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QQ: Which Deck Do You Think Will Win This Weekend?

February 6th, 2016

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Lots of different Decks are competing this weekend, but only one will win. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which Deck they think will rise above all others. Check out their responses!


“Kozmo or Performapal Pendulum.” –James Conlon



“Performapal Pendulums.” –Eric Smith


“Performapal Pendulums or Kozmo.” –Eduardo Uribe


“Performapal Pendulums.” –Jeff Jones


“Performapal Pendulums.” –Max Reynolds


“Performapal Pendulums.” –Andy Schultz


“Performapal Pendulums.” –Jorge Sanchez


“Dark Pendulums with Dark Law.” –Patrick Hoban


“Performapal Pendulums for sure.” –Steven McMearty


“Performapal Pendulums.” –Frazier Smith


“Dracos or some variant of it.” –Jonathan Moore


“Performapal Pendulums.” –Christopher Chewning


Just about all of the Duelists surveyed seem to think that a Performapal Pendulum Deck will win this weekend’s YCS. Will they all be right? Follow the coverage throughout the weekend to find out!