. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 11 Feature Match: Omar Daoudi versus Courtney Hostler
Home > 2015/10 - Dallas, TX, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 11 Feature Match: Omar Daoudi versus Courtney Hostler

Round 11 Feature Match: Omar Daoudi versus Courtney Hostler

October 4th, 2015

This is it, the final Round of Swiss here at YCS Dallas. Both Omar Daoudi and Courtney Hostler are sitting at 8-2, needing a single match win and a mere three points in order to practically lock a slot in the Top 32 Cut. Omar Daoudi albeit being a newer Duelist on the scene is no stranger from the Feature Match Area, having topped all four YCS he has ever attended including his very first. He is looking to make this the perfect number five, and has chosen his typical weapon of choice, Nekroz, to do it. Courtney Hostler on the other hand is taking quite the different approach, using a 57 card Performage Shaddoll Deck packing Mistake and a ton of other tools to try to lock out Nekroz.

Will his Ritual mastery put Daoudi into another Top Cut? Or will Hostler’s awesome big Performage Shaddoll Deck reign victorious?

Hostler won the roll and chose to go second


Duel One:

Daoudi opened up with a hand of Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands, Nekroz of Decisive Armor, Nekroz Kaleidoscope, Nekroz Mirror, and Maxx “C”. He Normal Summoned Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands and used its effect to add Nekroz of Unicore. He activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope next, sending Herald of the Arc Light to his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore. The Herald of the Arc Light triggered which let Daoudi add Nekroz of Brionac which he immediately discarded to add Nekroz of Valkyrus before ending.

Hostler drew and intensely surveyed his hand before making his first move. He Normal Summoned Mathematician and used its effect to send Shaddoll Squamata, which then sent Shaddoll Beast, and drew a card from the Shaddoll Beast when it triggered. He Set three to his back row before passing the turn back.

Daoudi drew Reinforcement of the Army for turn and snapped it down, adding Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz to his hand. He then activated Nekroz Mirror, tributing Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, to Special Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus. He activated the effect of the Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz to add Nekroz of Brionac, and then ditched Nekroz of Brionac to add Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz. He activated Nekroz of Valkyrus to tribute Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz and Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands to draw Maxx “C” and Performage Hat Tricker before searching Nekroz of Gungnir from the effect of Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz. He moved to Battle Phase, declared an attack over Mathematician with Nekroz of Valkyrus, but when he tried to attack with Nekroz of Unicore Hostler activated El Shaddoll Fusion. Daoudi had Maxx “C” in response and Hostler sent Shaddoll Squamata and Performage Trick Clown to Fusion Summon El Shaddoll Construct. Daoudi drew Preparation of Rites off of the Maxx “C”, and Hostler sent Shaddoll Beast to the Graveyard by using Shaddoll Squamata and drew a card. Daoudi moved to Main Phase 2 and activated Preparation of Rites, adding Nekroz of Unicore to his hand and Nekroz Kaleidoscope back from his Graveyard.


Hostler drew and declared an attack with El Shaddoll Construct on Nekroz of Unicore, but Daoudi had Nekroz of Decisive Armor during the Damage Step to destroy the mighty Fusion! Hostler added back El Shaddoll Fusion from the effect of El Shaddoll Construct, then Normal Summoned Mathematician and used its effect to send Shaddoll Falco. When the Shaddoll Falco triggered, Daoudi responded with Maxx “C” and drew Senju of the Thousand Hands when it hit the Field. Hostler Set three more cards down to make a total of five in his back row before he ended.

Daoudi drew Performage Damage Juggler and activated Nekroz of Valkyrus, tributing the Performage Damage Juggler to draw Nekroz Cycle. He tried to banish Performage Damage Juggler to use its effect, but got halted by Hostler’s Mistake. He then used Nekroz of Unicore to add back Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz, and activated Nekroz Cycle to Special Summon Nekroz of Decisive Armor by tributing the Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz. However, in response to the Ritual Spell, Hostler activated El Shaddoll Fusion, sending Shaddoll Beast form his hand along with Mathematician to Special Summon El Shaddoll Shekhinaga. He drew from Shaddoll Beast, and then Daoudi Normal Summoned Senju of the Thousand Hands in an attempt to go for game but lost out to Mirror Force! Daoudi saved his Nekroz of Decisive Armor with Nekroz of Gungnir, destroying the El Shaddoll Shekhinaga which let Hostler add back El Shaddoll Fusion. He ended without any further actions.

Hostler drew and slammed down Instant Fusion, paying 1000 Life Points, to Special Summon Elder Entity Norden. He used the effect of Elder Entity Norden to bring back Shaddoll Squamata, and then overlayed both for Number 101: Silent Honor ARK. He used the Number 101: Silent Honor ARK to take the opposing Nekroz of Valkyrus and declare an attack before he ended.

