. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Standings: Round 7 -UDS LA

Standings: Round 7 -UDS LA

February 21st, 2016

We are at the end of Round 7 and here are the Final Standing after 7 Rounds of play. Congratulations to Jeff Jones for currently being undefeated in the quest to be the Ultimate Duelist.

Rank Full Name Points
1 Jones, Jeffrey Michael Alexander 21
2 Juneja, Alexander Singh 18
3 Williams, Garon Lamar 18
4 Kemper, Kyle Patraic 18
5 Keys, Barrett Arthur 16
6 Murakami, Ryan Kaleo 16
7 Yu, Denny CA 15
8 Janyaprayot, Shna 15
9 De Lara, Steven Jesus 15
10 Blaske, Hughe Charles 15
11 Skolnick, Ryan Neil 15
12 Lopez, Alberto CA 15
13 Acepcion, Ed Elton Devera 15
14 Cisneros, Adam Daniel 15
15 Vi, Tommy CA 15
16 Do, Andrew Dung Van 15
17 Hayashi, Craig Shun 15
18 Hernandez, Nicholas Alexander 13
19 Bishop-Stone, Zachary William 12
20 Encinas, Corey Ryan 12
21 Quiroz, Raul CA 12
22 Vu, Elvis CA 12
23 Flores, Westley Dennis 12
24 Welch, Christopher Ryan 12
25 Comaduran, Michael Anthony 12
26 Zuniga, Phillip Joseph 12
27 Abundiz, Antonio CA 12
28 Wong, Brandon Shane 12
29 Flores Covarrubias, Angel Zayren 12
30 Tachella, Anthony John 12
31 Cosie Jr., Herman Charles 12
32 Frankino, Joseph 12
33 Du, Brian Thien-Vuong 12
34 Juarez-Barba, Luis Alek 12
35 Silva, Mason Garret 12
36 Saxon, Michael Locke 10
37 Cheng, Peter NJ 10
38 Wathathantrige, Esala Sammidha de Alvis 9
39 Mera, Henry Jonathan 9
40 Dionisio, Malvin Bernado 9
41 Nagel, Jonathon Michael 9
42 Iem, Anthony Jay C. 9
43 Ramos, Mario Vidro 9
44 Ross, Ayinde Ezekiai 9
45 Yang, Yifei 9
46 Deol, Amit Singh 9
47 Ahumada, Daniel Ricardo 9
48 Rojas, Jerardo Melena 9
49 Loa Jr., Robert Sylvester 9
50 Maya, Christian Ivan 6
51 Castillo, Jovanny Velsain 6
52 Castillo Gomez, Jonathon Phillip 6
53 Villalobos, Julian Marco 6
54 Daoudi, Omar CA 6
55 Wright, Christopher Lee 6
56 Martinez, Tony CA 6
57 Alcaraz Jr., Cesar CA 6
58 Melendez, Evan Matthew 3
59 Venegas Jaimes, Sergio Omar 3
60 Hirata, Kurt Kenichi 3
61 Alcaraz, Francisco Iram 3
62 Varela, Gerardo CA 3
63 Ventura, Jorge Marcos 3
64 Arrecis, Sergio Israel 3
65 Brake, Billy Presley 3
66 Ticas Hernandez, Salvador Antonio 3
67 Charlier, David Benjamin 3
68 Pham-Le, Dennis 1
69 Huynh, Brian Tien 0
70 Suarez Fogelbach, Jesus 0
71 Wingate, Lexus Masalah 0
72 Renderos, Oscar Egardo 0
73 Oliphant II, Armond Gaylord 0
74 Gil, Lilian 0