. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » New: Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational Day 2 Medal and Pin
Home > 2015/08 – UDS Summer Invitational – Philadelphia, PA, Ultimate Duelist Series > New: Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational Day 2 Medal and Pin

New: Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational Day 2 Medal and Pin

August 23rd, 2015

Seven Swiss Rounds have passed, and only the strongest remain. The Top 32 Duelists have made it to Day 2, and to commemorate their achievements, each one of them received a special Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational Day 2 Medal and Pin to add onto their lanyard!


Day 2 Medal


Day 2 Pin


(For more information about the Ultimate Duelist Series, click here!)