Home > 2015/08 - Toronto, Canada, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Toronto Top 8 Feature match: Chris LeBlanc Versus Gabriel Orosan-Weine

YCS Toronto Top 8 Feature match: Chris LeBlanc Versus Gabriel Orosan-Weine

August 31st, 2015

We’re here in the Top 8 of YCS Toronto with Chris LeBlanc and Gabriel Orosan-Weine. LeBlanc is looking to get his third YCS win this weekend, packing a powerful Performage Nekroz Deck. Orosan-Weine came here with his Burning Abyss Deck and is looking to take LeBlanc out of the tournament. Orosan-Weine won the die roll and went second.


LeBlanc opened with Reinforcement of the Army, Foolish Burial, Nekroz Mirror, Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands, and Nekroz of Unicore. He started out by Normal Summoning Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands to search Nekroz of Clausolas, which he discarded to search Nekroz Kaleidoscope. He used it to Ritual Summon Nekroz of Unicore sending Herald of the Arc Light, which added Nekroz of Valkyrus to his hand. Next he used Reinforcement of the Army to add Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, which he used as a tribute for Nekroz Mirror to Ritual Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus. He searched Nekroz of Brionac. He then used Foolish Burial to send Performage Damage Juggler, which he banished to add Performage Trick Clown to his hand. He used Nekroz of Valkyrus to tribute Trick Clown and Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands. He drew Nekroz Cycle and Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands. Trick Clown revived itself and LeBlanc discarded Nekroz of Brionac to search Nekroz of Valkyrus. He then Xyz Summoned Abyss Dweller and passed.


Orosan-Weine started out by Setting a monster and two backrow before passing.


LeBlanc drew Performage Hat Tricker. He detached Trick Clown with Abyss Dweller in the Battle Phase and Orosan-Weine responded with Skill Drain. Trick Clown brought itself back to the field, and Dweller attacked over Absolute King Back Jack. It revealed the top three cards of his Deck and he placed them back on top in a different order after analyzing his options. Nekroz of Valkyrus attacked directly to drop Orosan-Weine to 4100. LeBlanc was at 6000. He passed and Orosan-Weine banished Absolute King Back Jack to excavate and Set Fiend Grieving.


Orosan-Weine Set a monster and a backrow.


LeBlanc drew Performage Damage Juggler. He activated Nekroz of Valkyrus and it resolved without an effect. In the Battle Phase, Abyss Dweller attacked over Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, which Special Summoned Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss in defense position. Nekroz of Valkyrus attacked over it and Graff hit the field again.


Orosan-Weine Normal Summoned Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. He Xyz Summoned Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction. It attacked over Nekroz of Valkyrus.


LeBlanc drew Preparation of Rites. He activated it and Orosan-Weine chained Mistaken Arrest! LeBlanc switched Abyss Dweller to defense position and ended his turn, severely limited in possible plays by the Mistaken Arrest.


Orosan-Weine attacked over Abyss Dweller with Acid Golem. He Set a monster before ending his turn.




LeBlanc drew another Nekroz of Valkyrus. “I scoop.” LeBlanc opened up with an incredibly solid field but Orosan-Weine manages to break through it piece by piece due to Mistaken Arrest and Skill Drain. He opted to go first in the second game.


LeBlanc opened with Nekroz of Valkyrus, Nekroz of Trishula, Nekroz Kaleidoscope, Nekroz Cycle, and Mystical Space Typhoon. He Set both Ritual Spells and passed.


Orosan-Weine revealed and Special Summoned Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. He then Normal Summoned Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss and Xyz Summoned Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss. It milled Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Torrential Tribute, and Solemn Warning. He Special Summoned a Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his Deck in attack position. Next, Orosan-Weine revealed Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to Special Summon it to the field. He Xyz Summoned a second Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss and detached Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to mill Maxx “C”, Karma Cut, and Vanity’s Emptiness. It brought back Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to the field, and then all three monsters attacked directly to drop LeBlanc to 2000 Life Points. He Set three cards to his back row and ended his turn. In the End Phase he added Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to his hand.


LeBlanc drew Performage Damage Juggler. He Set Mystical Space Typhoon and passed.


Orosan-Weine used Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss to destroy LeBlanc’s entire field. He started resolving three Burning Abyss monster effects and LeBlanc extended the handshake. “You got it.” Gabriel Orosan-Weine is going to the Top 4 at YCS Toronto!

