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Other Attractions at the WCQ

June 28th, 2015

There’s plenty of Dueling to be had at the North American WCQ! We of course have the Main Event, plus there’s the Dragon Duels for those 13 and under. In addition to those, there’s a wide variety of Public Events and other things to see!

Here’s all the different playmats you can win from Public Events! There’s Win-a-Mat, Beta Format Win-a-Mat, and a multitude of Structure Deck tournaments to win them in.

Playmat Totem

Here we have two teams playing in a Giant Duel! One side has a Yugi Starter Deck, and the other has Kaiba’s.

Giant Duel

Duelists get a chance to try out the brand new video game Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist at this station.

Legacy of the Duelist

They can also try out another game, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Dash! Players face off as a pair of racing Kuriboh, and must literally jump and duck to make their Kuriboh dodge obstacles.

Duel Dash

Finally, Duelists can get a photo taken at this mini studio, in order to make their own Token cards!

Token Photo Shoot

Besides all these, there’s plenty more Public Events to play in as well. There’s really a ton of stuff to see!