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Welcome to the 2016 Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship!

August 20th, 2016

The best Duelists have arrived! Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME players from all over the world are here in Orlando, Florida to compete for the title of world’s greatest Duelist! Twenty-two Duelists from around the globe, plus twelve young Dragon Duelists from all over, are gathered this weekend for a chance to Duel for the ultimate title: 2016 Yu-Gi-Oh! World Champion!

Welcome to the World Championship


This weekend’s main event features an exclusive Forbidden & Limited List that unites all nations and brings a new twist to the competition. All competitors will not only test their Dueling skills this weekend, but will be testing their Deck-building skills as well, as they’re forced to adapt to this new, one-time List. Cards that are not available to be used in all participating countries are Forbidden in this weekend’s main tournament, with further Limitations placed on other cards. As a result, Decks revolving around Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Rank 3 Xyz Monsters, Pendulum Monsters, and Monarchs are expected to be the most popular Decks of the weekend.

Although Duelists may only compete in the main tournament if they earned an invitation, there are also lots of other events going on this weekend. Tons of FREE public events are running all weekend, including Regional Qualifiers, ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Tournaments, Dragon Duels, Win-A-Mat Tournaments, and Generation Duels.

In addition, there are lots of carnival games going on, including a Bean Bag Toss, a Basketball Challenge, Bingo, Giant JENGA, a MEGA DUEL, and a Prize Wheel Spin. Spectators can earn cool prizes by participating in each of these.

Dan Green and Eric Stuart, the voice actors that play Yugi and Kaiba in the original Yu-Gi-Oh! animated TV series, are also present this weekend. They will be making tournament-related announcements throughout the weekend, and performing a Live Duel against one another on Sunday! There will also be a Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions voiceover contest held this weekend, giving attendees an opportunity to audition for a speaking role in the upcoming film, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions!

There will be plenty of action going on this weekend, and you can follow it all here on the coverage blog, on the Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Twitch Channel, and on the Official YouTube Channel! Get ready for the excitement, because it’s time to Duel!