Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational Top 8!
August 23rd, 2015
Check out the Top 8 Duelists and Decks at this weekend’s UDS Invitational at the end of the Swiss Rounds!
1st Place: Steven Gleason with Kozmos
2nd Place: Jonathon Nagel with Burning Abyss
3rd Place: Ned Salkovitch with Nekroz
4th Place: Jarred Randolph with Nekroz
5th Place: Sean McCabe with Shaddoll Seraphs
6th Place: Spencer Culwell with Kozmos
7th Place: Peter Cheng with Tellarknights
8th Place: Jarrid Centamore with Burning Abyss
Congratulations to this weekend’s Top 8 Duelists!