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Welcome to the 2015 North American World Championship Qualifier!

June 27th, 2015

After battling through countless Regionals, Extravaganzas, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series, thousands of Duelists have made their way to Nashville to compete for their invitation to the World Championship in Kyoto, Japan. With a whopping 2060 Duelists, players have their job cut out for them this weekend as they Duel for one of six North American representative slots. The best of the best have made their way to the North American World Championship Qualifier to prove their worth as many have traveled from all over the continent to compete this weekend.



Nekroz has been dominating the competitive scene for the majority of this season, but that does not mean things have remained stagnant. Burning Abyss, Qliphort, Shaddoll, and many other strategies have peaked through and had varying amounts of success against Nekroz, each trying to find the best way for their strategy to beat the big bad Ritual Deck. Nekroz players especially have been trying to find new and effective methods at gaining an edge, so we’ll see what exciting innovations will emerge the most successful.


The North American World Championship Qualifier will be played completely in the Constructed Advanced Format, so Duelists have to work extra hard compared to the other standard Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series events this season where the top cut portion was played with Battle Pack 3: Monster League. This emphasis on preparation in the Constructed Advanced Format is especially important as we want to select the best of the best to represent North America at the World Championship this year! It takes a combination of both luck and skill to make it all the way, so when the dust settles we’ll see who rightfully earns their spot on Team North America.


We have both written and livestream coverage throughout the weekend, so make sure to stay tuned to see all of the awesome Dueling action as we find out who is the best in North America!

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