Round 9 Feature Match: Zakaria Aossey versus Cameron Neal
Welcome to the final round of Day 1! Zakaria Aossey is currently 7-1 in the tournament with his Traptrix Kozmo Deck, featuring a variety of different Trap Hole cards, including Void Trap Hole, Time-Space Trap Hole, and Bottomless Trap Hole. Cameron Neal achieved the same record as Zakaria Aossey up until this point in the tournament, but used his Performage Nekroz Deck to get there. Now, Aossey and Neal are facing off in a Feature Match that will place one of these Duelists in a much stronger position during Day 2. It’s time to Duel!
Duel One
Neal started off Duel 1 by Normal Summoning Senju of the Thousand Hands and activating its effect to add Nekroz of Clausolas from his Deck to his hand. He discarded Nekroz of Clausolas to add Nekroz Kaleidoscope from his Deck to his hand and then activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope. Aossey Chained Maxx “C”. Neal sent Herald of the Arc Light from his Extra Deck to his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore from his hand, allowing Aossey to draw 1 card, and Neal added Nekroz of Brionac to his hand with the effect of his Herald of the Arc Light. Next, Neal discarded Nekroz of Brionac from his hand to add Nekroz of Valkyrus from his Deck to his hand.
Aossey entered his first turn with Time-Space Trap Hole, Fiendish Chain, Void Trap Hole, Dark Hole, Kozmo Farmgirl, and Traptrix Myrmeleo in his hand. He activated Dark Hole to destroy Nekroz of Unicore and Senju, and then Normal Summoned Traptrix Myrmeleo. He activated its effect to add Bottomless Trap Hole from his Deck to his hand and then attacked directly with Myrmeleo, dropping Neal down to 6400 Life Points. Aossey Set all 4 of his Trap Cards to his back row before passing his turn.
Neal banished Nekroz Kaleidoscope and Nekroz of Clausolas from his Graveyard to add Nekroz Kaleidoscope from his Deck to his hand and then Normal Summoned Performage Hat Tricker. He Special Summoned a Performage Hat Tricker from his hand in Defense Position next, and Aossey flipped Time-Space Trap Hole and paid 1000 Life Points to shuffle the Hat Tricker back into Neal’s Deck. Next, Neal activated Nekroz Cycle and Tributed his on-field Hat Tricker to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore from his Graveyard. When Aossey flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to try to destroy and banish it, Neal discarded Nekroz of Gungnir from his hand to protect his Unicore. Nekroz of Unicore attacked and destroyed Myrmeleo next, dropping Aossey down to 6300 Life Points.
Aossey drew Ring of Destruction and Set it.
Neal attacked with Nekroz of Unicore and Aossey flipped Ring of Destruction to try to destroy it; but Neal discarded Nekroz of Trishula from his hand to protect his Nekroz of Unicore. Aossey Chained Fiendish Chain to negate the Unicore’s effect and stop it from attacking instead.
Aossey drew Compulsory Evacuation Device and Set it.
Neal Set a card to his back row and passed.
Aossey drew Raigeki. He Summoned Kozmo Farmgirl to the field and then activated Raigeki to destroy Nekroz of Unicore. Farmgirl attacked directly, and Neal discarded Nekroz of Valkyrus from his hand and banished Nekroz of Unicore from his Graveyard to negate Farmgirl’s attack and end Aossey’s Battle Phase.
Neal banished Nekroz Cycle and Nekroz of Valkyrus from his Graveyard to add Nekroz Cycle from his Deck to his hand and then Normal Summoned Performage Trick Clown. He attacked with his Clown, and Aossey flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to return the Trick Clown to Neal’s hand.
Aossey drew Kozmo Forerunner and attacked directly with his Farmgirl, dropping Neal down to 3900 Life Points. He activated his Farmgirl’s effect by paying 500 Life Points to add Kozmotown from his Deck to his hand! Next, he activated his Farmgirl’s effect to banish it from the field and Special Summon Kozmo Forerunner from his hand. He attacked directly with his Forerunner, dropping Neal down to 1000 Life Points, and then entered Main Phase 2. He activated Kozmotown and used its effect to add Kozmo Farmgirl from his Banished Zone to his hand and give up 300 Life Points. Next, he used Kozmotown’s other effect to shuffle the Farmgirl back into his Deck and draw Dark Hole.
Neal drew a card and passed his turn.
Aossey gained 1000 Life Points in his Standby Phase with the effect of his Forerunner and then Normal Summoned his Goodwitch. He attacked directly with his Goodwitch, dropping Neal’s Life Points down to 0.
Zakaria Aossey wins the first Duel with his Traptrix Kozmo Deck!
Duel Two
Aossey opened up Duel 2 with Artifact Lancea, Retaliating “C”, Bottomless Trap Hole, Emergency Teleport, and Kozmo Forerunner. He Set his Bottomless Trap Hole and then passed his turn.
