Home > 2016/09 - Mexico City, Mexico, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Mexico City QQ: Which Deck Are You Using This Weekend and Which Cards Will Help You Gain an Edge Over the Competition?

YCS Mexico City QQ: Which Deck Are You Using This Weekend and Which Cards Will Help You Gain an Edge Over the Competition?

September 18th, 2016

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Now that a new Forbidden & Limited List is in effect, Duelists are testing the waters with all sorts of different Decks and card choices. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which Deck – and which specific card choices – they’re using to get ahead of the competition. Check out their responses!

“A Blue-Eyes Deck using Maxx “C” and Effect Veiler.” -Artoro Flores

“A Shiranui Deck using 3 copies of Drowning Mirror Force.” -Brandon Ossiel Aguilar Gonzalez

“A Blue-Eyes Deck using Maxx “C”.” -Carlos Ismael Estala

“A Lunalight Deck using Lunalight White Rabbit and Lunalight Leo Dancer.” -Daniel Ballestero Limon

“A Blue-Eyes Lightsworn Deck using Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon.” -Vianey Montserrat Mundo Rivera

“A Metalfoes Deck using Vanity’s Emptiness.” -Jose Carlos Sanchez

“A Shiranui Deck using Pot of Desires, Necroface, and Shiranui Solitaire.” -Cesar Omar Gutierrez Martinez

“A Yang Zing Metalfoes Deck using Soul Charge and Raigeki.” -Diego Alberto Bareru Adina

“A D/D/D Deck using Vanity’s Fiend.” -Luis Antonio Villalobos Angeles

“A Pendulum-based Deck using Pot of Desires and Performapal Radish Horse.” -Francisco Guzman

“A D/D/D Deck using Dark Contract with the Swamp King.” -Joaquin Rinaldi

“A Blue-Eyes Deck using Skill Drain.” -Manuel Alejandro Hurtarte

“A Phantom Knight Burning Abyss Deck using Book of Eclipse, Allure of Darkness, and Vanity’s Fiend.” -Marcos Gutierrez Sanchez

“A Cyber Angel Deck using Archlord Kristya.” -Jose Manuel Lasa

“A Gravekeepers Deck using Necrovalley.” -Diego Alberto Reza

“A Fluffal Deck using Fluffal Dog and Toy Vendor.” -Jose Alberto Perez Garcia

“A Mermail Deck using Mistaken Arrest.” -Hiram Montecillo

“A Kozmo Deck using Cyber Dragon Infinity, Kozmo Tincan, and Kozmo Dark Planet.” -Alejandro Melendez

There are lots of interesting Deck choices and card choices being used in this weekend’s tournament. Which ones will make it to the final rounds? Follow the coverage to find out!