Dragon Duel Finals: Daniel Isai Coronel Contreras Versus Ronaldo Isai Sierra Cabello
Seven Rounds of competition this weekend had come to this – two talented youth Duelists, about to throw down for the title of 2016 Dragon Duel Champion of Central America! The winner here would go on to represent Central America at the 2016 Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Dragon Duel World Championship in Orlando Florida in August. Daniel Isai Coronel Contreras is playing Kozmos, while Ronaldo Isai Sierra Cabello is running Domain Monarchs.
Cabello chose to go first. He opened by activating Tenacity of the Monarchs, revealing Ehther the Heavenly Monarch to search his Deck for The Prime Monarch. He activated Pantheism of the Monarchs to discard Prime Monarch and draw two cards, then banished Pantheism to present his opponent with three copies of The Monarchs Stormforth, adding one to his hand. He Special Summoned Super Quantum Red Layer, Summoned Eidos the Underworld Squire, then Tributed for Ehther the Heavenly Monarch. He yarded Return of the Monarchs and Pantheism of the Monarchs from his Deck to Special Summon another Ehther, banished Tenacity to Special Summon his Prime Monarch as a monster, and then Set a card to his back row. He bumped Ehther back to his hand in the End Phase.
Contreras had a hand of Kozmoll Dark Lady; Emergency Teleport; Kozmo Sliprider; Dark Hole; Storming Mirror Force; and Kozmo Forerunner. He activated Dark Hole to destroy Ehther and The Prime Monarch, then Set Storming Mirror Force and ended. Cabello revived his Prime Monarch in the End Phase, banishing Return, and Contreras activated Emergency Teleport to Special Summon Kozmo Tincan. Cabello responded with The Monarchs Stormforth, Contreras used Tincan’s effect to choose Kozmo Dark Destroyer, Kozmo Dark Eclipser, and Kozmotown, and randomly got Dark Destroyer. He banished Tincan to Special Summon Kozmoll Dark Lady, protecting himself from the incoming Ehther off that Stormforth, and his turn was ended.
Cabello Summoned Edea the Heavenly Squire, activated its effect, and Contreras stopped it with Kozmoll Dark Lady’s ability. Cabello got back Tenacity with Edea’s effect, revealed to search The Monarchs Stormforth, and banished Pantheism to reveal three Domain of the True Monarchs, adding one to his hand. He activated it, Set a card to his Spell and Trap Card Zone, and ended.
Contreras drew Kozmojo and Set it. Cabello flipped The Monarchs Stormforth, then activated the effect of his Ehther – Contreras negated it with Kozmoll Dark Lady, destroying Ehther. Contreras passed.
Play was back to Cabello, who banished Eidos the Underworld Squire for its effect… and Contreras negated it with Dark Lady, dropping to 4500 Life Points. Cabello Normal Summoned Edea the Heavenly Squire to get another Eidos, and Contreras let that one through. Cabello Tributed Edea for Kuraz the Light Monarch, getting back his Return of the Monarchs and not activating Kuraz’s effect. He passed his turn.
Contreras drew Kozmotown and activated it, using its effect to get back his banished Kozmo Tincan. With a hand of Dark Destroyer, Sliprider, Forerunner and Tincan, Contreras shuffled away Sliprider and Forerunner to draw Kozmo Dark Planet and another Dark Destroyer. He Summoned Tincan, banished it to Special Summon Dark Destroyer, and destroyed Eidos with its effect. He sent Dark Destroyer to attack over Kuraz, then flipped Kozmojo to destroy Dark Destroyer and banish The Prime Monarch from Cabello’s field.
Contreras banished Dark Destroyer from the Graveyard to Special Summon Kozmo Farmgirl, and now facing an empty field, Contreras attacked with Dark Lady, then Farmgirl, and used her effect to search his Deck for Kozmo Forerunner. He banished Farmgirl to Special Summon it, attacked to drop Cabello to 900 Life Points, and banished his Kozmoll Dark Lady to Summon Dark Destroyer. That destroyed his Forerunner, he got Sliprider with it from his Deck, and attacked for game.
Ronaldo Isai Sierra Contreras grinds out the first Duel to take an explosive victory in mid-game, and is now one win away from making the Dragon Duel World Championship! Cabello would get to open Game 2 after Side Decking.
Cabello got the Duel started with One for One, discarding Eidos the Underworld Squire to Special Summon Edea the Heavenly Squire, in turn Summoning another Eidos from his Deck. He Tributed both for Ehther the Heavenly Monarch, yarded Pantheism of the Monarchs and The Prime Monarch, and Special Summoned Erebus the Underworld Monarch. He banished his Pantheism to search his Deck for three copies of The Monarchs Stormforth, took one, and shuffled the other two back. He banished Eidos to revive Edea, activated March of the Monarchs, Set a backrow, and returned Erebus to his hand.
Contreras had Kozmoll Wickedwitch; Kozmo Tincan; two Call of the Haunted; Emergency Teleport; and Mask of Restrict. He Summoned Tincan, Cabello flipped The Monarchs Stormforth, and he Tributed Tincan and Edea for Ehther. He targeted his Pantheism with Edea, sent Return of the Monarchs and Pantheism to his Graveyard, Special Summoned his third Ehther with the second Ehther’s Special Summon effect and got back his Pantheism.
Contreras continued, Special Summoning another Tincan with Emergency Teleport. He Set three cards to his backrow, then picked Kozmo Sliprider, Kozmo Dark Destroyer, and Kozmo Dark Eclipser with Tincan in the End Phase, getting Sliprider. He banished Tincan for it, destroying his opponent’s March of the Monarchs.
