. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Meet our new Champions of South America!!
Home > 2015 Central American WCQ, Dragon Duel > Meet our new Champions of South America!!

Meet our new Champions of South America!!

July 5th, 2015

After two grueling days of Dueling, we have two new Champions!

Gerardo Delgado is our new South American Champion, from Lima, Peru.  He fought his way to the top with his Nekroz Deck, winning 2-1 against Andres Torres, the Colombian National Champion and his Burning Abyss Deck.


Congratulations again to the Top 8 in the Main Event!

Top 8 Finalists at the SA WCQ!

Top 8 Finalists at the SA WCQ!

Meanwhile, in the South American Dragon Duel Championship, Mijail Flores, also from Lima, Peru, came out victorious for the second time, against fellow Peruvian, Alvaro Soberon, who was playing his Qliphort Deck.  Mijail will be going to Japan for the second time since 2012, as the South American Dragon Duel representative.


Well done to the other three Dragon Duelists as well!  Keep on believing in the heart of the cards!

Top 4 Dragon Duelists

Top 4 Dragon Duelists

Thanks to all the Duelists who attended this weekend, and we’ll see you all again next year.  And never forget – It’s ALWAYS Time to Duel!