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Home > 2015/10 - Dallas, TX, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 6 Feature Match: Xinyu Jiang versus Darian Crevier

Round 6 Feature Match: Xinyu Jiang versus Darian Crevier

October 4th, 2015


China’s Xinyu Jiang is a student in Seattle and traveled to YCS Dallas to compete with his Speedroid Nekroz Deck this weekend. Jiang’s Deck uses the new Speedroid Terrortop, Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice, and Speedroid Double Yoyo from High-Speed Riders, which was officially released just yesterday in North America. Jiang is hoping that these new cards will give him the edge in this weekend’s tournament. Now, he’s Dueling against Texan Duelist Darian Crevier and his Nekroz Deck in our Round 6 Feature Match. Both of these Duelists currently have 4-1 records, but only one of them can advance with a 5-1 record. It’s time to Duel!


Duel One


Crevier started off Duel 1 by activating Reinforcement of the Army to add Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz from his Deck to his hand. He activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope next, Tributing the Shurit in his hand to Special Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus from his hand. He added Nekroz of Brionac to his hand with the effect of Shurit. Next, he activated the effect of Nekroz of Valkyrus to Tribute the Valkyrus and draw 1 card from his Deck.


Jiang opened up with Senju of the Thousand Hands, Nekroz Mirror, Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice, Nekroz of Unicore, and 2 copies of Mystical Space Typhoon. He Summoned Senju of the Thousand Hands and activated its effect to add Nekroz of Brionac from his Deck to his hand. Next, he attacked directly with Senju, dropping Crevier down to 6600 Life Points and passed his turn.




Crevier discarded Nekroz of Brionac from his hand to add Nekroz of Unicore from his Deck to his hand. He banished Nekroz of Brionac and Nekroz Kaleidoscope from his Graveyard next, adding another Nekroz Kaleidoscope from his Deck to his hand. Then, Crevier activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope, sending Shooting Quasar Dragon from his Extra Deck to his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus and Nekroz of Unicore from his hand. He Summoned Senju next, and activated its effect to add Nekroz of Unicore from his Deck to his hand. He discarded Nekroz of Unicore from his hand to add Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz from his Graveyard to his hand and then activated Nekroz of Valkyrus’s effect to Tribute Shurit and Performage Trick Clown from his hand and draw 2 cards. He took 1000 points of damage to Special Summon Trick Clown from his Graveyard and added Nekroz of Clausolas to his hand with the effect of his Shurit. Next, Crevier combined his Trick Clown with Nekroz of Unicore to Xyz Summon Performage Trapeze Magician! He detached an Xyz Material from his Magician to allow Nekroz of Valkyrus to attack twice, and then discarded Nekroz of Clausolas from his hand to add Nekroz Mirror from his Deck to his hand. He activated the Mirror and banished Shurit from his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Brionac from his hand. Attacks from all of Crevier’s monsters (including two attacks from the Nekroz of Valkyrus) instantly wiped out all 8000 of Jiang’s Life Points!


End of Duel 1


Darian Crevier takes a quick Duel 1 victory over Xinyu Jiang with some help from Performage Trapeze Magician!


Duel Two


Crevier started off Duel 2 by Setting a card to his back row.




Jiang opened up with Nekroz Kaleidoscope, Nekroz of Decisive Armor, Artifact Lancea, Nekroz of Unicore, and 2 copies of Senju of the Thousand Hands. He Summoned Senju and activated its effect to add Nekroz of Unicore from his Deck to his hand. Next, he activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope and sent Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine from his Extra Deck to his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus and Nekroz of Unicore from his hand. He attacked with Nekroz of Unicore, and Crevier flipped Mirror Force, destroying all 3 of Jiang’s monsters! Jiang banished Nekroz Kaleidoscope and Nekroz of Unicore from his Graveyard to add Nekroz Cycle from his Deck to his hand with his Kaleidoscope’s effect and then ended his turn.


Crevier Normal Summoned Dance Princess of the Nekroz and then activated Nekroz Cycle. He Chained the effect of his Nekroz of Decisive Armor to increase his Dance Princess’s ATK by 1000 and then Tributed Shurit from his hand to Special Summon Nekroz of Decisive Armor from his Graveyard. He added Nekroz of Clausolas from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his Tributed Shurit. Next, he discarded Nekroz of Clausolas to add Nekroz Kaleidoscope from his Deck to his hand. He activated the Kaleidoscope and sent Herald of the Arc Light from his Extra Deck to his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore to his hand. He added Nekroz of Brionac from his Deck to his hand with the effect of Herald of the Arc Light and then attacked directly with Nekroz of Decisive Armor, Dance Princess of the Nekroz, and Nekroz of Unicore to wipe out all of Jiang’s Life Points!


End of Duel 2


A huge play with Mirror Force and an incredible opening hand allow Darian Crevier to take a quick victory in Duel 2 and secure the 2-0 victory!


Darian Crevier is advancing with a 5-1 record!