Daoudi drew Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands for turn. He Normal Summoned it and then Special Summoned Performage Hat Tricker which prompted Hostler to Flip his Set Shaddoll Core, but Daoudi overlayed his two Level 4 Monsters for Evilswarm Exciton Knight! He used its effect and…it resolved! Hostler lost his whole Field but Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and even got the effect of Shaddoll Core and added back Shaddoll Fusion. Daoudi went to Battle Phase and declared an attack with Evilswarm Exciton Knight into the Number 101: Silent Honor ARK, then moved to Main Phase 2. He banished Nekroz Cycle along with Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz to add Nekroz Cycle and activate the effect of Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz to send Exa, Enforcer of the Nekroz to the Graveyard. He then banished Exa, Enforcer of the Nekroz and Nekroz Mirror to add another copy of Nekroz Mirror, but triggered the effect of Exa, Enforcer of the Nekroz to Special Summon Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz from his Banished. He activated Nekroz Cycle, tributing the Special Summoned Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz, and Special Summoned Nekroz of Unicore from his Graveyard. He then got to add a Nekroz of Unicore off of the Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz effect, and activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope to send Herald of the Arc Light to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore. He triggered the Herald of the Arc Light to add Nekroz of Trishula, and then slammed down his Nekroz Mirror to Special Summon Nekroz of Trishula! He banished Number 101: Silent Honor ARK from the Field along with Shaddoll Fusion from his opponent’s hand and El Shaddoll Construct from his Graveyard. After completely turning the game around, he ended his turn.

And that was it! Hostler drew and could not find an answer.


After a super intense back and forth between both Duelists, Daoudi manages to climb his way through a seemingly impossible wall of defense thanks to Performage Hat Tricker and Evilswarm Exciton Knight! Can Hostler manage to take these next two Duels in order to make it to Top Cut? Or will Daoudi manage to crush those dreams?

Hostler chose for Daoudi to go first

Duel Two:

Daoudi opened with Breakthrough Skill, Senju of the Thousand Hands, Nekroz of Clausolas, Nekroz Mirror, and Nekroz of Brionac. He started by ditching both Nekroz of Brionac and Nekroz of Clausolas, adding Nekroz of Unicore and Nekroz Kaleidoscope. He then Normal Summoned Senju of the Thousand Hands and used its effect to add Nekroz of Valkyrus, but when he tried to activate Nekroz Kaleidoscope Hostler responded with Maxx “C”! Daoudi pressed on, sending Herald of the Arc Light to his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore, and the Herald of the Arc Light got him another Nekroz of Unicore, and Set Breakthrough Skill to his back row before he ended.

Hostler drew and Normal Summoned Performage Damage Juggler before he Special Summoned Jigabyte. He declared an attack over Senju of the Thousand Hands with Performage Damage Juggler before he Set his whole hand and ended.

Daoudi drew Mystical Space Typhoon, but chose to not make any actions and end.

Hostler drew and activated Book of Moon to turn the Nekroz of Unicore down, and then activated Imperial Iron Wall to prevent any shenanigans. He overlayed his Jigabyte and Performage Damage Juggler for Abyss Dweller before he declared an attack over the Set Nekroz of Unicore.


Daoudi drew Nekroz of Unicore. He activated it to add back Nekroz of Brionac, and then when he tried to ditch Nekroz of Brionac Hostler responded with Mistake! However, Daoudi had the Mystical Space Typhoon to make sure he could keep going. Hostler tried to respond with Abyss Dweller, but Daoudi chose to Flip his Breakthrough Skill to negate it. The Nekroz of Brionac resolved which let Daoudi add Nekroz of Clausolas, which then got him Nekroz Kaleidoscope. He used the Nekroz Kaleidoscope to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore by sending Herald of the Arc Light which let him add Nekroz of Gungnir. He declared an attack over Abyss Dweller before he ended.

Hostler drew and passed his turn.

Daoudi drew Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands for turn but Hostler activated Mind Crush during the Draw Phase in attempt to tear Nekroz of Gungnir from Daoudi’s hands, but Daoudi was clever enough to Chain it in order to force Hostler to discard his single card in hand instead! He Normal Summoned Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands, used its effect to add Nekroz of Decisive Armor, and then overlayed the Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands along with Nekroz of Unicore to Special Summon Diamond Dire Wolf. He used the effect of Diamond Dire Wolf to destroy itself and Hostler’s Imperial Iron Wall, and then banished Nekroz Kaleidoscope and Nekroz of Clausolas along with another Nekroz Kaleidoscope and Nekroz of Gungnir to add Nekroz Mirror and Nekroz Cycle. He activated Nekroz Mirror next, banishing, Nekroz of Brionac and Nekroz of Unicore to Special Summon Nekroz of Decisive Armor and used its effect to blow away Hostler’s Set Mirror Force! He crashed in for a massive 3300 before he ended his turn.

Hostler drew to a single card, and as soon as he started looking through his Extra Deck Daoudi couldn’t help but exclaim, “Instant Fusion?!” Hostler had it, paying 1000 Life Points to Special Summon Elder Entity Norden, which then activated to Special Summon Performage Damage Juggler. He overlayed both for Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and used its effect to take the Nekroz of Decisive Armor before making a direct attack.

Daoudi drew Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands for turn! The stars were aligning for this Duelist as he slammed it down and added Nekroz of Brionac and used its effect to add Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz. He activated Nekroz Cycle, tributing the Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz to Special Summon Nekroz of Brionac, and then activated Nekroz Mirror to banish Shurit, Strategist of Nekroz to Special Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus! He activated the Nekroz of Brionac to bounce away the Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and close out the Duel!


That was it! Daoudi managed to narrowly comeback in the first Duel and capitalized by taking a swift victory in the second; Omar Daoudi has hopefully locked another Top Cut finish!