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The YCS Toronto Game Mat Gallery!

August 29th, 2015


YCS Toronto marks the debut of a brand new Championship Prize Card – Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn. We’ll have more info on that later, but Minerva’s not the only new prize on offer this weekend. Six game mats are on offer in different kinds of tournaments here at the YCS, including the new Top Cut mat featuring Minerva herself, so this is a great time to give you a sneak peek!




The new Regional Qualifier mat was first offered last weekend at the UDS Invitational, and now it’s available both here at the YCS, and at Regional Qualifiers across North America. With Regionals in Florida, North Dakota, Texas, Kansas, Utah, and Georgia this weekend, the Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon mat will be highly sought-after all across the continent, and since Regionals haven’t been held for several weeks, there’s sure to be huge turnouts.


Good news for Toronto attendees: the 2016 Regional Qualifiers here at the YCS are just 16-Player Flights played elimination-style, so four consecutive wins is all you need to take one home.




Also fresh off the presses from Philly last weekend, the new Starter Deck Tournament game mat features Yuya Sakaki and Declan Akaba along with their marquee monsters. Competitors in the Starter Deck tournaments compete in 8-Player Flights, randomly receiving a Dark Saber Starter Deck or Saber Force Starter Deck to duel with. Three wins earns you one of the Yuya & Declan mats.




Beta Format Win-A-Mat tournaments are played in the new Beta Format. It’s like Advanced Format, but you’re limited to three Summons per turn: one Normal Summon, one Special Summon from your Extra Deck, and one Special Summon from anywhere else (your hand, Deck, Graveyard, or so on).


Victory in an 8-Player Beta Win-A-Mat Flight will win you the Timegazer Magician and Stargazer Magician mat. Since Beta Format tournaments are still so new, this mat’s in scarce supply and garnering a lot of attention from collectors.




Regular Advanced Format Win-A-Mat tournaments are also contested as 8-Player Flights here at YCS Toronto, and award this Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon mat to winners!




The Hero Strike Structure Deck game mat’s been around for a while, but remains one of the most popular mats here today! While the right side of the mat reflects the Elemental HERO theme’s past, with Elemental HERO Neos, Elemental HERO Neos Alius, and Elemental HERO Voltic, the left side features the Masked HERO’s – Masked HERO Koga, Masked HERO Divine Wind, and Masked HERO Dark Law. Since all three have seen play in modern competition, it’s a popular mat for HERO fans.




With 680 competitors in this tournament, the Top 32 finishers will all earn the new Top Cut YCS mat, featuring Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn! Celebrating the new Championship Prize Card, this weekend marks the first time this mat’s ever been offered. Minerva’s featured on a modified version of the traditional Lightsworn background, and the character illustration breaks the boundaries of the original card art to portray Minerva and her familiar owl at full wingspan.


It’s a gorgeous prize, and it’s sure to be sought-after this YCS season. Who’ll be taking one home this weekend? Stay tuned to the live coverage today and tomorrow to find out!