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Top 32 Duelists and Decks!

October 4th, 2015

Check out the Duelists and Decks that made it to the Top 32!


1st place (33 points): Erik Christensen with Infernoids

2nd place (30 points): Dakota Angeloff with Burning Abyss

3rd place (30 points): Zachary Stone with Nekroz

4th place (30 points): Nicolas Reardon with Nekroz

5th place (30 points): Jonathon Castillo Gomez with Nekroz

6th place (30 points): Alan Santacruz Guzman with Burning Abyss

7th place (28 points): Jonathan Rosario with Shaddolls

8th place (28 points): Chase Cunningham with Burning Abyss

9th place (28 points): Patrick Hoban with Performage Shaddolls

10th place (27 points): Andres Torres Reyes with Nekroz

11th place (27 points): Jovanny Castillo with Shaddolls

12th place (27 points): John Wells with Burning Abyss

13th place (27 points): Ryan Levine with Nekroz

14th place (27 points): Glen Camunas with Nekroz

15th place (27 points): Malvin Dionisio with Burning Abyss

16th place (27 points): Tyree Tinsley with Nekroz

17th place (27 points): Alec Cheung with Qliphorts

18th place (27 points): Tyler Stebner with Ritual Beasts

19th place (27 points): Joseph Linch with Burning Abyss

20th place (27 points): Luis Uvalle with Performage Nekroz

21st place (27 points): Patrick James with Nekroz

22nd place (27 points): Louie Benitez with Nekroz

23rd place (27 points): Denny Yu with Nekroz

24th place (27 points): Edward Apaipong with Nekroz

25th place (27 points): Omar Daoudi with Performage Nekroz

26th place (27 points): Barruchaga Bel-Air with Performage Challengers

27th place (27 points): Ed Acepcion with Burning Abyss

28th place (27 points): Michael State with Kozmo

29th place (27 points): Jake Mattern with Performage Challengers

30th place (27 points): Michael Tamez with Burning Abyss

31st place (27 points): Matt Kolenda with Burning Abyss

32nd place (27 points): Fabricio Graniel with Kozmos


We have a diverse Top 32 this weekend, with Infernoids taking the top spot, but Nekroz (taking 13 spots), Kozmos (taking 2 spots), Burning Abyss (taking 9 spots), Shaddolls (taking 3 spots), Performage Challengers (taking 2 spots), Qliphorts (taking 1 spot), and Ritual Beasts (taking 1 spot) all making it into the Top 32!