Top 8 Feature Match: Justin Delhon versus Sebastian Crawford
Justin Delhon is the only Duelist who made the Top 32 Cut with Shaddoll, using sweet tech cards like Imperial Iron Wall along with the explosive synergies of Instant Fusion and Performages for huge plays. His opponent is Sebastian Crawford, one of many Duelists who are playing the strategy that took the Top Cut by storm: Kozmo. Can innovation beat the new golden standard?
Crawford won the roll and chose to go second.
Duel One:
Delhon opened with a hand of Shaddoll Squamata, Foolish Burial, Performage Damage Juggler, Performage Trick Clown, and Maxx “C”. He activated Foolish Burial and sent Shaddoll Beast to the Graveyard trying to dig for a Fusion Spell. He found Instant Fusion, not quite the Fusion Spell he was looking for. He Set Performage Trick Clown and ended his turn.
Crawford started with Kozmotown and used its effect to shuffle back Kozmo DOG Fighter to draw a card. He then Normal Summoned Kozmo Strawman and used its effect, which Delhon responded to with Maxx “C”, and Special Summoned Kozmo Dark Destroyer. The Destroyer blew away Delhon’s Set Performage Trick Clown and Delhon drew El Shaddoll Fusion off of the Special Summon. Crawford destroyed the Performage Trick Clown by battle and in Main Phase 2 used the effect of Kozmotown to add back Kozmo Strawman. He Set two and ended.
Delhon drew Shaddoll Hedgehog for turn and activated El Shaddoll Fusion to Special Summon El Shaddoll Construct using Performage Damage Juggler and Shaddoll Squamata as materials. In response to all of the effects Crawford activated Time-Space Trap Hole to get rid of the El Shaddoll Construct, but Delhon still got to send both Shaddoll Core and Shaddoll Fusion to his Graveyard thanks to El Shaddoll Construct and Shaddoll Squamata so he could add back the Shaddoll Fusion once Shaddoll Core triggered. He activated Shaddoll Fusion next and fused away Performage Trick Clown and Shaddoll Hedgehog to Special Summon El Shaddoll Construct, triggering all three effects. He added Shaddoll Squamata off of Shaddoll Hedgehog, sent Shaddoll Dragon from El Shaddoll Construct, and Performage Trick Clown Special Summoned itself back to the Field. Shaddoll Dragon triggered in a new Chain and blew away Crawford’s Storming Mirror Force! Delhon kept pressing as he activated Instant Fusion to Special Summon Elder Entity Norden and activated its effect to Special Summon another Performage Trick Clown. He Normal Summoned Shaddoll Squamata and then overlayed Elder Entity Norden and Performage Trick Clown for Abyss Dweller before he moved to Battle Phase; he declared an attack with El Shaddoll Construct and activated Abyss Dweller to make sure Kozmo Dark Destroyer would not activate its effect. Abyss Dweller, Shaddoll Squamata, and Performage Trick Clown made direct attacks to put Crawford down to 1200 Life Points. In Main Phase 2 he overlayed Performage Trick Clown and Shaddoll Squamata for Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer using it to spin back Kozmotown before he ended is turn.
Crawford drew and conceded not having a way to come back!
After finding El Shaddoll Fusion from Maxx “C”, Delhon pulls off a huge explosive turn to take over the game. Can Crawford keep his tournament alive?
Crawford chose to go second.
Duel Two:
Delhon opened with a hand of Mystical Space Typhoon, El Shaddoll Fusion, Breakthrough Skill, Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress, and Shaddoll Squamata. He Set all of his Spells and Traps before he ended.
Crawford drew and activated Kozmotown, then used its effect to shuffle back Kozmo DOG Fighter to draw a new card. He Normal Summoned Kozmoll Wickedwitch but Delhon chose to respond with Solemn Warning. Crawford Set three to his back row and ended.
Crawford drew Shaddoll Beast for turn and Normal Summoned Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress. He activated its effect and blindly blew away Crawford’s Set The Monarchs Stormforth. Delhon then activated El Shaddoll Fusion and fused away the Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress along with Shaddoll Squamata for El Shaddoll Construct! He activated the effect of Shaddoll Squamata along with El Shaddoll Construct, but the latter lost out to Crawford’s Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare. Delhon triggered Shaddoll Squamata and sent Shaddoll Dragon, then triggered El Shaddoll Construct to add back El Shaddoll Fusion. He used Shaddoll Dragon to destroy Crawford’s Set back row but Crawford responded with Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy his own Kozmotown! That then let him find a Kozmo Farmgirl before Delhon Set El Shaddoll Fusion and ended.
