emptying his hand and leaving nothing to banish. Juan Carlos attacked.
Daniel survived, and cleared the field with Raigeki on the following turn!
Juan Carlos banished Nekroz of Clausolas and Nekroz Kaleidoscope from his Graveyard to get Nekroz Mirror from his Deck, then activated it to banish Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz for Nekroz of Valkyrus! He attacked, and Daniel was down to 1800 Life Points. In Main Phase 2 Juan Carlos Tributed Valkyrus to draw a card, then banished Nekroz Mirror and Unicore to get a Nekroz Kaleidoscope. He banished Kaleidoscope and Brionac next to get Nekroz Cycle, then Summoned Senju to search another Valkyrus. Daniel banished another Back Jack to Set Breakthrough Skill.
Daniel Set a monster.
Juan Carlos attacked it – it was Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss – and Set a Spell or Trap.
Daniel Set a backrow.
Juan Carlos Set two cards to his Spell and Trap Card Zone.
Daniel Summoned Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to Xyz Summon Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss! He detached Cir to power Dante up to 2500 ATK, then Special Summoned Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss in Defense Position with Cir’s effect. He left his Dante in attack mode.
Juan Carlos Set a third Spell or Trap. He moved to his End Phase and lost all three of his backrows to Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss! Daniel Special Summoned Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his Deck with Graff, and got back Cir with Dante.
Daniel Summoned Cir to make another Dante, then detached Cir to send Mind Crush, Karma Cut, and Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to his Graveyard. He Special Summoned back his first Dante, attacked over Senju, and made a direct attack.
Juan Carlos drew Djinn Releaser of Rituals, now holding Nekroz of Trishula, Nekroz Cycle, and Nekroz Kaleidoscope. He was running out of options and Set Djinn. Somehow this Duel had gotten away from him in a big way.
Daniel detached his last Xyz Material from Dante, sending Allure of Darkness, Tour Guide from the Underworld, and another Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to his Graveyard! He attacked with the buffed Dante to destroy Djinn Releaser of Rituals, then made another direct attack with the second Dante.
Juan Carlos topdecked and Summoned Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands, but Daniel negated its effect with Breakthrough Skill.
Daniel Set a monster.
Juan Carlos drew Reinforcement of the Army and used it to search Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz. He activated Nekroz Cycle, Tributed Manju, and Summoned Nekroz of Unicore. He activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope next, Tributed Shurit and Summoned Nekroz of Trishula. Again, Daniel discarded his last card from his hand to dodge Trishula’s effect, this time activating Raigeki Break to destroy his brother’s Unicore. Juan Carlos discarded his last card as well, activating Nekroz of Clausolas’ effect to get Nekroz Cycle from his Deck. He activated Cycle to banish Djinn Releaser of Rituals and Summon back Clausolas. Trishula attacked Daniel’s last face-down monster: it was another Scarm, and he used it to search Cir in the End Phase.
Daniel passed.
Juan Carlos drew and Summoned Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands, Summoning it to search Nekroz of Valkyrus. Trishula attacked to destroy a Dante, and Daniel took back his Scarm.
Daniel drew for his turn, now holding four cards, and Set a second card to his Spell and Trap Card Zone. He Summoned Cir and attacked over Manju.
Juan Carlos drew Nekroz of Gungnir and attacked Cir with Trishula, destroying it.
Daniel Summoned Mathematician and sent Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to his Graveyard, temporarily banishing Trishula from the field. He turned Clausolas face-down with Book of Moon to break the Djinn lock, then used Foolish Burial to send Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to the Graveyard. That triggered its effect, and he Special Summoned Scarm from his hand. He overlaid Scarm and Mathematician for his third Dante, sending Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Farfa, and Cir to his Graveyard to boost Dante to 2500 ATK. Cir revived his third Dante. When he attacked, Juan Carlos banished for Nekroz of Valkyrus to end the Battle Phase.
Juan Carlos drew Senju of the Thousand Hands, Summoning it to search Nekroz of Decisive Armor. His Trishula had returned to the field, and he Flip Summoned Nekroz of Clausolas: he attacked, Daniel flipped Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss, and Juan Carlos stopped it with Nekroz of Gungnir! Two more attacks finished the Duel.
After an incredible, grueling first Duel that sees both brothers dominate at different times, Juan Carlos Coronel narrowly ekes out a win as his Deck almost runs out of cards! In just a few minutes he might be the new Central American Dragon Duel Champion. Daniel chose to play second.
Juan Carlos had Mystical Space Typhoon; Royal Decree; Nekroz Kaleidoscope; Nekroz of Clausolas; and Denko Sekka. He Set Decree and MST.
