Home > 2016/03 – Santiago, Chile > QQ: What’s your favorite Side Deck card?

QQ: What’s your favorite Side Deck card?

May 1st, 2016

QQ stands for Quick Questions!  This weekend at the YCS – Santiago, we asked the Duelists what their favorite Side Deck card is.  Here’s what they responded!

Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss – Fernando Luna from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Flying “C”” – Barbara Sepulveda from Santiago, Chile

Herald of Orange Light – Ezequiel Leites from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Judgment Dragon – Federico Ramos from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Judgment Dragon – Matias Orquera from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Royal Decree – Gustavo Huenchunier from Santiago, Chile

Majesty’s Fiend – Andres Echenique from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Trap Eater – Eduardo Garcia from Santiago, Chile

Maxx “C” – Gianfranco Fantosa from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mask of Restrict – Gaston Poblete from Buenos Aires, Argentina