Home > 2016/09 – UDS Summer Invitational – Chicago, IL, Ultimate Duelist Series > UDS Invitational Chicago: Here are the pairings for Round 11

UDS Invitational Chicago: Here are the pairings for Round 11

September 18th, 2016

Here are the pairings for Round 11:

Table Player 1 vs. Player 2
1 Alvarado, Alejandro IL vs. Sanford, Chandler Arthur John
2 Furman, Aaron Chase vs. Tellez, Hector Daniel
3 Fredella, Andrew Gerard vs. Diaz de Leon, Jose Uriel
4 Crooks-Valdez, Kamal Derrick El vs. Cairoli, Matthew Alexander
5 Honda, Stephen Anthony vs. Punzalan, Edward Erfe
6 Sanders, Michael Christopher vs. Roca, Corey Ryan
7 Rowe, Thomas Isaiah vs. Taylor, Zachary John
8 Cruz, Jerrod Dion vs. Wagner, Dirk Richard
9 State, Michael John vs. Terhune, Joseph Donald
10 Wilinski, Donald Clayton vs. Miranda, Bernardo IL
11 Reynolds, Maximillian John Edwards vs. White, Michael Aaron
12 Mack, Eric Alexander vs. Mott, Adam Jerome
13 Castillo Gomez, Jonathon Phillip vs. Lombardi, Gianpaolo Luca
14 Silverman, Stephen Joseph vs. Cunningham, Chase Robert
15 Nagel, Jonathon Michael vs. Cisneros, Adam Daniel