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Home > Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2016 > 2016 World Championships: Battle for the Bronze!

2016 World Championships: Battle for the Bronze!

August 21st, 2016

Duelists are gearing up for the Finals of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME World Championship and Dragon Duel World Championship. But before those top-finishing Duelists will take the main stage and battle it out for the ultimate title, the Duelists who were defeated in the Top 4 will be Dueling for the honor of third place.


In the main World Championship tournament, Soichiro Kajihara from Japan will be Dueling against Matthew Casiero from Australia for third place.


In the Dragon Duels, Wook-Young Hong from Korea will be Dueling against Declan Matthews from Australia for third place.


Before a World Champion and Dragon Duel World Champion can be named, third place must be decided. Soon, all World Championship rankings will be determined.