Daniel destroyed his brother’s Mystical Space Typhoon with his own, then Summoned Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss and Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to overlay for Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss. He detached Graff to send Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Tour Guide from the Underworld, and Mathematician to the Graveyard.
Graff let him Special Summon Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and Cir revived Graff. Daniel overlaid those two for Ghostrick Alucard, destroying his brother’s Royal Decree! He made two direct attacks, overlaid both Xyz with Downerd Magician, Set a card to his back row, and activated Terraforming for Secret Village of the Spellcasters! He activated it, and Juan Carlos conceded off his next draw! There was just no way to get over two Downerd Magicians.
After spending nearly half an hour on the first Duel, Daniel Isai Coronel wraps up Game 2 in a matter of moments! One more Duel would determine the Championship.
Daniel started with Mathematician and a huge grin on his face, sending Absolute King Back Jack to his Graveyard and rearranging the top three cards of his Deck. He Set two cards to his back row, then activated Secret Village of the Spellcasters again! Could he protect Mathematician?
Juan Carlos had Nekroz of Gungnir; Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz; Nekroz Cycle; Nekroz of Clausolas; Nekroz of Unicore; and Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands. He Summoned Manju to search Nekroz of Brionac, then discarded Clausolas to get Nekroz Kaleidoscope.
Daniel drew for his turn and ran over Manju with Mathematician.
Juan Carlos discarded Nekroz of Brionac to get Dance Princess of the Nekroz, then Summoned it and activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope! He Ritual Summoned Nekroz of Unicore sending Herald of the Arc Light to the Graveyard, then used Herald’s effect to get Nekroz of Trishula. Nekroz Cycle let him Tribute Shurit from his hand for Trishula, and Daniel Chained Back Jack’s effect, excavating nothing but a useless Foolish Burial. Juan Carlos banished Daniel’s Secret Village from the field, Cir from his hand, and that Foolish Burial from his Graveyard.
Juan Carlos continued, discarding Clausolas to search Nekroz Mirror, then activating it to banish Shurit and Ritual Summon Nekroz of Gungnir. He discarded his last card, Unicore, to destroy Daniel’s Set Mystical Space Typhoon with Gungnir’s effect, then attacked with everything to destroy Mathematician. Daniel blocked the Dance Princess’ attack with Book of Moon.
Daniel activated Allure of Darkness, drawing two and banishing Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. He Special Summoned Cir and Graff, attacked Dance Princess with Cir to destroy it, and then overlaid for Dante in Main Phase 2. He sent Karma Cut, Raigeki Break, and Mathematician to the Graveyard with Dante already in defense mode. Graff Special Summoned Scarm, and Daniel Set one more card to his back row.
Juan Carlos ripped Nekroz of Brionac. He discarded it to destroy Daniel’s Set Phoenix Wing Wind Blast with Gungnir, then attacked with Trishula to destroy Dante. Daniel revived his Dante and got back Graff to his hand. Scarm was destroyed in battle, and Daniel got Tour Guide from the Underworld with Scarm’s effect in the End Phase.
Daniel drew to three cards. He Summoned Tour Guide, Special Summoned Graff from his Deck, and overlaid to Xyz Summon Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction! He attacked with it to destroy Trishula and Daniel overlaid it in Main Phase 2 with Downerd Magician. He overlaid the Dante with another Magician, and then dropped Secret Village again!
Juan Carlos drew and Set Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror, then attacked the Downerd overlaying Dante with Gungnir, destroying it. Daniel got back his Cir with Dante’s effect.
Daniel drew to three and Set a monster, then turned Downerd to defense mode.
Juan Carlos drew Nekroz of Valkyrus and flipped Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror. He attacked Downerd to destroy it, then attacked the Set Cir, negating its effect with the Mirror.
Daniel Special Summoned Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and Special Summoned Graff to overlay it. He Xyz Summoned Wind-Up Zenmaines and Set his last card to his back row as time was called. Juan Carlos blew it away, discarding for Gungnir’s ability – Daniel had forgotten that Nekroz of Unicore would negate Wind-Up Zenmaines’ effect!
That left Juan Carlos free to press, and a procession of direct attacks with his Nekroz monsters finished the Duel, the Match, and the tournament! Both brothers fought hard and took the Match all the way to time in the third Duel, but National Dragon Duel Champion Juan Carlos Coronel is now headed to the World Championship!
Congratulations to Runner-Up Daniel Isai Coronel, as we crown Juan Carlos Coronel as the new Central American Dragon Duel Champion!