. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Top 4 Feature Match: Jarrid Centamore vs. Sean McCabe
Home > 2015/08 – UDS Summer Invitational – Philadelphia, PA, Ultimate Duelist Series > Top 4 Feature Match: Jarrid Centamore vs. Sean McCabe

Top 4 Feature Match: Jarrid Centamore vs. Sean McCabe

August 23rd, 2015

New Jersey’s Jarrid Centamore and Philadelphia local Sean McCabe have made it to the Top 4! But only one of them will advance to the Finals and have the opportunity to become the Ultimate Duelist. Will it be Centamore with his Burning Abyss Deck, or McCabe with his Seraph Shaddoll? We’re about to find out, because it’s time to Duel!


Duel One


Centamore opened up Duel 1 with Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Karma Cut, Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss, Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare, and Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. He Special Summoned Alich to the field and then Normal Summoned Rubic. He combined both monsters to Xyz Summon Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss and then activated its effect by detaching Rubic. He sent Cagna, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard with Dante’s effect and then used Cagma’s effect to send Good & Evil in the Burning Abyss from his Deck to his Graveyard. Centamore Set Karma Cut and Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss before ending his turn.




McCabe Summoned Mathematician and activated its effect to send Shaddoll Dragon from his Deck to his Graveyard. He used his Dragon’s effect to target Karma Cut for destruction, and Centamore Chained Karma Cut, discarding Fire Lake to banish Mathematician. McCabe activated El Shaddoll Fusion to fuse Shaddoll Squamata and Star Seraph Sovereignty from his hand. He Summoned El Shaddoll Construct and activated its effect, but lost out on his effect and his monster to Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare. Squamata sent Falco from the Deck to the Graveyard, allowing it to Special Summon itself, and Construct gave McCabe his El Shaddoll Fusion back from the Graveyard. McCabe Set 3 cards to his back row before passing.


Centamore detached an Xyz Material from Dante to send Traveler and the Burning Abyss, Mask Change II, and Vanity’s Emptiness from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard with its effect. Next, he banished Good & Evil in the Burning Abyss from his Graveyard, discarding Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his hand to add Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his Deck to his hand. He attacked McCabe’s face-down Shaddoll Falco with Dante, and McCabe used its effect to Special Summon El Shaddoll Construct from his Graveyard in face-down Defense Position. In Centamore’s End Phase, he added Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his Deck to his hand with Scarm’s effect.


McCabe Flip Summoned El Shaddoll Construct and then Normal Summoned Shaddoll Hedgehog. Construct attacked and destroyed Dante, allowing Centamore to use Dante’s effect to return The Traveler and the Burning Abyss from his Graveyard to his hand. Next, Shaddoll Hedgehog attacked directly. Then, McCabe activated El Shaddoll Fusion to fuse his Hedgehog with his Construct. He sent Squamata to the Graveyard with the effect of Construct and added Falco to his hand with the effect of Hedgehog. He added El Shaddoll Fusion to his hand with the effect of Construct. Lastly, Squamata’s effect sent Shaddoll Beast to the Graveyard, and McCabe drew a card with Beast’s effect. McCabe attacked directly with Construct and then Set 2 cards to his back row.


Centamore Normal Summoned Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss and McCabe flipped Chaos Trap Hole and paid 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon and banish it. Centamore tried to Special Summon Cir from his hand next, but lost out to Solemn Warning. Finally, Centamore Special Summoned Graff from his hand in Defense Position and Set The Traveler and the Burning Abyss.


McCabe attacked and destroyed Graff with his Construct, and Centamore activated his Graff’s effect to Special Summon Scarm from his Deck in Defense Position. Next, McCabe activated El Shaddoll Fusion, fusing Falco from his hand with Construct on his field. He sent Beast to his Graveyard with Construct’s effect, Special Summoned Falco face-down with its own effect, and added El Shaddoll Fusion to his hand with the effect of his fallen Construct. He drew a card with the effect of Beast. McCabe attacked Scarm with Construct and Set 3 cards to his back row. When Centamore tried to use Scarm’s effect, McCabe flipped Mistake. In the End Phase, Centamore used The Traveler and the Burning Abyss to Special Summon Scarm and Graff back from his Graveyard in Defense Position.


