Welcome to the UDS Invitational!
Welcome to the Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational – Winter 2016! Many Duelists have chosen to make the trek to sunny Los Angeles, CA to compete for the title, but they will need a minimum of 100 UDS points in order to enter the ring. Whether it be participating or judging in official Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME tournaments, Duelists of all sorts have worked hard to earn their points for this weekend.
The UDS Invitational pits the best of the best against each other, and with such a high point threshold necessary to compete, only those truly dedicated Duelists have amassed enough. In fact, those who have really put in the time can even give themself an edge with a first round bye, so expect to see a lot of familiar faces as we approach the tournament’s close.
Not only is the field dense with experts, but this is also the first event we will see the effects of the Adjusted List. So if tournament coverage filled with the best of the best was not exciting enough, this brand new competitive play environment definitely will be. There will be 7 Swiss Rounds Day One, 3 more Day Two, and finally a cut to the Top 8, so a total of 13 matches stand in the way of the next Ultimate Duelist!
The current reigning Ultimate Duelist is Peter Cheng, who took down the Summer Invitational in Philadelphia, PA. Along with the title and belt, Cheng went home with a ton of cool prizes as well as travel accommodations to the Winter Invitational. Can he manage to defend his title? Or will a new Duelist rise to the top and take it down?
We’ll have to find out this weekend. It’s Time To Duel!