. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 2 Feature Match: Krestoffer Nielsen versus Norberto Leon
Home > 2015/11 - San Jose, California, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 2 Feature Match: Krestoffer Nielsen versus Norberto Leon

Round 2 Feature Match: Krestoffer Nielsen versus Norberto Leon

November 8th, 2015

Krestoffer Nielsen traveled all the way here from Denmark to compete, and he’s brought his Kozmo Deck to get the job done. He’s using some interesting things like Kaiser Colosseum to get an edge on the competition. His opponent is Norberto Leon, a 2013 World Championship competitor from Los Angeles, using Burning Abyss.

Duel 1

Nielsen won the dice roll and chose to play second. Leon Special Summoned Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from his hand. He Normal Summoned Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss and Xyz Summoned Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss in Defense Position. Dante detached Farfa, sending Fiend Griefing, Cir, and Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to the Graveyard. Cir’s effect revived Farfa in Defense Position, and Leon Set three to his back row.

Nielsen had a hand of Honest, Maxx “C”, Kozmo Sliprider, Kozmo Farmgirl, Kozmo Forerunner, and Skill Drain. He played Farmgirl, banishing her to play Forerunner. It attacked Farfa, and Leon did not use its effect. Nielsen Set Skill Drain.

Krestoffer Nielsen

Leon used Dante, detaching Cir and sending Fiend Griefing, Solemn Warning, and Karma Cut to the Graveyard. Cir’s effect targeted Farfa, bringing it back in Defense Position. He Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Nielsen Chained Maxx “C”! Leon Special Summoned Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and Nielsen drew another Sliprider. Leon passed.

Nielsen drew Kozmo Strawman. He gained 1000 Life Points with Forerunner, and sent it to crush Tour Guide.

Leon Set a fourth back row card.

Nielsen drew Generation Shift. He gained another 1000 Life Points with Forerunner, then played Strawman. He moved to the Battle Phase, and used Strawman to Special Summon Sliprider. Sliprider targeted a back row card, and Leon Chained it: Breakthrough Skill, negating Sliprider. Nielsen did not attack, and he Set Generation Shift to finish. In the End Phase, Leon used Fiend Griefing to shuffle Maxx “C” back to Nielsen’s Deck, and put Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss into his own Graveyard. Leon used Scarm to add Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to his hand.

Leon Normal Summoned Rubic and stacked it with Graff for Ghostrick Alucard! Leon detached Graff to target Nielsen’s face-down Skill Drain. Nielsen let it be destroyed, and Graff’s effect Special Summoned Scarm from the Deck. Scarm was immediately destroyed by its own effect. Next, Leon stacked Dante and Alucard for Number F0: Utopic Future! Utopic Future attacked Forerunner, and Nielsen used Generation Shift on it! Forerunner’s effect brought Sliprider to the field, and he got a new Forerunner to his hand with Generation Shift. Sliprider targeted a back row card, and Leon Chained the targeted Karma Cut! He discarded Divine Wrath to banish the new Sliprider. Utopic Future attacked the remaining Sliprider and Leon took control of it. It attacked directly. In the End Phase, Scarm gave him Graff.

Nielsen drew his third Sliprider. He Set Honest and turned his on-field Sliprider to Defense Position.

Utopic Future attacked Honest, flipping it up and taking control of it. He Set a back row card and handed Honest back.

Nielsen drew Emergency Teleport. He Tributed Honest to play Sliprider, and its effect hit Breakthrough Skill. Nielsen stacked his Slipriders for Constellar Pleiades! Its effect bounced away Utopic Future, and the Dante Xyz Material put Cir in Leon’s hand. Nielsen played Emergency Teleport to Special Summon Farmgirl. Farmgirl attacked, and Leon flipped The Traveler and the Burning Abyss! He brought back Dante in Defense Position. Nielsen banished Farmgirl to Special Summon Forerunner from his hand, which destroyed Dante in battle. Dante’s effect put The Traveler back to Leon’s hand. Pleiades attacked directly. Leon had 3700 Life Points, to Nielsen’s 7700.

Leon drew, with four cards in hand and nothing on the field. He Special Summoned Scarm from his hand, and Nielsen Chained Maxx “C”! Nielsen drew Fiendish Chain. Leon Normal Summoned Graff and Set a back row card.

Nielsen drew Kozmo Dark Destroyer, and gained 1000 Life Points with Forerunner. Forerunner destroyed Scarm in battle. Pleiades’s effect bounced the back row card so it could safely attack Graff. Graff’s effect brought Cir in Defense Position. Nielsen Set Fiendish Chain, and Leon used Scarm’s effect to get Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss.