Cabello drew and Contreras flipped Mask of Restrict! Contreras pitched Erebus for Twin Twisters, and targeted his opponent’s Mask and Set Call! Contreras Chained the Call to revive Kozmo Dark Eclipser, then used its effect to search his Deck for Kozmo Dark Destroyer when Dark Eclipser hit the Graveyard. Cabello banished his Pantheism to reveal two copies of Stormforth plus a Tenacity, Contreras gave him the Tenacity, and he activated it to get the Stormforth he wanted. He banished Tenacity to Special Summon his Prime Monarch, then got back his Erebus by pitching Pantheism of the Monarchs.
Cabello activated The Monarchs Stormforth, Tributed his opponent’s Sliprider and his own Prime Monarch for Erebus, in response to the Monarch’s effect, Contreras flipped Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Kozmo Dark Destroyer. Contreras sent Domain of the True Monarchs and Pantheism of the Monarchs to the Graveyard from his Deck to shuffle away the Dark Destroyer. From there a series of direct attacks ended the game, and pushed this Match to a third and final Duel!
Contreras opened the last Duel with Emergency Teleport; Kozmo Sliprider; Kozmo Forerunner; Kozmo Dark Planet; and Kozmoll Wickedwitch. He banished Wickedwitch and Forerunner to Special Summon Dark Planet, going all-in and banking on its control effect! Contreras Teleported for Kozmo Tincan in the End Phase, used its effect to present Kozmo Dark Destroyer, Kozmoll Dark Lady, and Kozmo Dark Eclipser from his Deck, and randomly got Dark Destroyer.
From there he banished Tincan to Special Summon Kozmo Dark Destroyer, destroyed it with its own effect, and Special Summoned another Tincan. That revealed Kozmo Landwalker, Kozmo Dark Destroyer, and Kozmo Sliprider, landing him with another Dark Destroyer.
Play was to Cabello, who Normal Summoned Edea the Heavenly Squire to Special Summon Eidos the Underworld Squire. Contreras responded, banishing Tincan to Special Summon Kozmo Dark Destroyer and pop Edea. As long as Kozmo Dark Planet was on the field Contreras couldn’t use his spell cards. He Set one card to his backrow.
Contreras drew a timely Mystical Space Typhoon and activated it to destroy Cabello’ face-down Return of the Monarchs. He ended his turn after doing so.
Cabello Normal Summoned another Eidos, used its effect with The Prime Monarch and Pantheism of the Monarchs, and sent Kozmo Dark Planet back to Cabello’s Deck! Suddenly the gates were open. Cabello banished Pantheism to get three Domain of the True Monarchs, adding one to his hand. He activated it, then attacked over Kozmo Dark Destroyer with Erebus thanks to Domain’s ATK boost. Contreras banished it to Special Summon Kozmo Strawman, and Cabello banished his Eidos to revive Edea. He Set one card to his backrow.
Contreras scored another Mystical Space Typhoon. He activated it to destroy Cabello’s one backrow, Twin Twisters, and paid himself down to Special Summon his banished Kozmo Forerunner with Strawman’s effect.
Contreras attacked Erebus with Forerunner to trade off, then banished it to Special Summon Kozmo Sliprider, destroying Cabello’s Domain of the True Monarchs. He attacked with Sliprider to destroy Edea, and the Edea got Cabello back his Pantheism. Contreras banished Strawman to Special Summon another Sliprider, attacked, and Cabello blocked with The Prime Monarch. Contreras overlaid both Slipriders for Cyber Dragon Nova, then overlaid for Cyber Dragon Infinity.
Cabello drew for his turn and time was called. Three turns would be played after this one. The Duel stood at 5900 Life Points to 8000 with Cabello leading. He got back his Erebus at the cost of his Pantheism, then banished it to present three copies of Tenacity, one of which he added to his hand. He activated Domain, reduced the Level of his Erebus from his hand, banished his Eidos to revive Edea, then Tributed it for Erebus. He didn’t activate its effect, but Contreras negated the ability of the Edea in the Graveyard. Cabello ran it over, leaving Contreras in topdeck mode. He Set one card to his backrow.
Turn 1 in time. Contreras drew Allure of Darkness, and got Kozmotown and Kozmo Soartroopers. He banished Soartroopers, activated Kozmotown, and searched his removed zone and Graveyard for some kind of out. He went through his Extra Deck, then took back his Strawman and Summoned it. He activated its effect to Special Summon Kozmo Forerunner and Cabello activated Maxx “C” to draw a card. Contreras attacked Erebus with Forerunner destroying both, banished Forerunner to Special Summon Kozmo Tincan, then presented Kozmo Dark Destroyer, Kozmo Farmgirl, and Kozmo Goodwitch from his Deck. He got Farmgirl and ended.
Turn 2 in time, Cabello’s last turn. He used Domain to reduce the Level of another in-hand Erebus, Tributed The Prime Monarch to Summon it, activated its effect, and Contreras Chained the effect of Kozmo Strawman to Special Summon Farmgirl. When Erebus’ effect resolved Cabello shuffled the Farmgirl away, then attacked to destroy Tincan. He Special Summoned The Prime Monarch and ended.
Turn 3 in time, the last turn of the Match. Contreras drew Mask of Restrict and got back his Kozmo Strawman with Kozmotown, dropping to 3400 Life Points. Cabello still had all 8000 of his LP. Contreras Summoned Strawman, Cabello dropped Maxx “C”, and Contreras Special Summoned back his Kozmo Dark Destroyer. He attacked Erebus with Dark Destroyer, destroyed it, and Set Mask of Restrict, ending his turn and conceding the Match.
Ronaldo Isai Sierra Cabello wins the title of Central American Dragon Duel Champion, and will compete at the World Championship in August!