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Home > 2016 South American WCQ, Championships > SA WCQ: The Complete WCQ Metagame Breakdown

SA WCQ: The Complete WCQ Metagame Breakdown

June 18th, 2016

Kozmos and Monarchs were by far the biggest decks in Day 1 at last week’s Central American WCQ, but here at the South American WCQ the field is notably different!  Monarchs and Kozmos are still a huge presence, but one major strategy’s captured far more playershare than it did in Guadalajara.

Check out the complete breakdown of all 293 decks in this afternoon’s competition.

Burning Abyss/Phantom Knights (Burning Knights): 63

Mixed Pendulums: 53

Domain Monarchs: 47

Extra Deck Monarchs: 44

Kozmos: 44

Qliphort: 8

Mermails: 8

PSY-Frames: 4

Heroes: 4

Infernoids: 4

Anti-Meta: 3       

‘Tellarknights: 3       

Evilswarm: 2

Cyber Dragon: 1

D/D/D’s: 1

Deskbots: 1

Fluffals: 1

Harpies: 1

Yang Zings: 1      

Yes, Burning Abyss and Phantom Knight variants are a massive slice of the metagame in this World Championship Qualifier, occupying roughly twice the number of Deck boxes than they did last week.  If Duelists this weekend de-prioritized that match-up in their Side Deck plans, trying to better prepare for Kozmos, Monarchs, and mixed Pendulum Decks, we might see some big upsets by the time the Top Cut arrives tomorrow.

We’ve seen some big showings lately from Decks like ‘Tellarknights, Infernoids, and PSY-Frames, so it’s good to see those sleeper Decks getting some representation in today’s tournament.  The two big mysteries of the metagame are the popularity of Mermails – a Deck that’s done next to nothing for the better part of half a year, if not longer – and the complete lack of Yosenjus.

The Card of Demise Yosenju Deck put several players into the Top Cut at the Central American WCQ, as the Deck offers a fast, explosive answer to the format’s biggest strategies.  To see literally no one playing it here is a bit odd.  But meanwhile, Card of Demise seems to be seeing more play in Kozmos, as the Demise Kozmo variant continues its ascent toward a place alongside regular and Fire King variants.

Right now it’s impossible to tell how many Kozmo Decks are which version, and we can’t tell how many Extra Deck Monarch players are running Ultimaya Tzolkin.  But we’ll be going more granular with our data in the coming rounds, so stay tuned for that as we continue to chisel away and better define the metagame here this weekend!