Neal activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Aossey’s face-down Bottomless Trap Hole and then Normal Summoned Senju of the Thousand Hands. He activated its effect to add Nekroz of Clausolas to his hand and then discarded Nekroz of Clausolas to add Nekroz Cycle from his Deck to his hand. He activated Reinforcement of the Army next, adding Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz from his Deck to his hand. Next, Neal activated Nekroz Cycle, and Aossey activated the effect of his Retaliating “C” to Special Summon it to the field in Defense Position. Neal Tributed Shurit from his hand to Special Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus from his hand, and then added Nekroz of Brionac from his Deck to his hand with his Tributed Shurit’s effect. Nekroz of Valkyrus attacked and destroyed Retaliating “C”, allowing Aossey to add Maxx “C” from his Deck to his hand, and then Senju attacked Aossey directly, dropping him down to 6600 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Neal discarded Nekroz of Brionac from his hand to add Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz from his Deck to his hand, and then activated his Nekroz of Valkyrus’s effect to Tribute his on-field Senju and in-hand Great Sorcerer and draw 2 cards. He added Nekroz of Gungnir from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his Sorcerer and then Set 2 cards to his back row.
Aossey drew another Emergency Teleport next turn. He Set both of them and then ended his turn. Neal flipped Royal Decree in Aossey’s End Phase.
Neal Summoned Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands and activated its effect to add Nekroz of Unicore from his Deck to his hand. Next, he discarded Nekroz of Unicore to add Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz from his Graveyard to his hand. He activated Nekroz Cycle next, and Aossey Chained Maxx “C”. Neal Tributed the Sorcerer in his hand to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore from his Graveyard, allowing Aossey to draw 1 card. Neal added Nekroz of Valkyrus to his hand with the effect of the Sorcerer. Manju attacked Neal directly, and Aossey flipped Emergency Teleport to Special Summon Kozmo Farmgirl from his Deck in Attack Position. Nekroz of Valkyrus attacked Farmgirl next, and Aossey activated his Farmgirl’s effect to banish it and Special Summon Forerunner from his hand. Nekroz of Valkyrus attacked and destroyed Forerunner, and Aossey used its effect to banish it and Special Summon Kozmo Sliprider from his Deck in Attack Position. He used his Sliprider’s effect to destroy Neal’s face-down Royal Decree. In Main Phase 2, Aossey Tributed his on-field Manju and in-hand Nekroz of Decisive Armor to draw 2 cards with the effect of his Nekroz of Valkyrus. He activated Nekroz Mirror next, and Aossey Chained the effect of the Artifact Lancea in his hand by sending it to the Graveyard! Neal revealed Nekroz of Valkyrus, Nekroz of Trishula, and Nekroz of Gungnir from his hand, showing that he was unable to Ritual Summon any monsters without banishing cards from his Graveyard.
Aossey drew Mirror Force and then attacked Nekroz of Unicore with his Sliprider. Neal negated its attack by discarding Nekroz of Valkyrus from his hand and banishing Nekroz of Clausolas from his Graveyard. In Main Phase 2, Aossey Tributed his Sliprider to Summon the Sliprider in his hand, and used the effect of his in-hand Sliprider to destroy Neal’s Royal Decree. He Set Mirror Force before passing his turn.
Neal Summoned Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands and activated its effect to add Nekroz of Brionac from his Deck to his hand. He attacked Sliprider with Nekroz of Valkyrus and when Aossey flipped Mirror Force, Neal discarded Nekroz of Gungnir from his hand to protect his Nekroz of Valkyrus. Manju and Nekroz of Unicore were destroyed by Mirror Force, and then Sliprider was destroyed in battle. Aossey banished his Sliprider to Special Summon Kozmo Goodwitch from his Deck in Attack Position.
Aossey drew Kozmotown! He activated it and added Kozmo Forerunner to his hand, losing 700 Life Points. Next, he used the effect of his Goodwitch to try to put Nekroz of Valkyrus face-down; but Neal discarded Nekroz of Trishula from his hand to stop the Goodwitch’s effect from targeting the Nekroz of Valkyrus.
Neal discarded Nekroz of Brionac from his hand to add Nekroz of Unicore from his Deck to his hand. He discarded Nekroz of Clausolas to add Nekroz Mirror from his Deck to his hand. Next, he discarded Nekroz of Unicore to add Nekroz of Decisive Armor from his Graveyard to his hand. He activated Nekroz Mirror, banishing Nekroz of Unicore and Nekroz of Brionac from his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Decisive Armor from his hand in Attack Position. Neal used Nekroz of Decisive Armor’s effect to try to banish Aossey’s face-down Emergency Teleport, and Aossey Chained it to Special Summon Kozmo Farmgirl from his Deck in Defense Position. Nekroz of Valkyrus attacked Kozmo Goodwitch, and Aossey banished it from his field to Special Summon Forerunner from his hand in Attack Position. Next, Nekroz of Valkyrus attacked and destroyed the Forerunner, and Aossey banished it from the Duel to Special Summon Kozmo Goodwitch from his Deck in Defense Position. Nekroz of Decisive Armor attacked and destroyed the Goodwitch, and then Farmgirl was banished in the End Phase due to the effect of Emergency Teleport.