Crawford drew and Normal Summoned Kozmo Farmgirl declaring an attack with it directly. This triggered the effect of Kozmo Farmgirl which let him add Kozmoll Wickedwitch, which he then Special Summoned via the effect of Kozmo Farmgirl. He attacked with Kozmoll Wickedwitch next and then used its effect to Special Summon Kozmo Dark Destroyer so he could attack for game!
Duel Three:
Crawford drew and thought for a moment before he Set three to his back row.
Delhon opened with two copies of El Shaddoll Fusion, Shaddoll Hedgehog, Shaddoll Squamata, and Shaddoll Beast before he drew another copy of Shaddoll Squamata. He Normal Summoned one of the Shaddoll Squamata and declared an attack, then still during the Battle Phase he activated El Shaddoll Fusion and fused away both Shaddoll Beast and Shaddoll Squamata to Fusion Summon El Shaddoll Winda. Shaddoll Squamata sent Shaddoll Core and Shaddoll Beast drew Delhon a Foolish Burial. The Shaddoll Core then triggered to add back El Shaddoll Fusion. When Delhon tried to attack with the El Shaddoll Fusion Crawford responded with Storming Mirror Force to blow it back to the Extra Deck. Delhon Set all of his Spells and Traps before he ended.
Crawford drew for turn and activated the effect of Kozmotown to shuffle back Kozmo Sliprider and draw another card. He Normal Summoned Kozmoll Wickedwitch and declared an attack with it, then still during the Battle Phase activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy his own Kozmotown and add Kozmo Dark Destroyer to his hand. He activated Kozmoll Wickedwitch next to Special Summon Kozmo Dark Destroyer! He used the effect of Kozmo Dark Destroyer to destroy it self so he could use its other effect to Special Summon Kozmo Farmgirl, but when he tried to attack Delhon Flipped his Set El Shaddoll Fusion to make sure he could stay alive! He fused away Shaddoll Hedgehog and Shaddoll Squamata to Fusion Summon El Shaddoll Winda in Defense Position, then triggered both Shaddoll Hedgehog and Shaddoll Squamata. The Shaddoll Squamata sent Shaddoll Falco and the Shaddoll Hedgehog added Shaddoll Beast, then the Shaddoll Falco triggered to Special Summon itself. Crawford continued and attacked El Shaddoll Winda which let Delhon trigger its effect once it hit the Graveyard to add back Shaddoll Core. In Main Phase 2, Crawford activated Kozmotown and paid 800 Life Points to add back Kozmo Dark Destroyer. He then activated the effect of Kozmo Farmgirl to Special Summon the Kozmo Dark Destroyer and destroy the Set Shaddoll Falco before he ended.
Delhon drew Shaddoll Squamata and tried to Flip his Set Foolish Burial which prompted Crawford to respond with Mystical Space Typhoon on Delhon’s Set El Shaddoll Fusion. Delhon considered his options and ultimately chose to not respond with his El Shaddoll Fusion and sent Cyber Dragon Core to the Graveyard. He banished it to Special Summon another copy and then fused his pseudo Cyber Dragon along with Kozmo Dark Destroyer for Chimeratech Fortress Dragon! It made a direct attack and then in Main Phase 2, Delhon tributed it away for Shaddoll Beast.
Crawford drew and activated the effect of Kozmo Town to add back Kozmo Farmgirl. He then activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy his own Kozmotown and add Kozmo Dark Destroyer to his hand. He then Normal Summoned the Kozmo Farmgirl and used it to Special Summon Kozmo Dark Destroyer to destroy Delhon’s Set Shaddoll Beast, which triggered the Shaddoll allowing Delhon to draw Raigeki, and then made a direct attack before he ended.
Delhon drew Mystical Space Typhoon for turn and Set it along with Shaddoll Core before he ended.
Crawford drew to a single card and then made a direct attack with Kozmo Dark Destroyer to put Delhon down to 100 Life Points.
Delhon drew Instant Fusion, not the best now that he only had 100 Life Points. He started off with Raigeki to destroy Crawford’s Kozmo Dark Destroyer which let him Special Summon Kozmo Forerunner from its effect. Delhon Set Shaddoll Squamata and ended his turn.
Crawford drew and gained 1000 Life Points from Kozmo Forerunner. He then activated Raigeki which triggered the Shaddoll Squamata that it destroyed. The Shaddoll Squamata sent Shaddoll Beast which let Delhon draw Mystical Space Typhoon.
Delhon drew a second copy of Instant Fusion but couldn’t clear the Kozmo Forerunner!
Shaddoll gets knocked out of the event as Sebastian Crawford defeats Justin Delhon to move onto Top 4!