Home > 2016/04 - Houston, Texas, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What’s Your Favorite Change to the F&L List?

QQ: What’s Your Favorite Change to the F&L List?

April 9th, 2016

QQ stands for Quick Questions! A new Forbidden & Limited List will take effect on April 11th, and it’ll bring big changes to competitive Dueling! I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which changes to the new Forbidden & Limited List they like best. Check out their responses!


Thousand-Eyes Restrict is back! I missed him. Now I’m just patiently waiting for Apoqliphort Towers, Stratos, and Cyber Stein to come back.” –Darien Lowe


Draco Face-Off is Limited.” –Donny Nguyen


Upstart Goblin is Limited.” –Vicente Ortega


“It hurts Performapal Pendulum Decks.” –Henry Tumkaya


Thousand-Eyes Restrict is back.” –Elliott Winford


Dark Magician of Chaos is no longer on the List.” –Korey McDuffie


Allure of Darkness to two! It’s very… alluring!” –Jonathan Moore


“All of the changes.” –Long Nguyen


Wavering Eyes is Forbidden.” –Benjamin Leverett


“Dracopals are gone J.” –Julie Vasquez


“It leveled the playing field with Performapal Pendulums hit.” –Alexander Cho


“It gets rid of the Monarch FTK and it makes Performapal Pendulums fair.” –Hisam Jawhari


Thousand-Eyes Restrict is back.” –Hani Jawhari


Chicken Game is Forbidden.” –Stephen Avelar


There are lots of cool changes coming to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME thanks to the April 11th Forbidden & Limited List. Which is your favorite?