Aossey drew Shared Ride and then used his Kozmotown to add Kozmo Farmgirl from his Banished Zone to his hand and give up 300 Life Points. Next, he used Kozmotown’s effect to shuffle Farmgirl back into his Deck and draw Time-Space Trap Hole. He Set Time-Space Trap Hole and Shared Ride, ending his turn. Neal activated the effect of his Nekroz of Decisive Armor to destroy and banish Aossey’s face-down Time-Space Trap Hole and then activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Aossey’s face-down Shared Ride. Direct attacks from Nekroz of Valkyrus and Nekroz of Decisive Armor subsequently finished off the rest of Aossey’s Life Points!
Cameron Neal pushes the Match to a third and final Duel!
Duel Three
Neal started off Duel 3 by discarding Nekroz of Brionac from his hand and adding Nekroz of Valkyrus from his Deck to his hand. He activated Nekroz Kaleidoscope and sent Herald of the Arc Light from his Extra Deck to his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Unicore from his hand. He added Nekroz of Unicore to his hand with the effect of his Herald of the Arc Light. Next, he discarded Nekroz of Clausolas to add Nekroz Cycle from his Deck to his hand. Time in the round was called, and then play passed to Aossey.
Aossey opened up with Mirror Force, Emergency Teleport, Dark Hole, Kozmo Sliprider, and 2 copies of Kozmo Forerunner. He activated Dark Hole to destroy Nekroz of Unicore and then entered his Battle Phase. He activated Emergency Teleport to Special Summon Kozmo Farmgirl from his Deck and then attacked with his Farmgirl. Neal discarded Nekroz of Valkyrus from his hand by banishing Nekroz of Clausolas from his Graveyard to try to negate its attack; but Aossey Chained his Farmgirl’s effect and banished her to Special Summon Forerunner from his hand. He attacked directly with Forerunner and then Set Mirror Force before passing his turn.
Neal banished Nekroz Kaleidoscope and Nekroz of Unicore from his Graveyard to add Nekroz Mirror to his hand. He Summoned Senju of the Thousand Hands next, and activated its effect to add Nekroz of Brionac from his Deck to his hand. He Special Summoned Performage Hat Tricker next, and combined his Hat Tricker with Senju to Xyz Summon Diamond Dire Wolf. He used his Wolf’s effect to have it destroy itself along with Aossey’s face-down Mirror Force, and then discarded Nekroz of Brionac from his hand to add Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz from his Deck to his hand. He activated Nekroz Cycle next, Tributing Shurit from his hand to Special Summon Nekroz of Valkyrus from his Graveyard. He added Nekroz of Trishula to his hand with the effect of his banished Shurit. Neal activated Nekroz Mirror next, banishing Shurit from his Graveyard to Special Summon Nekroz of Trishula from his hand. He banished Dark Hole from Aossey’s Graveyard, Forerunner from his field, and Sliprider from his hand. Nekroz of Trishula and Nekroz of Valkyrus attacked Aossey directly, dropping him down to 2400 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Neal Tributed his Nekroz of Valkyrus to draw a card with its effect, and then discarded Nekroz of Unicore to return Nekroz of Valkyrus from his Graveyard to his hand.
Aossey Summoned Kozmo Goodwitch and activated its effect to put Nekroz of Trishula face-down. He attacked the face-down Nekroz of Trishula with his Goodwitch, and then banished his Goodwitch to Special Summon Kozmo Forerunner from his hand. Forerunner attacked Nekroz of Trishula, and Neal discarded Nekroz of Decisive Armor to increase his Nekroz of Trishula’s DEF so that it could survive the battle.
Neal drew Preparation of Rites next turn! He activated it and added Nekroz of Unicore from his Deck to his hand and Nekroz Mirror from his Graveyard to his hand. He discarded Nekroz of Unicore to add Nekroz of Brionac to his hand and then discarded Nekroz of Brionac to add Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz to his hand. He Set a monster and a card to his back row before ending his turn.
Aossey gained 1000 Life Points in his Standby Phase with the effect of his Forerunner, but it wasn’t enough to put him ahead of Neal. Neal had 5200 Life Points to Aossey 2700 Life Points, and in this final turn of overtime, Aossey was unable to deal any damage. Aossey offered the handshake!
Cameron Neal is moving on to Day 2 with an 8-1 record!