Centamore combined Graff with Scarm to Xyz Summon Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss in Attack Position and then Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld. He activated its effect to Special Summon Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his Deck in Defense Position and then combined Cir with Tour Guide to Xyz Summon Ghostrick Alucard. He detached an Xyz Material from Alucard to activate its effect and destroy McCabe’s face-down Falco, causing Falco to activate its effect and Special Summon itself back from the Graveyard face-down. Next, Centamore activated the effect of Dante by detaching Scarm and sending Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Fiend Griefing, and Cagna, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Dante attacked and destroyed Shaddoll Falco, and then Dante switched into Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. Centamore upgraded his Alucard into Downerd Magician in Main Phase 2 and then ended his turn.


McCabe attacked Dante with Construct to destroy it, and Centamore added Cir to his hand from his Graveyard with Dante’s effect. He used Graff’s effect to Special Summon Cir from his Deck and used Cir’s effect to Special Summon Dante back to the field. Centamore activated Call of the Haunted next, Special Summoning his El Shaddoll Construct back from the Graveyard. He activated its effect to send El Shaddoll Falco from his Deck to his Graveyard, and then used his Falco’s effect to Set it face-down. Construct attacked and destroyed Downerd Magician next, and McCabe followed up by flipping Mind Crush, naming Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss.


Centamore conceded on his next turn, with a Dante on the field in Defense Position and no other cards in his hand or on his field.


Constructive Mistake


Sean McCabe takes a slow Duel 1 victory with his Shaddoll Seraph Deck!


Duel Two
McCabe started off Duel 2 by activating Shaddoll Fusion! He sent Star Seraph Sovereignty and Falco to the Graveyard to Special Summon Construct, and then used Construct’s effect to send Squamata to the Graveyard. He Special Summoned Falco to the field and then used Squamata’s effect to send Beast from his Deck to his Graveyard and draw a card. McCabe Set 2 cards to his back row before passing his turn.




Centamore Normal Summoned Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss and then activated Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss’s effect to try to Special Summon it. McCabe Chained Mind Crush to try to discard it from his hand, but Centamore Chained Mask Change II and discarded Libic to send Graff to his Graveyard and Summon Masked HERO Dark Law! Centamore revealed his hand of Vanity’s Emptiness, Fiend Griefing, and Cagna, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and McCabe randomly discarded Squamata from his hand due to the effect of Mind Crush, and the Squamata was banished by Dark Law. Dark Law attacked McCabe’s face-down Falco next, and Falco’s effect activated to Special Summon Beast to the field face-down in Defense Position. Falco was destroyed in battle by the Dark Law and banished from the Duel. Centamore Set 2 Trap Cards and then added Tour Guide From the Underworld from his Deck to his hand with the effect of Scarm in his End Phase.


McCabe attacked Dark Law with Construct, destroying the Dark Law. Next, McCabe Flip Summoned his Beast, drawing 2 cards and discarding Shaddoll Dragon from his hand. He destroyed Centamore’s face-down Vanity’s Emptiness with his Dragon’s effect.


Centamore drew Mystical Space Typhoon and then Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld. He activated its effect to Special Summon Graff from his Deck in Defense Position. Next, he combined Graff with Tour Guide to Xyz Summon Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss in Attack Position and detached Graff to activate its effect. He sent Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn Warning, and Mathematician to his Graveyard with the effect of Dante, and then used Graff’s effect to Special Summon Cir from his Deck in Defense Position. Centamore attacked Shaddoll Beast with Dante next, destroying it in battle and dropping McCabe down to 7700 Life Points. Dante switched into Defense Position and Centamore Set Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn. McCabe activated Call of the Haunted in the End Phase. He tried to Special Summon Shaddoll Beast from his Graveyard, and when Centamore Chained Fiend Griefing to try to shuffle Beast back into the Deck, McCabe Chained a second Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Beast to the field.