Leon played Barbar and stacked it with Cir, for Dante in Defense Position. He detached Cir, sending only Karma Cut to the Graveyard. Cir’s effect revived another Dante, and he used both copies of Dante for Utopic Future. Barbar’s effect banished Alich, Farfa, and Cir to deal 900 damage. Utopic Future attacked Forerunner, taking control of it, and Forerunner destroyed Pleiades. Leon Set two to his back row.

Nielsen drew another Dark Destroyer, and gained 1000 Life Points with Forerunner. He sent Forerunner to attack Utopic Future. Leon had no response, and Nielsen used Fiendish Chain to negate Utopic Future’s effect! Leon flipped Mind Crush, declaring Blue-Eyes White Dragon – that let him purposely discard Cir from his hand to revive Graff. Graff destroyed itself with its effect, and brought out Farfa. That destroyed itself as well, and it banished Utopic Future. The attached Dante effects gave him Cir and Graff in his hand. Leon flipped The Traveler and the Burning Abyss to bring back Dante, Dante, Graff, Farfa, and Cir! Nielsen chose not to attack into Leon’s imposing field. That left Utopic Future unable to return to the field at the End Phase.

Leon stacked Cir and Farfa for a third Dante, then Normal Summoned Cir and stacked it with Graff for Number 20: Giga-Brilliant. Dante detached Cir to send three cards to the Graveyard, and Cir revived Barbar. It destroyed itself immediately, dealing 900 damage. Giga-Brilliant powered up all his monsters, and he moved to the Battle Phase.

Traveling Trio and also a Bug

Dante crashed with Forerunner, and Dante’s effect put Cir back to Leon’s hand. Forerunner’s effect let Nielsen Special Summon Kozmoll Wickedwitch. Giga-Brilliant attacked Wickedwitch, and Nielsen used her effect to Special Summon Dark Destroyer from his hand! Destroyer hit Giga-Brilliant with its effect! In Main Phase 2, Leon used his 2 Dante to play 2 Downerd Magician.

Nielsen drew Kozmotown! He played it, getting back Strawman. He played Strawman and had it Special Summon Forerunner. Strawman and Forerunner destroyed the Magicians, and Dark Destroyer finished Leon off!

Duel 2

Leon chose to have Nielsen play first. His hand consisted of Kozmo Sliprider, Kozmo Forerunner, Honest, and 2 Storming Mirror Force. He Set Honest and the Trap Cards.

Leon Special Summoned Farfa and Normal Summoned Cir. He played Graff, and Xyz Summoned Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss. Dante detached Farfa to send Bottomless Trap Hole, The Traveler and the Burning Abyss, and Scarm to the Graveyard. Dante attacked into Storming Mirror Force, and Cir’s effect revived Farfa in Defense Position. Leon Set two to his back row, and Scarm gave him Tour Guide From the Underworld.

Nielsen drew Forerunner. He Tributed Honest for Sliprider. Its effect targeted a back row card, but the other card was Breakthrough Skill and negated it.

Leon played Tour Guide to get Graff, playing a new Dante. He detached Graff, sending Crush Card Virus and 2 Cir to the Graveyard right as the round timer ended. Graff and Cir Special Summoned Scarm and Graff, respectively. Leon Xyz Summoned Ghostrick Alucard, and it destroyed Storming Mirror Force! Dante was now free to take out Sliprider, and its effect Special Summoned Strawman in Defense Position. Alucard did not attack. In Main Phase 2, Leon upgraded Dante and Alucard each into Downerd Magician, and Set a back row card. In the End Phase, Scarm put Graff into Leon’s hand.

Nielsen drew Kozmo Dark Destroyer. He used Strawman’s effect, paying 500 Life Points to bring back his banished Sliprider. Leon Chained Vanity’s Emptiness, and Nielsen Chained Strawman’s other effect by banishing it. Leon Chained Mind Crush, declaring Kozmo Forerunner! Nielsen lost his Forerunners, but Strawman still Special Summoned Dark Destroyer. Vanity’s Emptiness destroyed itself, and Dark Destroyer took out a Downerd Magician. The Graff Xyz Material brought Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to the field, which was immediately destroyed by its effect. Leon used Scarm to add Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to his hand. Nielsen had 7300 Life Points, while Leon still had 8000.

Leon turned Downerd to Defense Position and Set a monster.

Nielsen drew Mystical Space Typhoon. Dark Destroyer hit the Set Graff, and Leon Special Summoned Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. Libic destroyed itself, and it Special Summoned Rubic from the hand with its effect negated. Nielsen Set Mystical Space Typhoon.

Leon Normal Summoned Barbar, and it self-destructed dealing 900 damage. Leon Set two to his back row, and lost Mind Crush to Nielsen’s Mystical Space Typhoon.

Nielsen drew another Dark Destroyer. With no way to deal any damage, the Leon won the Duel due to the End of Match procedures. With one win each, this slobberknocker of a Match came down to a Draw!