. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 4 Feature Match: Nestor Gomez versus Jaime Aguilar
Home > 2016/04 - Houston, Texas, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 4 Feature Match: Nestor Gomez versus Jaime Aguilar

Round 4 Feature Match: Nestor Gomez versus Jaime Aguilar

April 9th, 2016

Nestor Gomez and Jaime Aguilar are both local Duelists from Houston, Texas and both have 2-1 records in the tournament with their Atlantean Mermail Decks. Both of these Decks strive to defeat their opponents in a single turn, so we’re likely to see a quick Match. It’s time to Duel!

Duel One


Gomez opened up Duel 1 with Mermail Abyssgunde, Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince, Instant Fusion, Atlantean Heavy Infantry, and One for One.




He activated One for One by sending Abyssgunde from his hand to his Graveyard and Special Summoned Neptabyss from his Deck. He activated Neptabyss’s effect to send Atlantean Dragoons from his Deck to his Graveyard and add another Atlantean Dragoons from his Deck to his hand. Next, he used the effect of the Atlantean Dragoons he sent to the Graveyard to add Mermail Abyssmegalo from his Deck to his hand. He activated Instant Fusion next, Special Summoning Elder Entity Norden from his Extra Deck, and activating its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Dragoons from his Graveyard. Next, he combined Norden with Dragoons to Xyz Summon Abyss Dweller in Attack Position.


Prince Dweller


Aguilar activated Dark Hole to clear the field, and Gomez Chained the effect of his Dweller by detaching Dragoons from it. He used Dragoons’s effect to add Deep Sea Diva from his Deck to his hand after all of his monsters were destroyed. Next, Aguilar activated One for One, sending Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon from his hand to his Graveyard to Special Summon his own Neptabyss from his Deck! Next, he activated Neptabyss’s effect to send Atlantean Heavy Infantry from his Deck to his Graveyard and add Atlantean Marksman from his Deck to his hand. He revealed Mermail Abyssmegalo from his hand next, and Special Summoned it by discarding Atlantean Dragoons and Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord. He added Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his Abyssmegalo and equipped it to his Abyssmegalo. He Tributed his Neptabyss to activate his Abyssmegalo’s effect and allow Abyssmegalo to attack twice. He Summoned Atlantean Marksman next, and attacked directly with his Marksman. He Special Summoned Dragoons from his Deck with its effect, and attacked directly with Dragoons, dropping Gomez down to 3800 Life Points. Finally, two direct attacks from Abyssmegalo wiped out the rest of Gomez’s Life Points!


Megalo Win


Jaime Aguilar wins Duel 1 on his very first turn!


Duel Two


Aguilar started off Duel 2 by activating One for One.




He sent Atlantean Heavy Infantry from his hand to his Graveyard to Special Summon Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince and then activated Neptabyss’s effect. He sent Atlantean Dragoons from his Deck to his Graveyard to add Atlantean Dragoons from his Deck to his hand and then added Mermail Abyssmegalo to his hand with the effect of the Dragoons he sent to his Graveyard. He discarded a Dragoons to Special Summon Mermail Abyssteus and then used his Abyssteus’s effect to add Mermail Abyssgunde to his hand. He used the effect of his Dragoons to add another Mermail Abyssmegalo from his Deck to his hand. Next, he discarded a Mermail Abyssmegalo and Mermail Abyssgunde from his hand to Special Summon his Mermail Abyssmegalo to the field. He added Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi from his Deck to his hand with his Abyssmegalo’s effect, and Special Summoned another Abyssmegalo from his Graveyard with Abyssgunde’s effect. He activated Upstart Goblin to draw a card and give Gomez 1000 Life Points next, and then activated another Upstart Goblin to do it again. He combined his Mermail Abyssmegalo and Mermail Abyssteus next, and Xyz Summoned Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon! He equipped his Abyssmegalo with Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi next, and then Set a card to his back row.


Turn 1 field


Gomez opened up Duel 2 with Instant Fusion, Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince, Mermail Abyssmegalo, 2 copies of Atlantean Heavy Infantry, and Raigeki. He activated Instant Fusion by paying 1000 Life Points to Special Summon Elder Entity Norden from his Extra Deck, and lost an additional 500 Life Points from the effect of Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon. Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi was sent to the Graveyard to negate the Instant Fusion. Next, Gomez activated Raigeki to destroy Mermail Abyssmegalo and Neptabyss, losing another 500 Life Points in the process. Gomez Summoned Neptabyss next, and activated its effect. He sent Dragoons to his Graveyard and added Atlantean Marksman to his hand, losing another 500 Life Points, and then activated the effect of his Dragoons to add Atlantean Heavy Infantry to his hand, costing him another 500 Life Points. He revealed Mermail Abyssmegalo from his hand to Special Summon it next, and discarded Atlantean Heavy Infantry and Atlantean Marksman from his hand to do so. He lost 500 Life Points by activating its effect, and then activated the effects of his Marksman and Atlantean Heavy Infantry. Atlantean Heavy Infantry was unable to destroy Red-Eyes, Marksman destroyed Aguilar’s face-down Dark Hole, and Gomez lost another 500 Life Points for each of their effects due to the effect of Red-Eyes. Next, he activated the effect of Abyssmegalo by Tributing Neptabyss, allowing Abyssmegalo to attack twice, and he Special Summoned Dragoons from his Graveyard with the effect of his Neptabyss, losing another 500 Life Points for each of those effects that he activated.


Aguilar attacked and destroyed Abyssmegalo with his Red-Eyes and then passed his turn.


Gomez drew Atlantean Marksman and then switched his Dragoons into Defense Position. He Set Atlantean Heavy Infantry and passed his turn.


Aguilar activated Dark Hole to clear the field of everything except for Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon, and then Normal Summoned Atlantean Marksman. He attacked directly with Marksman to Special Summon Atlantean Heavy Infantry from his Deck in Defense Position and then attacked directly with his Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon, dropping Gomez down to 400 Life Points.


Gomez conceded on his next turn, with only 400 Life Points remaining while staring down Aguilar’s Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon.


Victory with Flare


Jaime Aguilar makes big use of Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon in Duel 2 to secure the 2-0 victory and advance with a 3-1 record!