YCS Mexico City QQ: What’s Your Favorite Card from Dragons of Legend -Unleashed-?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! Dragons of Legend -Unleashed- was released one month ago, giving Duelists just enough time to test out the cards in the set and evaluate which cards they like best. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to find out which cards from Dragons of Legend -Unleashed- are their favorites. Check out their responses!
“Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon.” -Brandon Ossiel Aguilar Gonzalez
“Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon.” -Daniel Ballesteros Limon
“Doom Virus Dragon.” -Jose Carlos Sanchez
“Cyber Angel Benten.” -Luis Antonio Villalobos Angeles
“Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight.” -Cesar Omar Gutierrez Martinez
“Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight.” -Erick Alejandro Ramos Montero
“Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon.” -Francisco Guzman
“The Eye of Timaeus.” -Joaquin Rinaldi
“Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon.” -Manuel Alejandro Hurtarte
“Ritual Sanctuary.” -Jorge Bernal
“Cyber Angel Benten.” -Julip Cesar Tlacomulco Perez
“Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon.” -Jose Carlos Marzan
“Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon.” -Jose Manuel Lasa
“Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon.” -Bryan Omar DeLeon Espinosa
“Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon.” -Diliplal Antonio Daryani
“Cyber Angel Benten.” -Abraham Ponce Blas
There are lots of fan-favorites in Dragons of Legend -Unleashed-, and we’ve seen some of them make an impact here this weekend. Which Dragons of Legend -Unleashed- favorites will make it to the final rounds? Follow the coverage to find out!