Top 32 Duelists and Decks!
May 29th, 2016
Check out the Duelists and Decks in the Top 32 after 10 Rounds of Swiss!
- Timothy Howell (Magician Pendulum)
- Tahmid Zaman (Burning Abyss with Speedroids)
- Joshua Williams (Kozmo)
- Patrick Hoban (Xyz Monarch)
- Frazier Smith (Kozmo)
- David Mendoza (Kozmo)
- Nicholas Sundstrom (Burning Abyss)
- Jesse Barber (Qliphort)
- Robert Potter (Majespecter)
- Reinaldo Lainez Diaz (Performapal Pendulum)
- Alexander Buell (Kozmo)
- Joseph Bogli (Kozmo with Fire Kings)
- Alex Ng (Kozmo with Fire Kings)
- Tyree Tinsley (Xyz Monarch)
- Peter Cheng (Kozmo)
- Angel Serrano (Monarch)
- Sean McCabe (Kozmo)
- Malik Dancy (Kozmo)
- Steven Gleason (Performapal Pendulum)
- William Rodriguez (Kozmo)
- James Kim (Xyz Monarch)
- Jason Zimmerman (Performapal Pendulum)
- Jordan Sanchez (Kozmo)
- Sean Martinov (Kozmo)
- George North (Burning Abyss with Phantom Knights)
- John Nguyen (Performapal Pendulum)
- Roland Fang (Xyz Monarch)
- Charles Kip (Performapal Pendulum)
- Omar Daoudi (Xyz Monarch)
- Edgar Rodriguez (Performapal Pendulum)
- Samuel Chung (Kozmo)
- Dave Hayes (Majespecter)
There are 13 Kozmo Decks, 6 Monarch Decks, 6 Performapal Pendulum Decks, 3 Burning Abyss Decks, 2 Majespecter Decks, 1 Magician Pendulum Deck, and 1 Qliphort Deck in the Top 32. Which Deck will take the tournament? Follow the coverage to find out!