McCabe attacked Dante with Construct to destroy it, and McCabe used Dante’s effect to add Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his Graveyard to his hand. Next, McCabe attacked Cir with Shaddoll Beast, destroying it in battle and allowing Centamore to Special Summon Graff from his Graveyard in Defense Position. McCabe Summoned Mathematician and used its effect to send Squamata to his Graveyard. He used Squamata’s effect to send Beast to the Graveyard and then drew a card with Beast’s effect. He Set Shaddoll Core before ending his turn, and when Centamore flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it in the End Phase, McCabe used his Core’s effect to add Shaddoll Fusion from his Graveyard to his hand.


Centamore activated the effect of his in-hand Cagma to Special Summon it and McCabe activated Flying “C” from his hand, Special Summoning it to Centamore field! Both Burning Abyss monsters destroyed themselves, and Centamore used Graff’s effect to Special Summon Cir from his Deck. He used Cir’s effect to Special Summon Dante from his Graveyard when Cir destroyed itself. Centamore Set Fiend Griefing before ending his turn.


McCabe attacked Dante with Construct, destroying it and allowing Centamore to add Cir from his Graveyard to his hand with Dante’s effect. Mathematician attacked and destroyed Flying “C” next, and then Beast attacked directly. In Main Phase 2, McCabe activated Shaddoll Fusion, fusing Beast with Construct to Summon El Shaddoll Winda. He drew a card with Beast’s effect and added Shaddoll Fusion to his hand with his Construct’s effect. McCabe Set a card to his back row before passing his turn. In McCabe’s End Phase, Centamore flipped Fiend Griefing! He shuffled Shaddoll Beast from McCabe’s Graveyard into his Deck and then sent Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his Deck to his Graveyard. He used Graff’s effect to Special Summon Rubic from his Deck.


Centamore Normal Summoned Scarm, but McCabe flipped Chaos Trap Hole and gave up 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon and banish it. Next, Centamore Special Summoned Cir in Defense Position.


McCabe Summoned Mathematician and activated its effect to send Shaddoll Falco from his Deck to his Graveyard. He activated his Falco’s effect to Special Summon it back to the field face-down. Mathematician attacked and destroyed Cir, and Centamore used Cir’s effect to Special Summon Dante from his Graveyard in Defense Position. Winda attacked and destroyed Rubic next.


Centamore drew Torrential Tribute. He Set it face-down and then passed his turn.


McCabe Summoned Mathematician and activated its effect, and Centamore flipped Torrential Tribute! All monsters on the field, except for El Shaddoll Winda, were destroyed! McCabe sent Hedgehog to the Graveyard and Special Summoned Falco back to the field face-down. He added a Beast to his hand with the Hedgehog’s effect. McCabe attacked directly with Winda, dropping Centamore down to 3600 Life Points.


Centamore Set a monster and then passed his turn.


McCabe Summoned Star Seraph Scepter and added Star Seraph Sovereignty from his Deck to his hand with its effect. Next, he activated Shaddoll Fusion, combining his Scepter with a Beast in his hand to Summon Construct. He sent El Shaddoll Fusion from his Deck to his Graveyard with Construct’s effect and then drew a card with his Beast. Winda attacked and destroyed Centamore’s face-down Cir, which Special Summoned Dante from the Graveyard face-down. Construct attacked and destroyed Dante, which allowed Centamore to add a Burning Abyss card from his Graveyard to his hand.


Centamore drew a card and conceded on his next turn, unable to contend with McCabe’s field.


Sean McCabe is moving on to the Finals with his Star Seraph Shaddoll Deck!