Home > 2016/03 - Las Vegas, NV, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Las Vegas Top 32 Decks and Breakdown

YCS Las Vegas Top 32 Decks and Breakdown

March 13th, 2016

Here are the Top 32 Duelists for YCS Las Vegas!


Table 1: Ed Acepcion (Monarch) vs Derek Freeman (Performapal)

Table 2: Cameron Neal (Performapal) vs Jonathon Gomez (Quantum Monarch)

Table 3: Josph Linch (Performapal) vs Timothy Reed (Mermail)

Table 4: Trenell Williams (Burning Abyss Phantom Knight) vs Amit Deol (Performapal)

Table 5: Tyree Tinsley (Performapal) vs Adam Belohradsky (Performapal)

Table 6: Ned Salkovitch (Kozmo) vs Alexander Liddington (Performapal)

Table 7: Jacob Phinney (Kozmo) vs Daniel Gonzalez (Monarch)

Table 8: Jose Osores (Kozmo) vs Angel Flores (Kozmo)

Table 9: Jiahao Liu (Performapal) vs Christian Mayers (Kozmo)

Table 10: Manuel Marquez (Performapals) vs Denny Yu (Performapal)

Table 11: Christopher Welch (Monarch) vs Albert Vinageras (Kozmo)

Table 12: Anthony Eckroth (Kozmo) vs Francesco Bellantone (Performapal)

Table 13: Robert Loa (Performapal) vs Oscar Giron (Kozmo)

Table 14: Abel Carrasco (Performapal) vs Michael Della-Ca (Super Quantum)

Table 15: Michael Ortega (Performapal) vs Alexander Juneja (Kozmo)

Table 16: Gabriel Gonzalez (Performapal) vs Alonso Llerenas (Monarch)

Here’s the breakdown:

15 Performapal
9 Kozmo
4 Monarch
1 Quantum Monarch
1 Burning Abyss Phantom Knight
1 Mermail
1 Super Quantum

Nearly half the field turned out to be a variety of Performapal variants. All of them are playing the Dracoslayer cards, enabling some extremely powerful plays. Kozmo was next, with about a third of the field. The big star is Kozmo Tincan, and some players are also using Kozmo Soartroopers. Most are also using Kozmo Dark Eclipser. Monarch Decks showed up strong, mostly using Domain of the True Monarchs, but there is also a Quantum variant which plays very differently. Finally, rounding out the Top 32 we have Mermails using Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince; Super Quantums, and a combination Burning Abyss and Phantom Knight Deck.