Home > 2015 South American WCQ, Dragon Duel > Top Cut for Dragon Duel at the South American WCQ

Top Cut for Dragon Duel at the South American WCQ

July 4th, 2015

Here are the talented 4 Duelists returning tomorrow to try and win the Title of South American Dragon Duel Champion, and a trip to Japan to compete for the Dragon Duel World Championship title!
In 4th place: Anko Ignacio Gonzalez Zambrano from Chile (2015 Dragon Duel National Champion), with his ‘tellarknight Deck
in 3rd place: Joaquin Fernando Leites (2014 South American Dragon Duel Champion), with his Qliphort Deck
In 2nd place: Alvaro Fernando Soberon Tejada from Brazil, also with his Qliphort Deck
In 1st place and undefeated: Mijail Stephano Flores Barbosa (2012 South American Dragon Duel Champion) with his Nekroz Deck

Congratulations to the four of you and see you tomorrow for the Top Cut!
Top 4 DD

And the final standings were:

Rank Full Name Points
1 Flores Barbosa, Mijail Stephano 12
2 Soberon Tejada, Alvaro Fernando 9
3 Leites, Joaquin Fernando 9
4 Gonzalez Zambrano, Anko Ignacio 9
5 Jimenez Nieto, Andres Felipe 7
6 Pedreros Diaz, Pablo 7
7 Chamorro Acero, Edward Salvador 6
8 Ramirez, Maximiliano Exequiel 6
9 Souza Santos Balieiro Miraldo, Guilherme 6
10 Vollmer Azpurua, Gustavo Andres 3
11 Lossio Reyes, Luciano Daniel 3
12 Klim Ferregato, Carlos Henrique 3
13 Suarez Espinoza, Christian Xavier 3
14 Souza Santos Balieiro Miraldo, Gabriel 0